Pliable and adjustable, the Ji Earth individual is the most tolerant and lenient of the 10 Day Masters. Highly adaptable, Ji Earth Day Masters have no problem coping with different situations and circumstances. This is the bunch that will instinctively make lemonade when life gives them lemons.

Ji Earth personalities are nurturing and accommodating by nature. In many organizations, they are often the one people run to for help when things start to go awry. As leaders, Ji Earth managers will tend to be very protective of their subordinates, always on the lookout for their well being and won’t be the type of leader who throws their team members under the proverbial bus. At the same time, Ji Earth managers require a large dose of autonomy before they can operate at their best.

The Ji Earth’s first instinct is to serve.

For a variety of reasons, the ideal outcome for the Ji Earth Day Master is to form their own business.  First, of course, it is easier to follow your own principles and beliefs when you are the boss. Doing things that run counter to their beliefs is an absolute no-no for the Ji Earth.

Secondly, the Ji Earth individual has the ability to automatically bring people who share their same beliefs and values into their circle of influence. These friends also become their customers. 

Finally, a business that serves a greater good and is aligned with your interests and passions, will be the ultimate motivator for the caring and nurturing Ji Earth.

Ji Earth individuals should also consider leveraging on their resourceful nature into a sound business plan. They always know where to get the right help, at the right price for the right people. The problem is, the Ji Earth does this so naturally that they take it for granted. It’s high time they recognize this resourcefulness as a part of their own self-worth and learn to bank on these resourceful traits to help them get ahead.

While the Wu Earth procrastinates, the Ji Earth’s number one problem is that they often need other people to work on them before they can produce anything. Therefore, Ji Earth Day Masters rarely become independent business owners. They prefer strength in numbers and tend to like partnership and joint ventures where they can feel more secure. If this is what it takes for you to get started, be sure to choose the right partners who will also pull their fair share of the weight.

Photo by Dylan de Jonge on Unsplash

Author: Paulynne Cheng

A Business and Career Consultant-Coach who melds Chinese Metaphysics techniques with modern day Coaching to help you become the best that you can be. A lifelong reader who cannot imagine life without books; a 25-year Communications professional with an expertise in sports communications, sports marketing and broadcasting.

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