A Feng Shui monthly strategy chart can be used in two ways. This is even more nuanced than a Bazi strategy as Bazi tends to be Day Master specific. In Feng Shui, we can either apply the following directly to your Life Gua (a more straightforward way of predictive analysis), or we could apply these sectors to the person who spends the most time in that particular sector. This one’s for August 2023, based on the Month Replace Month Hexagram Chart.  

In this month’s series, I’ve endeavoured to layer the information with the personal 8 mansions to create an even clearer picture of what’s happening.  


Leadership, team building, cooperation, and group action is the theme of the day with the Fellowship hexagram. This hexagram is about building a team that shares a common goal, brand, and culture through leadership and your reputation. It’s about the ability to inspire group action.  

Tian Yi Sector (Life Gua 1)

Our personal Tian Yi sectors govern our ability to attract mentors and generally helpful people into our lives. But the arrival of the Fellowship hexagram is about to upend all that, albeit, only for a month. The message of the Fellowship hexagram? Let’s help ourselves by helping others.  

This concept embraces the interconnectedness of human beings. When we extend a helping hand to those in need, we not only uplift their lives but also experience personal growth and fulfillment. Engaging in acts of kindness and support for others cultivates empathy, compassion, and a deeper understanding of the world around us. By dedicating our time, resources, and skills to help others, we foster a sense of purpose and contribute to creating a more inclusive and harmonious society.  

The act of giving unselfishly not only strengthens our relationships with others but also enhances our own well-being, as it boosts our self-esteem, provides a sense of gratitude, and reminds us of the inherent goodness within humanity. Ultimately, by helping others, we embark on a transformative journey that enriches both our lives and the lives of those we touch, leaving a lasting positive impact on the world.  

Huo Hai Sector (Life Gua 2 and Life Gua 5)  

The true strength of a community lies not in the numbers of same-same people. In fact, the more diverse the group, the stronger the team. Because in diversity comes the opportunity to learn from others through collaborative action.  

Learning from others through teamwork and collaboration is a dynamic process that fuels personal and collective growth. When we come together with individuals from diverse backgrounds and expertise, we open ourselves to a wealth of knowledge, perspectives, and experiences that we may not possess individually.  

Through active participation and exchange of ideas, we gain valuable insights, challenge our own assumptions, and broaden our horizons. Collaboration encourages us to harness the strengths of each team member, fostering creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills. By working together, we develop essential interpersonal skills such as communication, empathy, and compromise, which are crucial not only in achieving common goals but also in building stronger connections and relationships.  

The collective wisdom and collective efforts of a team propel us forward, enabling us to achieve more than we ever could on our own. Ultimately, learning from others through teamwork and collaboration empowers us to reach new heights and create a positive impact in our personal and professional endeavors.  

Fu Wei Sector (Life Gua 3)  

The arrival of the Fellowship hexagram in your Fu Wei sector is a brilliant opportunity to enhance your unique brand of leadership by blending your authentic self with a visionary mindset and a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of others.  

A unique brand of leadership goes beyond traditional models and embraces individual strengths, values, and personal experiences. It involves leading with integrity, empathy, and adaptability, while also inspiring and motivating others to achieve their full potential.  

Such leadership encourages innovation, embraces diversity, and fosters an inclusive and empowering environment where every voice is valued. By cultivating a distinct leadership style, one can inspire trust, build strong relationships, and effectively navigate through challenges and change.  

A unique brand of leadership sets the stage for positive transformation, creating a ripple effect that influences and inspires others to become leaders in their own right. It is through this distinct blend of authenticity, vision, and impact that one can make a lasting mark on the world and leave a legacy that resonates with others.  

Yan Nian Sector (Life Gua 4)  

Sometimes, we get so caught up with our own lives that we may have forgotten about the need to consistently expand our social networks. If you are a Life Gua 4 individual, the arrival of the Fellowship hexagram in your Yan Nian sector is a timely reminder.  

I’m not going to write a long and preachy paragraph for this. Just get out there and create new meaningful connections that will bolster your wellbeing for the coming years.  

Wu Gui Sector (Life Gua 6)  

Cooperating with petty people can be challenging, but with the arrival of the Fellowship hexagram in your personal Wu Gui sector, this may be what you are being challenged with in August.  

In such situations, patience, understanding and a strategic mindset is called for. Firstly, it’s crucial to remain calm and composed when interacting with them. Reacting impulsively or engaging in petty behavior yourself will only escalate the situation. Instead, focus on maintaining a positive and professional demeanor.  

Secondly, try to empathize with their perspective. Understanding their underlying motivations or insecurities can help diffuse tension and find common ground. Be attentive to their concerns and communicate in a respectful and non-confrontational manner.  

Thirdly, set clear boundaries and assert your own values. Refuse to get caught up in their pettiness or engage in gossip or negativity. Instead, demonstrate integrity, fairness, and a commitment to collaboration.  

Lastly, seek support from others if needed. Reach out to trusted colleagues or supervisors who can provide guidance or mediate conflicts. Remember that with the Fellowship hexagram, your ultimate goal is to foster a harmonious and productive working environment, and by rising above petty behavior, you can influence others positively and create a more cooperative atmosphere. And who knows? You may achieve a minor spiritual breakthrough yourself!  

Jue Ming Sector (Life Gua 7)  

A team bonded with a common goal possesses an extraordinary strength that enables them to conquer any trials and tribulations they may encounter. This is the message to the Life Gua 7 individual with the Fellowship hexagram in your Jue Ming sector.  

When individuals align their efforts towards a shared objective, a powerful synergy emerges, fostering resilience, unity, and unwavering determination. In the face of challenges, the team can draw upon each member’s unique skills and perspectives, pooling their collective knowledge and expertise to devise innovative solutions.  

Open communication and a supportive atmosphere allow for effective problem-solving, where everyone’s input is valued and respected. Additionally, the shared goal acts as a driving force, inspiring team members to persevere and go the extra mile, even when faced with obstacles.  

Trust and collaboration deepen within the team, creating a sense of camaraderie and mutual support that propels them forward. As they navigate through trials and tribulations together, the team becomes more adaptable, learning and growing from each experience. Ultimately, their shared commitment and unwavering spirit enable them to surmount challenges and achieve success, emerging stronger and more cohesive than ever before.  

Liu Sha Sector (Life Gua 8 and Life Gua 5)  

Enhancing our abilities to inspire group action involves a combination of effective communication, charismatic leadership, and fostering a shared sense of purpose.  

Firstly, clear and compelling communication is essential. Articulating a compelling vision, outlining objectives, and conveying expectations are crucial in rallying others towards a common goal. Sharing stories, anecdotes, and examples that resonate emotionally can ignite passion and inspire others to take action.  

Secondly, charismatic leadership plays a vital role. Being an authentic and enthusiastic leader who leads by example can motivate and energize the group. Building relationships, showing empathy, and actively listening to the concerns and ideas of team members create a supportive environment that encourages active participation.  

Finally, fostering a shared sense of purpose is key. Connecting the individual roles and contributions to the overarching goal provides a sense of meaning and belonging. Celebrating achievements, recognizing efforts, and fostering a culture of collaboration further strengthens the group’s motivation and commitment.  

By enhancing our abilities to inspire group action, we can mobilize collective efforts, unlock the full potential of individuals, and achieve remarkable results together.  

Sheng Qi Sector (Life Gua 9)  

Be it as a career professional, an entrepreneur, or even in our personal lives, having a team of people behind us can propel us to greater heights and make it easier to achieve our goals. We’re only as good as the team we’ve forged. The arrival of the Fellowship hexagram in the Life Gua 9’s personal Sheng Qi sector is a reminder to build that team or alliance.  

Building a personal team or alliance involves strategically identifying and cultivating relationships with individuals who complement and support our goals and aspirations.  

Firstly, it is important to clarify our own objectives and areas where we require assistance or expertise. This self-awareness helps in identifying the right individuals who possess the skills, knowledge, and resources that can contribute to our success.  

Secondly, reaching out and networking with like-minded individuals who share similar values and ambitions can help establish a foundation for collaboration. Building genuine connections based on trust, mutual respect, and shared interests creates a solid support system.  

Thirdly, nurturing these relationships through effective communication, active engagement, and regular collaboration is essential. Sharing ideas, exchanging feedback, and providing mutual support foster a sense of teamwork and camaraderie.  

Finally, recognizing and appreciating the contributions of our personal team or alliance members is crucial. Celebrating achievements and acknowledging their efforts strengthens the bond and encourages continued collaboration.  

Building a personal team or alliance provides a support structure that amplifies our abilities, expands our opportunities, and enhances our overall success on both personal and professional levels.  


Simply, stand in the middle of your house. Face the door. Use the compass app in your mobile device and turn to look for the relevant sector that you intend to use. Once identified, just do the activity related to the objective.  


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A Feng Shui monthly strategy chart can be used in two ways. This is even more nuanced than a Bazi strategy as Bazi tends to be Day Master specific. In Feng Shui, we can either apply the following directly to your Life Gua (a more straightforward way of predictive analysis), or we could apply this sectors to the person who spends the most time in that particular sector. This one’s for August 2023, based on the Month Replace Month Hexagram Chart.  

In this month’s series, I’ve endeavoured to layer the information with the personal 8 mansions to create an even clearer picture of what’s happening.  


In a world that glorifies leadership qualities, we sometimes forget that there would be no leaders if there are no followers. All of us, at certain points or areas of our lives, will need to take on the role of the follower.  

The Earth hexagram in the Northeast is the hexagram of the follower. It’s about the power of receptivity, the power of stillness. Two Kun guas stacked one on top of the other can represent fertile earth. The soil does not choose what it grows. Whatever seed lands upon it is what it will nurture and produce. Likewise, the soil does not plan how to grow the roots, stems and branches of the plants. It allows the natural flow of the seed to happen, in its own time.  

Yes, it’s a little zen. But the greater message from the Earth hexagram is about trust. Trusting ourselves enough to allow the bigger picture to unfold.  

Wu Gui Sector (Life Gua 1)

Spiritual growth cannot be ‘chased’. When we go in conscious pursuit of spiritual growth, this journey becomes an ego-centric journey. The arrival of the Earth hexagram in the Life Gua 1’s personal Wu Gui sector can be a reminder to cease the intentional ‘chase’ for spiritual growth, and allow the development to happen in its own time.  

Relentlessly chasing something can be exhausting. Case in point: I’ve heard plenty of people sharing about how they feel when they achieve sage mode as they do a Qimen manifestation. Equally, I’ve heard plenty of people feeling FOMO for not being able to achieve sage mode. At this point, a confession is apt. I’ve been manifesting for years, I’ve never once achieved ‘sage mode’ to the point of how it has been described.  

If you’re one of those who find it hard to meditate, try something different. Instead of going for the high level meditation techniques, simply sit back and be still for a short period of time, and observe your thoughts. Don’t try to control them. Just observe any thought that pops into your head. Even if it is ‘what shall I have for dinner tonight’.  

Sheng Qi Sector (Life Gua 2 and Life Gua 5)  

The Earth hexagram in your personal Sheng Qi sector can be a reminder to put some focus on asset and resource management. Specifically, to diversify your asset and resource management.  

Alternatively, the Earth hexagram with its overtones of receptivity and stillness, can be a warning that you may be over-planning. By that, you may be inadvertently stifling your creativity by imposing rigid structures and limitations on the imaginative process. While planning is essential for organizing tasks and setting goals, excessive and detailed planning can suffocate the flow of creative ideas.  

Creativity thrives in an atmosphere of spontaneity, exploration, and flexibility, where unconventional thoughts can emerge and innovative solutions can be found. Over-planning can create a sense of pressure and restrict the freedom to explore uncharted territories, limiting the potential for groundbreaking ideas.  

Embracing a balance between structure and spontaneity allows room for serendipity and unexpected connections to foster the growth of originality and imagination. By leaving space for improvisation and embracing the unknown, creativity can flourish beyond the confines of excessive planning.  

Liu Sha Sector (Life Gua 3)  

Embracing stillness and receptivity can significantly enhance our physical and mental defenses. In a world characterized by constant stimulation and overwhelming demands, finding moments of stillness allows us to recharge and restore our energy.  

The Earth hexagram can also talk about being defensive. About taking the time to stop reacting, and just let things be. Through practices like meditation, mindfulness, or simply taking quiet breaks, we can cultivate a state of calmness that strengthens our resilience against stressors.  

Additionally, being receptive involves tuning into our bodies and minds, paying attention to signals of discomfort or imbalance. This awareness enables us to respond proactively to our physical and mental needs, taking necessary steps to maintain our well-being. By prioritizing stillness and receptiveness, we create a solid foundation for improved self-care, self-awareness, and the overall defense of our physical and mental health.  

Jue Ming Sector (Life Gua 4)  

When we feel ourselves stuck in a rut, it’s very human to want to jump ship. Immediately! A common example is how people quit their jobs without an onward plan in hand. This happens because we just want the feelings of unhappiness about our career stagnation to end.  

Stop! The Earth hexagram is also about understanding. Before you jump the gun, take some time to truly understand the source of your unhappiness. Taking action that does not truly address the cause will inevitably lead to an endless cycle of restarts.  

Tian Yi Sector (Life Gua 6)  

You can only be helped when you are ‘helpable’.  

The notion of being “helpable” suggests that one must be open and receptive to receiving assistance in order to truly benefit from it. Accepting help requires a certain level of humility, vulnerability, and willingness to acknowledge our limitations. When we recognize that we cannot accomplish everything on our own and are open to support, we create an opportunity for growth and progress.

Being helpable involves setting aside pride, letting go of the fear of judgment, and embracing the understanding that seeking help is a sign of strength rather than weakness. By being receptive to the assistance and expertise of others, we open ourselves to new perspectives, insights, and solutions that can lead to positive outcomes.  

Yan Nian Sector (Life Gua 7)  

Compassion serves as a powerful catalyst for fostering stronger relationships and building deeper ties with others. When we approach interactions with genuine care, empathy, and understanding, we create a safe and supportive space for individuals to be themselves. Compassion allows us to see beyond surface-level differences and connect with others on a deeper, more authentic level.  

It enables us to listen attentively, validate emotions, and offer support without judgment. By extending compassion, we create a sense of belonging and trust, nurturing relationships that are built on mutual respect and kindness. Compassion also promotes forgiveness and understanding, helping us navigate conflicts and challenges with grace and empathy.  

Fu Wei Sector (Life Gua 8 and Life Gua 5)  

As the official start of Period 9 approaches, a vague but unnameable feeling of pressure grows inside many of us. Because Period 9’s energy is so future-focused, it’s inevitable that we all feel the same pressure to be future-forward. Constantly thinking about what we want to be next year, or the next five years, or the next 10 years.  

The question from the Earth hexagram is: are we becoming so future-oriented that we have forgotten to be present in the moment?  

Being present in the moment can be a transformative practice that brings profound depth and richness to our lives. It involves consciously immersing ourselves in the current experience, fully engaging our senses and awareness.  

By letting go of past regrets and future worries, we embrace the beauty and significance of the present. Being present allows us to savor the simple pleasures, appreciate the nuances of our surroundings, and connect deeply with others. It fosters a heightened sense of mindfulness and awareness, enabling us to make intentional choices and respond more authentically to the world around us.  

Moreover, being present cultivates a profound sense of gratitude and contentment, as we recognize and cherish the blessings that unfold in each moment. By practicing presence, we unlock the potential for joy, fulfillment, and a profound connection with the intricate tapestry of life.  

Huo Hai Sector (Life Gua 9)  

The arrival of the Earth hexagram in your personal Huo Hai sector is a timely reminder that now is the time to concentrate more on the realities of your situation rather than the potentials. For a short while, you are required to sit back, observe, and respond instead of constantly trying to direct or manipulate the outcome.  

By focusing on the realities, we acknowledge the current circumstances, limitations, and opportunities that exist in our lives. This approach allows us to assess the situation realistically, make informed decisions, and take practical actions that move us forward. It also helps us appreciate and make the most of the resources, strengths, and opportunities that are available to us in the present.

By embracing the realities, we build a solid foundation for growth, progress, and the eventual realization of our aspirations.  


Simply, stand in the middle of your house. Face the door. Use the compass app in your mobile device and turn to look for the relevant sector that you intend to use. Once identified, just do the activity related to the objective.  


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A Feng Shui monthly strategy chart can be used in two ways. This is even more nuanced than a Bazi strategy as Bazi tends to be Day Master specific. In Feng Shui, we can either apply the following directly to your Life Gua (a more straightforward way of predictive analysis), or we could apply this sectors to the person who spends the most time in that particular sector. This one’s for August 2023, based on the Month Replace Month Hexagram Chart.  

In this month’s series, I’ve endeavoured to layer the information with the personal 8 mansions to create an even clearer picture of what’s happening.  


Look at the Sincerity hexagram. Xun on top, Dui at the bottom – the two broken lines meeting in the middle. It looks like two people talking face to face, connecting soul to soul and heart to heart. It’s the wisdom of sincerity.  

The two Yang lines at the top and the bottom of the hexagram is putting up an external show of toughness. But the two Yin lines in the middle reflects inner vulnerabilities. Whenever this hexagram shows up, the word ‘honesty’ will also crop up. Self-honesty, honesty with others, as well as how we relate to one another.  

Fu Wei Sector (Life Gua 1)

Self-honesty is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and development. It entails being truthful and authentic with oneself, acknowledging one’s strengths and weaknesses, and facing reality without pretense or denial.  

By embracing self-honesty, we allow ourselves the chance to gain a clear understanding of who we are and what we truly want. By honestly assessing our values, passions, and aspirations, we can align our actions and decisions with our authentic selves, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. This is true wisdom, not something we embrace from the outside, but wisdom that comes from within.  

Jue Ming Sector (Life Gua 2 and Life Gua 5)  

Letting go of prejudice and embracing a receptive mindset towards the truth of the world is essential for personal growth and fostering a harmonious society. Prejudice, whether it be based on race, religion, gender, or any other factor, blinds us to the richness and diversity of human experiences. By shedding preconceived notions and biases, we open ourselves up to the vast tapestry of perspectives, cultures, and ideas that exist in the world. We also open ourselves to viewing things from different perspectives. This willingness to embrace the truth as it really is enables us to challenge our own assumptions, broaden our understanding, and cultivate empathy towards others.  

When we let go of prejudice, we create space for genuine connections and meaningful interactions. By acknowledging and respecting the unique experiences and identities of others, we foster inclusivity and celebrate the richness of our shared humanity.  

This openness allows us to engage in constructive dialogues, learn from different viewpoints, and collectively work towards solutions that benefit all. Additionally, embracing the truth of the world requires humility and a willingness to accept that our own beliefs and opinions may be flawed or incomplete. It encourages us to seek knowledge, explore different perspectives, and engage in critical thinking. This pursuit of truth not only expands our own understanding but also contributes to the progress of society as a whole. By embracing an open mind and letting go of prejudice, we create a world that values diversity, equality, and the pursuit of truth, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and enlightened society.  

Tian Yi Sector (Life Gua 3)  

For the Life Gua 3 individual, the presence of the Sincerity hexagram in your Tian Yi sector can signal the arrival of a potential mentor or noble person in the coming months.  

Establishing a mentor relationship built on open communication can be immensely beneficial to create a nurturing environment for learning, guidance, and support. Open communication allows mentees to share their goals, aspirations, and challenges, providing mentors with a clear understanding of their needs and areas for development. By openly expressing their concerns and seeking advice, mentees can receive valuable insights, perspectives, and practical strategies from their mentors, who can draw upon their own experiences to offer guidance and encouragement.  

Furthermore, open communication in a mentor relationship fosters trust and mutual respect. When mentees feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, fears, and doubts, they create a safe space for vulnerability. In turn, mentors can provide empathetic listening, understanding, and constructive feedback, creating a supportive atmosphere that encourages mentees to explore their potential.  

Open communication also allows mentees to receive honest and constructive criticism, helping them identify areas for improvement and providing an opportunity for growth. Mentors can offer valuable insights, challenge mentees’ perspectives, and provide guidance on how to overcome obstacles. Through this open exchange, mentees can develop new skills, gain confidence, and make informed decisions, ultimately accelerating their personal and professional development. Overall, open communication within a mentor relationship nurtures trust, facilitates growth, and empowers individuals to reach their full potential.  

Sheng Qi Sector (Life Gua 4)  

For the Life Gua 4 individual, the arrival of the Sincerity hexagram in your personal Sheng Qi sector is an opportunity to use dialogue as a platform to genuinely understand empathize with the needs, desires, and values of your customers. This type of authenticity goes beyond mere marketing.  

By taking the time to listen, observe, and engage with your target audience, you can gain valuable insights into their lives and experiences. This understanding allows you to craft offerings that not only meet their practical needs but also touch their emotions and evoke a meaningful response.  

To create truly authentic products or services, it is crucial to align your brand’s values and purpose with those of your customers. By staying true to your core identity and mission, you can establish a genuine and consistent brand narrative that resonates with your audience on a deeper level.  

Authenticity also involves transparency and honesty in your interactions, ensuring that your customers feel valued, respected, and heard. This means delivering on your promises, admitting mistakes when they occur, and constantly seeking feedback to improve your offerings. By prioritizing the customer experience and genuinely caring about their satisfaction, you can cultivate a loyal customer base who not only appreciates your products or services but also becomes advocates for your brand, spreading the word organically and building a strong community of supporters.  

Liu Sha Sector (Life Gua 6)  

In a world inundated with false messaging and misinformation, honest communications serve as a powerful yet rarely used tool to cut through the noise and establish trust with your audience. By prioritizing transparency, accuracy, and integrity in your communications, you can differentiate yourself from those who rely on deceitful tactics.  

Honest communication involves providing reliable and verifiable information, clearly stating the limitations or uncertainties of your claims, and openly addressing any potential biases or conflicts of interest. By presenting the facts and being upfront about the strengths and weaknesses of your offerings, you build credibility and demonstrate a genuine commitment to your audience’s well-being.  

Huo Hai Sector (Life Gua 7)  

Success, they say, is a lousy teacher. So true! We learn nothing from our successes! The Sincerity hexagram, strong on the outside and vulnerable on the inside, is an opportunity to grow by confronting and defeating our fear of failure. In other words, dare to fail.  

Self-improvement through daring to fail is a transformative journey of personal growth and development. By pushing ourselves outside our comfort zones and embracing the possibility of failure, we open the door to continuous learning and self-discovery.  

Each failure becomes an opportunity for reflection, self-evaluation, and improvement. It allows us to identify areas of weakness, challenge limiting beliefs, and develop new skills or perspectives.  

Through the process of daring to fail, we cultivate resilience, perseverance, and a mindset that sees setbacks as stepping stones towards progress. We learn to view failure not as a defeat but as a valuable teacher that propels us forward on our path to self-improvement. By daring to fail, we foster a growth-oriented mindset, where we become comfortable with discomfort and see mistakes as valuable feedback for growth. It is through this journey of daring to fail that we unleash our potential, discover our true capabilities, and ultimately become the best version of ourselves.  

Wu Gui Sector (Life Gua 8 and Life Gua 5)  

The Sincerity hexagram in the Wu Gui sector of the Life Gua 8 and certain Life Gua 5 individuals is a message that it is okay to drop that façade and allow yourself the luxury of spiritual growth by having the courage to show the real you.  

This can be a transformative process that involves embracing vulnerability, authenticity, and self-acceptance. By allowing yourself to be seen for who you truly are, without masks or pretense, you create space for profound self-discovery and connection with your spiritual essence.  

When you have the courage to show the real you, you invite the universe, higher powers, or your own inner wisdom to guide you on a journey of self-exploration and growth. It is through this openness and vulnerability that you can cultivate a deeper understanding of your purpose, values, and interconnectedness with the world around you.  

By shedding the layers of ego and embracing your authentic self, you align with your spiritual truth, igniting a sense of inner peace, fulfillment, and harmony. Furthermore, by showing the real you, you inspire and give others permission to do the same, fostering an environment of genuine connection and collective spiritual growth.  

Yan Nian Sector (Life Gua 9)  

For the Life Gua 9 individual, the Sincerity hexagram in your Yan Nian sector is an opportunity to transform your relationships through open and honest communication. It’s a reminder to think about how we talk to each other, a reminder about the importance of honesty in relationships.  

When we engage in open and honest conversations with our loved ones, we create a safe space for genuine expression and vulnerability. By actively listening, being transparent, and sharing our thoughts and emotions authentically, we promote a sense of mutual respect and empathy.  

Open communication allows us to address conflicts, misunderstandings, and unresolved issues head-on, rather than letting them fester and damage the relationship. By expressing our needs, desires, and concerns openly, we invite our loved ones to do the same, creating an environment of open dialogue and shared growth. Through honest communication, we build a foundation of trust, as our words and actions align, and we demonstrate our commitment to the well-being of our relationships. It paves the way for deeper emotional intimacy, genuine connection, and the resolution of differences, ultimately strengthening and nourishing our personal relationships.  


Simply, stand in the middle of your house. Face the door. Use the compass app in your mobile device and turn to look for the relevant sector that you intend to use. Once identified, just do the activity related to the objective.  


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A Feng Shui monthly strategy chart can be used in two ways. This is even more nuanced than a Bazi strategy as Bazi tends to be Day Master specific. In Feng Shui, we can either apply the following directly to your Life Gua (a more straightforward way of predictive analysis), or we could apply this sectors to the person who spends the most time in that particular sector. This one’s for August 2023, based on the Month Replace Month Hexagram Chart.  

In this month’s series, I’ve endeavoured to layer the information with the personal 8 mansions to create an even clearer picture of what’s happening.  


Li on top, Zhen at the bottom, the two hexagrams combined looks like a mouth with something stuck in the middle. It verily looks like teeth! Hence the name, Biting! While not a very pleasant hexagram, it’s a reminder to Bite The Bullet. That sometimes, it’s necessary to confront a thorny issue and cut through it.  

With the Biting hexagram, decisive action is called for. It’s confrontation in nature. How it affects us personally would depend on our personal Life Gua  

Liu Sha Sector (Life Gua 1)

Unpleasant as the Biting hexagram can be, for the Life Gua 1 individual, the appearance of this hexagram in your personal Liu Sha sector brings an opportunity to improve your personal branding by championing a social cause that aligns with your values and goals.  

By actively supporting and advocating for a cause, you can position yourself as an authentic and socially responsible leader in your respective field. Engaging with a social cause demonstrates a genuine commitment to making a positive impact beyond personal success, fostering trust and respect from both peers and stakeholders.  

By actively sharing experiences, knowledge, and resources related to the cause, you too can build a strong personal brand that is synonymous with purpose and social consciousness. Through consistent and meaningful involvement, personal branding can be elevated to a higher level, creating a lasting impression that goes beyond individual achievements and resonates with a larger community, ultimately attracting like-minded individuals and opportunities that further enhance one’s personal and professional growth.  

Yan Nian Sector (Life Gua 2 and Life Gua 5)  

As explained, the biting hexagram consists of the Li Gua at the top, and the Zhen Gua at the bottom. Both are aggressive and assertive guas that bring about swift action. With the arrival of this hexagram in your Yan Nian sector, you may be called upon to act swiftly in the face of political intriguing and inter-personal tensions that may be blighting your immediate environment.  

In such a situation, going by the book and allowing yourself to be guided by the principles of fairness and equality would be a better approach to calm the troubled waters. Using fairness and equality as guiding principles to address political situations and workplace tension can foster a more inclusive and harmonious environment.  

In political contexts, treating all individuals and groups with fairness and equality ensures that everyone’s perspectives and interests are acknowledged and considered. By promoting open dialogue and actively seeking diverse opinions, conflicts can be resolved through respectful and equitable means, encouraging collaboration and compromise.  

Similarly, in the workplace, embracing fairness and equality helps to alleviate tension and create a sense of belonging. Treating colleagues and employees with equal respect and providing fair opportunities for growth and development cultivates a positive work culture where individuals feel valued and empowered.  

Emphasizing fairness and equality in political and workplace contexts not only promotes social justice, but also enhances cooperation, productivity, and overall well-being, leading to more cohesive and successful communities and organizations. Beyond that, this can also cement your reputation as an effective leader. After all, the Northwest which is the home of the Qian gua, is the sector of leadership.  

Wu Gui Sector (Life Gua 3)  

The Biting hexagram in a Life Gua 3’s personal Wu Gui sector brings a window of opportunity to confront and defeat one’s inner demons. In doing so, we reclaim our personal power and inner peace.  

These inner demons manifest as negative patterns, self-destructive behaviors, or unresolved emotional wounds that weigh heavily on our psyche. By mustering the strength to face them head-on, we gain the opportunity to unravel their grip on our lives.  

It will require deep introspection, self-compassion, and a willingness to explore the depths of our emotions. Confronting our inner demons demands honesty, as we acknowledge and take responsibility for our past choices and actions. Through therapy, self-reflection, or other healing modalities, we can gradually unearth the root causes of these inner demons, understanding the wounds or traumas that gave rise to them.  

By doing so, we can develop strategies and coping mechanisms to heal and transform these aspects of ourselves. This process of confronting our inner demons is not easy, but it allows us to reclaim our authentic selves, liberating us from self-sabotage and unhealthy patterns. It paves the way for personal growth, self-acceptance, and the cultivation of a more meaningful and fulfilling life.  

Huo Hai Sector (Life Gua 4)  

From inner demons to inner fears, the arrival of the Biting hexagram in the Huo Hai sector of a Life Gua 4 individual may bring about an opportunity to confront (and more importantly, defeat) your inner fears.  

This can be a transformative and courageous journey that opens the door to personal growth and fulfillment. The Biting hexagram requires us to step out of our comfort zones and face the uncomfortable emotions and limiting beliefs that hold us back.  

By acknowledging and embracing our fears, we gain the opportunity to understand their origins and root causes. Through introspection and self-reflection, we can challenge and reframe these fears, replacing them with empowering beliefs and actions.  

Confronting our inner fears allows us to expand our boundaries, discover our true potential, and overcome obstacles that may have hindered our progress. It fosters resilience, builds self-confidence, and cultivates a sense of empowerment as we realize that we have the capacity to overcome even the most daunting challenges.  

By embracing the journey of confronting our inner fears, we embark on a transformative path that leads to personal liberation and a greater sense of authenticity and fulfillment in all aspects of life.  

Fu Wei Sector (Life Gua 6)  

Life Gua 6 individuals are not exactly the most flexible creatures in the universe. Guided by a strong moral compass about right and wrong, about fairness and equality, about social laws and order, flexibility can be a bit of a challenge for you.  

The Life Gua 6 person tends to be a bit of a lone wolf. You prefer to take independent action as opposed to waiting for others. By now, you would have already established a reputation as a swift action taker. Now it’s time to tread that fine line between being flexible and staying true to your principles.  

This will require the ability to navigate changing circumstances and evolving perspectives without compromising the core values that define who we are. With the Biting hexagram, things can change very quickly. Blink, and you may miss it! New developments might just sweep you up, surprising you with its abruptness.  

In this situation, flexibility will allow you to embrace new ideas, listen to diverse viewpoints, and adjust your approach when necessary.  

However, it is equally important to hold steadfast to your principles, as they provide you with a moral compass and a sense of integrity. By maintaining a clear understanding of your values, you can make informed decisions and take actions that align with your authentic self.  

This balance requires introspection and self-awareness, as you continuously evaluate your principles in light of new information and experiences.  

Sheng Qi Sector (Life Gua 7)  

Taking decisive action and implementing corrective measures is vital for addressing challenges and fostering improvement. As events unfold at a breakneck speed with the Biting hexagram, it is essential to act promptly and decisively to mitigate the impact and find solutions.  

By identifying the root causes of the issue, we can develop effective strategies to address them. This may involve implementing changes in processes, systems, or behaviors to prevent future occurrences.  

Taking corrective measures requires a willingness to take responsibility and be accountable for our actions. It may also involve seeking input from relevant stakeholders, learning from past mistakes, and adapting our approach accordingly. Swift and decisive action not only demonstrates leadership and initiative (a very Qian gua area of expertise), but also instills confidence and trust in those affected by the issue. By proactively addressing challenges and implementing corrective measures, we create an environment that encourages continuous improvement, fosters resilience, and paves the way for long-term success.

Tian Yi Sector (Life Gua 8 and Life Gua 5)  

Having the courage to say what needs to be said is a testament to personal authenticity and a catalyst for growth and change. It requires the willingness to step out of our comfort zones and express our thoughts, opinions, and concerns openly and honestly.  

By speaking up, we give voice to important perspectives and contribute to constructive dialogue. This courage is particularly crucial when addressing difficult or sensitive topics that others may avoid. By having the bravery to communicate the truth with tact and empathy, we can foster understanding, build stronger relationships, and promote positive transformation.  

However, it is important to consider the context and timing of our words, ensuring they are delivered with respect and genuine intentions. By embracing the courage to speak up, we empower ourselves and others to face challenges, resolve conflicts, and create meaningful change. Our voices can be catalysts for progress, enabling us to shape a more authentic and inclusive world.  

Jue Ming Sector (Life Gua 9)  

When faced with adversity, the normal human reaction is to either give up and run away, or to face down the difficulties with courage.  

Courage in the face of adversity is a remarkable quality that enables individuals to rise above challenges and embrace resilience. When confronted with difficult circumstances, it takes inner strength and bravery to confront adversity head-on.  

Courage allows us to confront our fears, push past our limits, and navigate through uncertainty. It involves acknowledging the obstacles before us and summoning the determination to persevere. By embracing courage, we cultivate a mindset that sees adversity as an opportunity for growth and transformation. It empowers us to take calculated risks, make difficult decisions, and remain steadfast in the pursuit of our goals.  

Courageous individuals inspire others by their unwavering spirit, showing that challenges can be overcome and setbacks can be turned into stepping stones towards success. They become beacons of hope, encouraging others to find their own reservoirs of courage in the face of adversity.  


Simply, stand in the middle of your house. Face the door. Use the compass app in your mobile device and turn to look for the relevant sector that you intend to use. Once identified, just do the activity related to the objective.  


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A Feng Shui monthly strategy chart can be used in two ways. This is even more nuanced than a Bazi strategy as Bazi tends to be Day Master specific. In Feng Shui, we can either apply the following directly to your Life Gua (a more straightforward way of predictive analysis), or we could apply this sectors to the person who spends the most time in that particular sector. This one’s for August 2023, based on the Month Replace Month Hexagram Chart.  

In this month’s series, I’ve endeavoured to layer the information with the personal 8 mansions to create an even clearer picture of what’s happening.


The Well hexagram, with Water on top and Wind at the bottom, is a call to dig deep and make ourselves valuable by going the extra mile. After all, Water maybe an inexhaustible yet invaluable resource, but you can only reach the water in the well if your rope is long enough.  

Therefore, with this hexagram comes a need to be more disciplined, structured, and systematic in a certain area of our lives. This is one hexagram where being haphazard and going with the flow is not going to work. Which area? It depends on your Life Gua.  

Huo Hai Sector (Life Gua 1)

In the coming Period 9, there seems to be no longer any excuse for lack of information. Instead, the opposite is likely to happen. Too much information! Daily, all of us swim in a world of information, coming at us nonstop, 24/7.  

But what happens is, we all end up learning bits and bobs about a variety of topics. This social-media induced attention span can deepen the chasm between knowing and understanding.  

Overcoming the knowledge gap through systematic learning is a transformative process that empowers individuals to expand their knowledge and bridge the gaps in their understanding. By adopting a methodical approach, we can better navigate the vast sea of information with purpose and intention.  

Engage in active seeking, utilizing all the resources at our disposal such as books, online courses, expert advice, and practical experiences. Through systematic learning, one cultivates critical thinking skills, discernment, and the ability to evaluate sources. This diligent pursuit of knowledge empowers individuals to make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and adapt to new challenges, ultimately unlocking their potential for personal growth and success.  

Tian Yi Sector (Life Gua 2 and Life Gua 5) + Yan Nian Sector (Life Gua 8 and Life Gua 5)  

Where we are at the current juncture of our lives, will determine the type of mentors or helpful people that we attract into our lives. Typically, they would be those who may be a step or two ahead of us in the game. If you feel the need to access a better or higher quality pool of mentors, the message from the Well hexagram is to first improve your personal value. As I mentioned in the intro, you can only access the water in the well if your rope is long enough.

Therefore, the arrival of the Well hexagram in your Tian Yi sector is a reminder to demonstrate a genuine commitment to personal growth and self-improvement. This can be achieved through a combination of acquiring new skills, cultivating a strong work ethic, and displaying a genuine passion for learning. Developing expertise in a particular field or becoming well-versed in a specific area of interest enhances personal value and makes one more appealing to potential mentors.  

Additionally, cultivating strong interpersonal skills, such as active listening, empathy, and effective communication, creates a favorable impression and fosters meaningful connections with mentors. By continuously honing one’s abilities and adding value to your life, you can become magnetic to mentors who recognize your potential and are motivated to invest their time and knowledge in your development.  

Jue Ming Sector (Life Gua 3)  

We all have a life system. Some, more disciplined than others. The Well hexagram brings a reminder about the need to be more disciplined to set the stage for achieving success and realizing our fullest potential.  

A disciplined approach involves establishing structured routines, clear goals, and consistent habits. It requires a conscious effort to prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, and maintain focus. By embracing discipline, we minimize distractions and resist the temptation to procrastinate, ensuring that our energy and efforts are channeled towards meaningful pursuits.  

Discipline empowers us to create positive habits and maintain a sense of direction, enabling us to make progress towards our objectives even in the face of challenges. It instills resilience, as we develop the ability to persevere through setbacks and stay committed to our chosen path.  

Ultimately, a disciplined life system fosters personal growth, productivity, and a sense of accomplishment, propelling us towards a more fulfilling and purposeful existence.  

Liu Sha Sector (Life Gua 4)  

For the Life Gua 4 individuals, the arrival of the Well hexagram in your Liu Sha sector is a timely opportunity to monetize that well of knowledge you keep within you. Even if you are not yet in the position to do so, don’t waste this opportunity to improve your personal branding through knowledge sharing.  

However, as per the Well hexagram, this needs to be approached in a systematized and structured manner.  

Improving one’s personal branding through systematized and structured knowledge sharing is a powerful strategy that enhances credibility, visibility, and professional reputation. By adopting a deliberate approach to sharing knowledge, you can position yourself as an expert and thought leader in your respective field. This entails organizing and packaging your expertise into valuable content, such as articles, blog posts, podcasts, or video tutorials, that is accessible and beneficial to your target audience.  

Systematized knowledge sharing involves consistent and planned efforts to deliver high-quality content through various channels, including social media platforms, professional networks, and industry events. By sharing insights, best practices, and innovative ideas, you can then establish yourself as a trusted authority, attracting opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and career advancement.  

Furthermore, a systematic approach allows for the strategic monitoring and evaluation of the impact of knowledge sharing efforts, enabling you to ultimately refine your personal brand and adapt your strategies based on feedback and engagement metrics. Ultimately, by leveraging systematized and structured knowledge sharing, you will cultivate a powerful personal brand that distinguishes you from others and opens doors to new possibilities and professional growth.  

Sheng Qi Sector (Life Gua 6)  

To be valuable and to be viewed as an endless source of resource, a well needs to be deep. A shallow well is finite, and easily depleted. Since this hexagram is arriving into the Sheng Qi sector of the Life Gua 6 individuals, the message is clearly asking you to dig deep and go the extra mile.  

Enhancing one’s creative powers by going the extra mile is an invigorating journey that unlocks untapped potential and fosters innovative thinking. It involves pushing beyond the boundaries of conventional approaches and embracing a mindset of exploration, curiosity, and continuous improvement.  

Going the extra mile means dedicating extra time, effort, and energy to delve deeper into a creative endeavor, whether it’s brainstorming new ideas, experimenting with different techniques, immersing oneself in extensive research and learning, or creating new strategies and plans.  

By going beyond what is expected or required, individuals expand their creative horizons, challenging themselves to think differently and push the limits of their imagination. This dedication and perseverance often lead to breakthroughs, unique solutions, and novel perspectives that will set you apart and elevate the quality and impact of your creative output. Furthermore, going the extra mile cultivates a sense of pride, satisfaction, and confidence, reinforcing the belief in one’s creative abilities and inspiring others to embrace their own creative potential.  

Fu Wei Sector (Life Gua 7)  

If you are one of those individuals who identify as a free spirit, the message of the Well may jolly well be for you. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a free spirit, living life unencumbered by the constraints that seem to enslave other people.  

But even in a free spirited individual’s life, some form of discipline and establishing effective routines, can help you achieve your goals better.  

By implementing a well-defined system, no matter how free spirited you are, you can still create structure and accountability in your daily life. This involves breaking down larger goals into manageable tasks, setting clear priorities, and creating a step-by-step plan of action. A systematic approach also includes setting specific timelines, creating reminders and deadlines, and utilizing productivity tools and techniques to stay organized and focused. Additionally, incorporating rewards and positive reinforcement within the system can help incentivize discipline and create a sense of accomplishment.  

By implementing a systematic approach, even the most free-spirited individual can gradually build discipline as you adhere to the established routines and habits. Over time, this systematic practice becomes ingrained, transforming discipline into a natural and integral part of your life, ultimately leading to increased productivity, personal growth, and overall success.      

Wu Gui Sector (Life Gua 9)  

The Well hexagram can also be an indication of a conservative mindset that may be a little too short-sighted. Imagine oneself at the bottom of the well. Your view of the sky is limited only to that circle of stone that frames the sky. The deeper you are in the well, the smaller that circle of light becomes.  

Since this hexagram is coming into your spiritual sector, it’s a timely reminder to look into your own spiritual growth. Is it too constrained? Are your current practices shrinking your spirit? Ask yourself, is there a need to look beyond that tiny circle of light to discover a world of endless possibilities beyond?  

While structure and discipline can provide a foundation for growth, an overly rigid approach may stifle the natural flow of spiritual exploration and personal connection. It is essential to create space for spontaneity, intuition, and self-expression within the practice.  

Allowing room for flexibility and openness enables us to adapt our spiritual journey to our unique needs, experiences, and beliefs. By embracing a more expansive mindset, the Well hexagram is encouraging us to explore various modalities, traditions, and perspectives, drawing inspiration from diverse sources.  

This broader approach encourages personal growth, deepens understanding, and promotes a holistic integration of spiritual principles into everyday life. Balancing structure with fluidity enables individuals to experience the richness and dynamism of their spirituality, fostering a sense of connection, authenticity, and profound self-discovery.  


Simply, stand in the middle of your house. Face the door. Use the compass app in your mobile device and turn to look for the relevant sector that you intend to use. Once identified, just do the activity related to the objective.  


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A Feng Shui monthly strategy chart can be used in two ways. This is even more nuanced than a Bazi strategy as Bazi tends to be Day Master specific. In Feng Shui, we can either apply the following directly to your Life Gua (a more straightforward way of predictive analysis), or we could apply this sectors to the person who spends the most time in that particular sector. This one’s for August 2023, based on the Month Replace Month Hexagram Chart.  

In this month’s series, I’ve endeavoured to layer the information with the personal 8 mansions to create an even clearer picture of what’s happening.  


The arrival of the Mountain hexagram in the SouthWest indicates that a large obstruction is blocking certain energies. It’s not yet stagnated. But progress is almost stalled until we climb this Mountain.  

But with the Mountain hexagram comes an opportunity to just stay still for a spell. To rest, think, and most importantly, observe.  

The impact of this hexagram will differ, depending on which sector the Southwest represents for each of the individual life gua. However, expect to see the theme of self-cultivation carried throughout the 9 Life Guas, because at the end of the day, the Mountain hexagram calls for self-cultivation.  

Jue Ming Sector (Life Gua 1)

Obstruction to the ability to respond to trials and tribulations can occur when we find ourselves overwhelmed, paralyzed, or unable to effectively cope with challenging situations.  

These obstructions can include fear, lack of resilience, limited problem-solving skills, or negative thought patterns. They hinder our capacity to adapt and grow in the face of adversity.  

Overcoming this obstruction requires a combination of self-reflection, emotional intelligence, and proactive strategies. It involves developing resilience through mindset shifts, cultivating positive coping mechanisms, seeking support from others, and acquiring effective problem-solving skills. By embracing a growth mindset, practicing self-care, and viewing challenges as opportunities for personal growth, we can break through the obstructions and develop a more resilient and proactive approach to facing trials and tribulations, empowering us to navigate life’s difficulties with greater strength and resilience.  

Fu Wei Sector (Life Gua 2 and Life Gua 5)  

If the Southwest represents your Fu Wei or identity sector, your own self-identity may be the cause of the obstruction. Who we are, who we identify with, plays a big role in our actions.  

Stagnation caused by self-identity occurs when we rigidly define ourselves based on past experiences, beliefs, or societal expectations, limiting our personal growth and potential. Our self-identity can become a stagnant pool, inhibiting us from exploring new perspectives and adapting to change.  

True growth and fulfillment arise when we challenge our self-imposed limitations, embrace our evolving nature, and allow ourselves the freedom to redefine who we are. By cultivating self-awareness, engaging in introspection, and seeking new experiences, we can break free from the shackles of stagnation, embrace our dynamic selves, and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal evolution.  

Huo Hai Sector (Life Gua 3)  

An obstruction to appetite for risk can emerge when we insist on certainty and security in every aspect of our lives.  

This obstruction arises from a fear of the unknown, a desire to avoid failure or discomfort, or a need for control. It limits our willingness to take calculated risks, explore new opportunities, and embrace uncertainty.  

Overcoming this obstruction requires a shift in mindset and a re-evaluation of our relationship with risk. It involves recognizing that uncertainty is a natural part of life and that taking risks can lead to growth, learning, and exciting possibilities.  

By reframing our perception of risk, setting realistic expectations, and gradually stepping outside our comfort zones, we can expand our appetite for risk and open ourselves to new experiences, innovation, and personal development. Embracing uncertainty can ultimately lead to greater fulfillment, resilience, and the discovery of unexplored potentials.  

Wu Gui Sector (Life Gua 4)  

An obstruction to spiritual growth and intuition can manifest when we are disconnected from our inner selves, immersed in the noise and distractions of the external world, or trapped in limiting belief systems. This obstruction hampers our ability to tap into our innate wisdom, intuition, and higher consciousness.  

Overcoming this obstruction requires a conscious commitment to self-reflection, inner exploration, and mindfulness practices. It involves creating space for solitude, silence, and introspection, allowing us to quiet the mind and cultivate a deeper connection with our spiritual essence.  

By embracing practices such as meditation, prayer, journaling, or connecting with nature, we can remove the obstructions and nurture our spiritual growth. This process involves questioning and expanding our belief systems, seeking guidance from spiritual teachers or mentors, and being open to the mysteries of the universe. As we cultivate a deeper connection with our inner selves and tap into our intuition, we unlock profound spiritual insights, wisdom, and a sense of purpose that can guide us on our path of spiritual growth.  

Yan Nian Sector (Life Gua 6)  

Something may be obstructing your ability or efforts to communicate effectively and openly with individuals or within a group. These obstructions can take various forms, such as misunderstandings, conflicting interests, emotional barriers, or even intentional actions to suppress or restrict communication.  

Overcoming this obstruction requires a commitment to fostering a culture of open and respectful communication. It involves actively listening to others, seeking common ground, practicing empathy, and promoting transparency.  

By addressing underlying issues, encouraging honest and constructive dialogue, and finding mutually beneficial solutions, we can remove the blocks that hinder effective communication. Building trust, creating safe spaces for expression, and valuing diverse perspectives are crucial in overcoming obstructions and cultivating healthy and productive communication channels. Ultimately, by breaking down barriers and promoting open dialogue, we can enhance understanding, collaboration, and mutual growth.  

Tian Yi Sector (Life Gua 7)  

The arrival of the Mountain hexagram is a reminder about the importance of regular periods for rest and rejuvenation to improve our physical wellness and energy levels. Since the Southwest is the Life Gua 7’s personal Tian Yi sector, this message resonates most with you.  

In a fast-paced world filled with constant demands, carving out time for stillness allows our bodies and minds to heal. During this period, we can engage in activities that promote relaxation, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or gentle stretching. Resting also involves prioritizing quality sleep, as it is essential for overall health and vitality.  

By giving ourselves permission to pause and recharge, we can reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and replenish our energy reserves. This period of stillness and rest allows our bodies to heal, rebuild, and restore balance, ultimately leading to improved physical wellness and increased energy levels to tackle the challenges of daily life with renewed vigor.  

Sheng Qi Sector (Life Gua 8 and Life Gua 5)  

You may find yourself experiencing some form of creative blocks in August 2023. This may manifest as simply as a writer’s block, or it could show up in the form of resistance to the need for new strategies and tactics.  

Overcoming creative block can be achieved by learning to look from a different perspective. With a Mountain standing in our way, we need to unlock new ideas by shifting our viewpoint and perspective.  

This can be accomplished by exploring alternative interpretations, questioning assumptions, seeking inspiration from different fields, or seeking feedback from others. Opening ourselves to diverse viewpoints encourages innovative thinking, breaks through creative barriers, and fosters new avenues of creativity. By cultivating a mindset of curiosity and embracing the unknown, we can overcome creative block and tap into our creative potential.  

Liu Sha Sector (Life Gua 9)  

For the Life Gua 9, managing and regulating your emotions may present as a bit of a challenge in August 2023. These blockages can be caused by various factors such as unresolved trauma, overwhelming stress, unhealthy coping mechanisms, or a lack of emotional awareness.  

Overcoming this blockage requires a combination of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and intentional practices. It involves identifying and acknowledging our emotions, understanding their underlying causes, and developing healthy coping strategies.  

Techniques such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, journaling, or seeking support from a therapist can help navigate and process challenging emotions. By actively working on emotional self-regulation, practicing self-compassion, and cultivating emotional resilience, we can gradually remove the blockages and gain greater control over our emotional well-being, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.  


Simply, stand in the middle of your house. Face the door. Use the compass app in your mobile device and turn to look for the relevant sector that you intend to use. Once identified, just do the activity related to the objective.  


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Our living room is the one place in the house that is literally on ‘display’. It captures the essence of who you are, and what you want the world to see of you. In Feng Shui, the condition of the living room governs the harmony within the family relationships.   Allow me to explain.

This is the central gathering space of the house, where the Qi or energy of the house converges. The living room is where everyone gathers, converses, relaxes, spends time together, and forms bonds that connect.   From this logic alone, it is reasonable to assume that an open, well-ventilated, and inviting living room space that literally invites use, is preferable to a crowded and cramped living area.  

Here are some common knowledge about living rooms in Feng Shui and the logic behind them.  

Living Room Logic #1: Exposed beams above the living room are bad for Feng Shui.  

Yes, but… as you have probably guessed, exposed beams are a big ‘no-no’ in Feng shui. Granted, exposed beams or ceiling joists can have their own unique charm and architectural appeal. But atits core, Feng Shui is about ensuring a smooth flow of energy or Qi in the home. Exposed beams disrupt the flow of energy, potentially affecting health. This is the reason for Feng Shui’s aversion to exposed beams.  

However, the primary concern is not the furniture. It’s fine to have a sofa under a beam… as long as the beam is not directly above the person sitting on the sofa. If you find that the placement of your sofa places you directly beneath an exposed beam, simply rearrange the sofa by a few inches.  

Living Room Logic #2: Cracks, holes, and peeling paint in the living room cause skin diseases and psychological problems.  

Untrue, but… the condition of your living room wall does not per se cause skin diseases and psychological problems. However, much like the logic behind the decaying doors (in the previous column), cracks, holes, and peeling paint in the living room reflect stagnant Qi or energy. They are not the problem itself.   So, an unsightly wall in your living room is literally a message from the house to you. It’s time to do something about the stagnant Qi. At the very least, consider opening the windows to ventilate the home.  

Living Room Logic #3: The presence of decorative knives, swords, and other aggressive objects has no Feng Shui impact.  

Untrue. Knives, swords, and other aggressive objects that can cause bodily harm are closely associated with conflict and aggression. In Feng Shui, their presence is generally not recommended for the living room. After all, the living room governs harmony in the house. Aggressive objects associated with conflicts contradict the basic function of the living room.   If displaying decorative knives and swords at home is your thing, it is best to place it in a more private area that is not so closely related to the harmony of the home.  

Living Room Logic #4: An abundance of figurines and toys has no Feng Shui influence. After all, they are merely decorative items.  

The living room reflects our external persona. For most people, it is a showcase for what we want the world to see of us. And some of us like to collect figurines, toys, and stuffed animals galore.  

One or two toys alone certainly will not have any effect on Feng Shui. But if your living room is flooded with these tiny figurines, they can literally represent the presence of petty people and competition in your life.  

In this case, however, the solution of remedy is extremely simple. Designate a room in your house as a showroom for your collect. Here, you can spend many pleasant hours with your hobby.  


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Photo by Collov Home Design on Unsplash


In this post, let’s head outside to explore the significance of the courtyard or the garden in Feng Shui.   In most houses, courtyards are rare. This refers to an external unroofed area within the house that is enclosed by surrounding walls. Typically, courtyards are only found in large mansions.  

Gardens, on the other hand, are more common, easily found in most landed homes. In Feng Shui, the courtyard or the garden acts as an enhancer to pull the Qi into your home. In the case of landed homes or linked houses, the garden can literally be a part of your Bright Hall. Therefore, the garden or courtyard does play a role within the Feng Shui of your home.  

Plants are considered Wood element activators, and are generally used either as enhancers or a natural screen against negative formations from the outside coming in.  

Garden Logic #1: A garden full of flowers indicate Peach Blossom problems  

Partially true. Allow me to explain. Flowers boost likability and is commonly used to enhance Peach Blossom luck. It is sometimes seen as a negative because problems related to the Peach Blossom typically manifest as the presence of third parties that could potentially disrupt the relationship in the home. Most Feng Shui practitioners will recommend a simple remedy by swapping the flower-bearing plants with just leafy plants.  

This perspective stems from the assumption that we have zero willpower of our own. In today’s attention economy, likability plays a big factor in our success. If you are at all worried about Peach Blossom problems in your relationship, then by all means, don’t place flowering plants. On the other hand, if your business or career literally requires public support, a flowering garden in the right sector of your home can certainly help enhance your likability.  

Garden Logic #2: Blockages in the drainage can cause health issues  

True. The function of the drains is to carry dirty water out of our homes. Any blockages will inevitably result in stagnant Qi. It is best to ensure that our drains are constantly clear of rubbish and allow for the smooth exit of dirty water from your home.  

Garden Logic #3: Open drains are a problem in Feng Shui  

Partially true, but not for the reason you think it is. This is pure common sense. Uncovered drains pose a physical danger, which is why it is recommended to cover the drains outside your house.  

Garden Logic #4: Man-made mountains, waterfall and bridges will help enhance my luck  

Partially true. However, this can only be done if your home and Bright Hall is big enough. I’m talking mansions here, people! And it must be built correctly right down to the exact degree. If you want to do this, please engage the services of a professional Feng Shui practitioner. Otherwise, please, just don’t do it.

Garden Logic #5: Having a water feature in my garden will help enhance my luck  

Yes, but… water features can only be installed if your garden is located in either the North, East, South East or South West sector of your home. Even then, the preference is for a pond is preferred to a fountain. The function of the water feature is to help collect the Qi. Fountains will create more disruptions and instability.  


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The dynamic art of Qimendunjia is excellent for short-term tactics and strategies. While monthly Bazi strategies are great for activities aimed at the strongest energy of the month, Qimen brings a psychological layer into the picture. In short, my chart; my perspective. Read on for the July 2023 Qimen Strategies in the South palace.


  1. Plot your personal Qimen Destiny Chart here:
  2. Take particular note of the labels inside your own chart and determine the sectors/palaces for each of your key palaces. For example: your Destiny Palace may be in the East palace. You will see a red box inside the East.
  3. I would highly recommend that you keep your focus strictly on just a few key palaces – the Destiny Palace, the Career Palace, the Wealth Palace, and perhaps the Relationship Palace.
  4. The following description is the likely opportunities or challenges that you may experience in those sectors of your life in July 2023.


July 2023 Qimen

If the South governs one of your key Qimen palaces, be mindful of the threat that instant gratification can pose to our resources and goals. In today’s fast-paced and instant gratification-oriented society, it’s easy to fall into the trap of overextending our current resources in pursuit of immediate satisfaction. Whether it’s our time, finances, or energy, the allure of instant gratification can lead us to make choices that strain our resources and have long-term consequences.

A good example of this would be the slew of new AI technology flooding the market every single day. Irresistible to the entrepreneur with their promises of better and faster ways of getting things done. But as we test and discard each new tool that appears on the horizon, the question to ask ourselves could be: do we even have the expertise to make these platforms work for us? Or should we be learning more about these tools before committing time and resource?

The Temptation of Immediate Pleasure: The Dragon Enters Prison formation can possibly represent the trap of instant gratification. It can manifest in various ways, such as impulsive spending, excessive commitments, or prioritizing short-term enjoyment over long-term goals. The allure of instant pleasure can blind us to the potential consequences of overextending our resources.

Exhaustion and Burnout: At the same time, overextending our time and energy in pursuit of immediate gratification can leave us physically and emotionally drained. Constantly saying yes to every request, taking on excessive responsibilities, or engaging in nonstop activities can lead to exhaustion, burnout, and a lack of fulfillment in the long run. The end result? Big beginnings that fizzle out like spent fireworks because you have simply run out of energy to sustain the momentum.

Strain on Finances: The arrival of the Delusion door together with the 9 Earth is asking us to take a good look at our current financial resources. Overextending our financial resources for instant gratification can lead to mounting debt, financial stress, and limited opportunities for future growth. Impulsive purchases, indulging in luxuries beyond our means, consistently living beyond our budget, or a wilful blindness to the actual state of our finances can create a cycle of financial instability and hinder our ability to build a secure future.

The July formations in the South is a timely reminder. The message from the Assistant star is super clear – find out more before you commit!


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July 2023 Qimen Chart courtesy of:


The dynamic art of Qimendunjia is excellent for short-term tactics and strategies. While monthly Bazi strategies are great for activities aimed at the strongest energy of the month, Qimen brings a psychological layer into the picture. In short, my chart; my perspective. Read on for the July 2023 Qimen Strategies in the Southeast palace.


  1. Plot your personal Qimen Destiny Chart here:
  2. Take particular note of the labels inside your own chart and determine the sectors/palaces for each of your key palaces. For example: your Destiny Palace may be in the East palace. You will see a red box inside the East.
  3. I would highly recommend that you keep your focus strictly on just a few key palaces – the Destiny Palace, the Career Palace, the Wealth Palace, and perhaps the Relationship Palace.
  4. The following description is the likely opportunities or challenges that you may experience in those sectors of your life in July 2023.


July 2023 Qimen

In our pursuit of success and personal growth, it’s crucial to periodically realign our goals and reassess how we view and utilize resources for the future. Sometimes, it’s not about how much effort we pour into our dreams. Sometimes, progress gets stunted due to a lack of support. At times like these, continuing forward without mindful consideration may not be the best idea. At best, we may waste even more time. At worst, we may even risk depleting our future resources.  

As circumstances change and new opportunities emerge, it becomes essential to adapt our mindset and strategies to ensure continued progress.

Reevaluating Goals: When the Destruction star and the Harm door comes together, it forms the Thunder hexagram, which can represent a need to reevaluate our goals. This involves critically evaluating our current objectives and determining if they still align with our values, aspirations, and evolving circumstances. It requires introspection and a willingness to let go of outdated or no longer relevant goals. By realigning our goals, we can ensure that our efforts are directed toward meaningful and purposeful pursuits.

Embracing Flexibility: In a dynamic world, rigidly clinging to a single path can hinder progress. Embracing flexibility allows us to adapt to changing circumstances and seize new opportunities. It means being open to adjusting our goals and strategies as needed, fostering a mindset that welcomes innovation, exploration, and growth.

Resource Optimization: Rebooting how we view resources involves reevaluating how we allocate and leverage our time, energy, skills, and connections. It requires a shift in perspective to identify untapped resources and explore creative ways to optimize their utilization. By adopting a resourceful mindset, we can maximize our productivity, create new opportunities, and overcome potential limitations.


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July 2023 Qimen Chart courtesy of: