A Bazi forecast for the month of September 2023 will revolve solely around the Xin Metal. The Month Master for September 2023 is the Xin You pillar – a pure Xin Metal pillar. In essence, this month’s series, is almost akin to suggestions on how to use your Xin Metal. Here are some ideas for the Yi Wood Day Master to consider:  

September 2023 Forecast


For the Yi Wood Day Master, September 2023’s Xin You pillar brings an opportunity to bring an extra edge to your mental acuity. Already a fast thinker, Yi Wood Day Masters can achieve greater heights of heightened mental acuity through some relatively simple exercises such as cognitive exercises like puzzles, brain games, and reading. Engaging in activities that challenge your thinking patterns enhances neural connections and cognitive flexibility. Additionally, establish a daily routine that includes quality sleep, as sleep plays a pivotal role in consolidating memories and promoting overall cognitive function.  

Physical health is intertwined with mental sharpness. Regular exercise boosts blood flow to the brain, fostering alertness and mental clarity. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. A balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense foods like whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables provides the necessary fuel for optimal brain function. Stay hydrated as well, as even mild dehydration can impact cognitive performance.  

Lifestyle adjustments can further enhance sharpness. Minimize distractions by practicing focused work or study sessions and employing techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, where you work intensely for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break. Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation to improve concentration and reduce stress, both of which contribute to mental sharpness.  


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A Bazi forecast for the month of September 2023 will revolve solely around the Xin Metal. The Month Master for September 2023 is the Xin You pillar – a pure Xin Metal pillar. In essence, this month’s series, is almost akin to suggestions on how to use your Xin Metal. Here are some ideas for the Jia Wood Day Master to consider:  

September 2023 Forecast


Self-improvement is a transformative journey that hinges on the power of precision. Embracing precision in self-improvement involves setting clear, specific goals that are well-defined and measurable. Vague aspirations can lead to aimless efforts, while precise objectives provide a roadmap for growth. For example, replacing the broad goal of “getting fit” with the precise goal of “running 5 kilometers three times a week” allows for focused actions and measurable progress. This precision enables individuals to track their advancements and make necessary adjustments, resulting in a heightened sense of accomplishment.  

Equally crucial in the realm of self-improvement is the precision of time management. Efficiently allocating time to various endeavors enhances productivity and minimizes distractions. Setting specific time blocks for tasks, such as dedicating 30 minutes to learning a new skill or limiting social media use to 20 minutes a day, fosters discipline and cultivates a sense of purpose. The precision of time management also aids in achieving a balanced lifestyle, as it carves out dedicated moments for personal growth, relaxation, and interpersonal connections.  

Furthermore, precision is exemplified in the art of self-reflection. Engaging in regular and focused introspection allows individuals to pinpoint their strengths and areas for development with accuracy. Rather than dwelling on vague notions of improvement, such as “being more confident,” precision in self-reflection involves identifying specific instances where confidence was lacking and strategizing how to handle them differently in the future. This level of precision in introspection catalyzes targeted efforts, leading to incremental yet significant self-improvement over time.    


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A Bazi forecast for the month of September 2023 will revolve solely around the Xin Metal. The Month Master for September 2023 is the Xin You pillar which is a pure Xin Metal pillar. In essence, this month’s series, is almost akin to suggestions on how to use your Xin Metal. Here are some ideas for the Gui Water Day Master to consider:  

September 2023 Bazi Forecast


September 2023 should be a fun time for the Gui Water Day Master with a pure Indirect Resource pillar at your disposal. This is a great month to get inquisitive, and have fun exploring new directions. In other words, play!  

Cultivating a sense of inquisitiveness within a month requires adopting a curious mindset, seeking diverse sources of knowledge, and actively engaging with new experiences. Firstly, embrace curiosity as a guiding principle. Approach each day with an open mind and a willingness to explore the unknown. Cultivate a habit of asking questions about the world around you, whether it’s related to your field of interest, current events, or everyday observations. This shift in perspective encourages active engagement with your surroundings.  

Diversify your sources of information to stimulate your inquisitiveness. Read books, articles, and watch documentaries on subjects you haven’t explored before. Engage in conversations with people from different backgrounds and perspectives to gain fresh insights. Actively seek out new experiences, whether it’s trying a new cuisine, visiting a museum, or attending a lecture. Exposing yourself to a variety of ideas and viewpoints fuels your inquisitiveness and broadens your understanding of the world.  

Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Actively seek opportunities that push your boundaries and require you to learn something new. Whether it’s taking up a new hobby, learning a skill, or volunteering for a project at work, embracing challenges fosters a growth-oriented mindset. Embrace failures as learning opportunities, and let them inspire further curiosity and improvement.    


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A Bazi forecast for the month of September 2023 will revolve solely around the Xin Metal. The Month Master for September 2023 is the Xin You pillar which is a pure Xin Metal pillar. In essence, this month’s series, is almost akin to suggestions on how to use your Xin Metal. Here are some ideas for the Ren Water Day Master to consider:  

September 2023 Forecast


For the Ren Water Day Master, your Xin Metal Direct Resource element represents the ultimate clarity of thought. Therefore, with a pure Xin Metal pillar coming in September 2023, this is a good chance to gain some clarity before we rush headlong into the excitement of the coming year and Period 9. Here are some suggestions:  

Achieving clarity in a month involves a combination of cognitive exercises, mindfulness practices, and lifestyle adjustments. Firstly, practice journaling. Set aside time each day to jot down your thoughts, ideas, and reflections. This process helps you organize your thoughts, identify patterns, and clarify your thinking. As you consistently engage in journaling, you’ll notice improved mental clarity and a better understanding of your own cognitive processes.  

Mindfulness meditation is another powerful tool to enhance clarity of thought. Dedicate a few minutes each day to mindfulness exercises, focusing your attention on your breath or sensory experiences. This practice helps quiet the mind, reduces mental chatter, and enhances your ability to concentrate on the present moment. Over time, mindfulness boosts your cognitive clarity by training you to observe your thoughts without judgment.  

Additionally, streamline your environment and routines. Minimize distractions by decluttering your physical and digital spaces. Create a dedicated workspace that is conducive to focused thinking. Establishing routines and setting specific times for tasks can help you prioritize and approach your work with a clear and organized mindset.      


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A Bazi forecast for the month of September 2023 will revolve solely around the Xin Metal. The Month Master for September 2023 is the Xin You pillar which is a pure Xin Metal pillar. In essence, this month’s series, is almost akin to suggestions on how to use your Xin Metal. Here are some ideas to consider:  

September 2023 Forecast


Imagine you are a golden ring (not Gollum’s ring, ok?). Imagine you are one amongst many gold rings lying in a jeweller’s showcase, waiting to be purchased. Every ring is beautiful. Each one is unique. How then, can you stand out? This is what the September 2023 energies could feel like for the Xin Metal Day Master.  

Which means, this is a good time to work on being a little more outstanding than the rest. Should be easy, as this comes naturally to the Xin Metal Day Master!  

Of course, we’re not talking about a drastic change (unless, you go viral). In that case, what micro actions can we take to be more outstanding within the space of a month?  

Firstly, we could use the precision of the Xin Metal to zero in on your distinct personal branding. Zoom in on what makes you unique and start to align your skills, values, and interests with a clear message.  

To go with that, you could use September 2023 to start developing a compelling online presence through social media platforms that showcases your expertise, accomplishments, aspirations, and more importantly, what you stand for. A strong personal brand not only showcases your strengths but also sets you apart in the eyes of your audience.  

Having accomplished the first part, it’s time to leverage networking strategically. Some suggestions include engaging with professionals in your field through virtual events, seminars, and social media. Initiate conversations, ask insightful questions, and offer your expertise where relevant. By building meaningful connections and demonstrating your willingness to collaborate and learn, you position yourself as someone who brings value to the table. Remember that standing out is not just about self-promotion, but also about leaving a positive and lasting impact on others.    


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A Bazi forecast for the month of September 2023 will revolve solely around the Xin Metal. The Month Master for September 2023 is the Xin You pillar which is a pure Xin Metal pillar. In essence, this month’s series, is almost akin to suggestions on how to use your Xin Metal.  

September 2023 Forecast


For the Geng Metal Day Master, the pure Xin Metal pillar represents your alter-ego – that shiny, eye-catching outer shell of your personality. This is the refined veneer that draws people under your leadership.  

However, no denying that most (not all, but most) Geng Metal Day Masters tend to display a more hands-on leadership style. September 2023 might just be the one month for you to relax the reins just a little, enough to empower and give others the opportunity to take ownership and develop their own skills and strengths. Harder yet, consider giving your team room to make mistakes, while you take on the role of the mentor behind the scenes. After all, a team is only as strong as its weakest link.  

Now at this juncture, I must stress that this is merely a suggestion on how you can make the most of the energies of the 2023 September chart. The Rob Wealth energy can be interpreted in many different ways. I chose to see it as a chance to enhance our leadership skills in a month through a focused and intentional approach that encompasses self-awareness, communication, and team empowerment.    


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A Bazi forecast for the month of September 2023 will revolve solely around the Xin Metal. The Month Master for September 2023 is the Xin You pillar which is a pure Xin Metal pillar. In essence, this month’s series, is almost akin to suggestions on how to use your Xin Metal.  

September 2023 Forecast


Let’s talk about the art of being you! You, but perhaps just a tiny shade better? With a pure Eating God pillar coming into your hands, this could be a good time to take you best ideas and polish them up to a shiny sheen. Invest time into fine-tuning your ideas, tidying up the loose ends, or even polishing your sales pitch.  

But what if you don’t really have something to sell? Well, perhaps a small investment in personal grooming and overall presentation? Another idea would be to take this opportunity to refine your communication skills by practicing active listening, speaking with clarity and precision, and choosing your words more thoughtfully.  

We could also be mindful of your body language and nonverbal cues, as they also play a crucial role in effective communication. By refining how you express yourself, you’ll exude confidence and professionalism in all interactions.    


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The kitchen still holds great importance in today’s Feng Shui practices, especially considering its impact on the health and overall well-being of your family. While the rise of eating out, food delivery, and takeout may make the kitchen seem less vital, it remains the place where daily meals are prepared for consumption.  

When it comes to Feng Shui setup for the kitchen, the primary focus lies on the stove. Here are some of the common logic behind the rules for the stove.  

Kitchen Logic #1: The stove must not be immediately next to or directly in front of the sink  

Partially true. This guideline originates from the past when cooking was done over wood fires. Relighting a fire that had accidentally been extinguished by water was a challenging task. While this concern is less relevant today with gas and induction stoves, some logic remains. Placing the stove too close to the sink increases the risk of water accidentally splashing into the cooking area. To minimize this risk, it is advisable to maintain a significant distance between the stove and the sink.  

If you find your stove too close to your sink, a simple remedy is to place a plant between the two to reduce the Fire-Water clash. However, do try, as much as possible, to avoid placing the sink directly opposite the stove.  

Kitchen Logic #2: An island style kitchen a stove in the middle has no Feng Shui implications  

Incorrect. Island-style kitchens, popular in modern apartment layouts, serve as both kitchen counters and gathering spaces for families. However, Feng Shui practitioners discourage placing the stove on the island. Instead, it is recommended to position the stove against a solid wall. This backing symbolizes stability and contributes to the overall well-being of the family. If there is a window on the wall behind the stove, ensure it is closed during cooking. The stove should be embedded, protected, and embraced.  

Kitchen Logic #3: The stove should not be placed directly in front of the refrigerator  

Untrue. This stems from a misinterpretation of the first principle. Some people associated it with the clash between fire and water. However, it is important to note that the outside of a refrigerator is warm, while the inside is cold. Therefore, it does not have a significant impact on the stove. The duration for which the refrigerator door is open also minimizes any potential effects.  

Kitchen Logic #4: The stove must not face the toilet  

While partially true, this rule has historical roots when ancient Chinese homes had external toilets without modern plumbing. In today’s context, it is sufficient to maintain cleanliness and proper ventilation in the toilet area. Additionally, keep the toilet door closed when preparing food.  

Kitchen Logic #5: The stove must not face the edge of a wall  

True.  Wall edges represent Cutting Sha, which should not protrude towards the stove, as it can interfere with its role in ensuring the overall health of your family. If possible, try to shift the stove away from the wall’s edge. If that is not feasible, consider rounding off the edge or using plants to soften its impact.  

Kitchen Logic #6: The stove must not be placed under an exposed beam  

In this case, the concern is not the stove itself but the person standing in front of it. It is important to avoid having an exposed beam directly above the cook’s head and hands while using the stove.  


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In a house, there are two specific sectors that govern health and wellbeing. One is the kitchen, which influences the general wellbeing of the entire household. The other is the bedroom, which directly impacts the occupant of the room.  

The bedroom serves as a place of rest and rejuvenation. It is where you sleep after a hard day’s work. In Feng Shui, the bedroom governs the occupant’s rejuvenation, recovery, health, and the intimate relationship between a married couple.  

Ideally, the bedroom should be located in a positive sector and supported by positive flying stars. However, we don’t live in a perfect world. This is where the rules of internal landform for the bedroom, especially the placement of the bed, come into play.  

Bedroom Logic #1: The bed must be placed against a solid wall.  

Absolutely! This is, in fact, the most important consideration for bed placement. It is the one golden rule that every Feng Shui practitioner, regardless of their school or system, adheres to. A solid wall behind your bed is considered a mountain, providing good support. If there is a window in the wall behind your bed, simply keep it closed when you sleep. A closed window is as good as a solid wall.  

Bedroom Logic #2: The position of my bed must not clash with my year of birth.  

Incorrect. This is not logic but a residual myth handed down through centuries of verbal teaching. Let me explain. Based on our year of birth, each of us has a specific Life Gua ranging from 1 to 9. This life gua determines four possible favorable directions. Today, obtaining this information is easy. Any online Bazi plotter will give you your four personal favorable directions. For bed placement, we prefer either the Tian Yi (Heavenly Doctor) or Fu Wei (Stability) directions. However, in a pinch, any one of the four favorable directions will do.  

But in all cases, you must have a solid wall behind your head when sleeping. We have heard of cases where a husband and wife are literally sleeping head-to-foot because they both have different or opposite favorable directions. There are also cases where occupants slant their bed against a corner, trying to align with their favorable directions. This is not the correct way to apply the directions. For cases like this, it is best to get a Feng Shui audit as there are other methods to provide support apart from just using the directions.  

Bedroom Logic #3: Having an additional room inside my bedroom will cause ‘peach blossom’ problems.  

Incorrect. In-bedroom features such as walk-in wardrobes or a small study area are highly popular in modern homes. The presence of a walk-in wardrobe or study area will not have any peach blossom connotations because the activities conducted in that area have nothing to do with involving a third party.

The only caution would be against creating an additional bedroom where someone else is sleeping inside your bedroom. If you are concerned about this, simply remove the door that separates your bedroom from the walk-in wardrobe or study area. This will automatically make this area a part of your bedroom. Without the door, it is no longer considered a separate room.  

Bedroom Logic #4: My bedroom door must not clash with the fridge.  

We often see this in apartment setups due to space constraints. The assumption is that the cold from the fridge will flow into the room and cause illnesses. However, in reality, how long do you really keep your refrigerator doors open? I would bet that your air conditioning runs longer than your open refrigerator door!  

Bedroom Logic #5: Water features in my bedroom will help me gain more wealth.  

Incorrect. We do not recommend water features in the bedroom because water activations are primarily used to trigger the wealth Qi, which is an active form of energy. Your bedroom is meant for rest and relaxation. Triggering the wealth Qi in an area for rest may result in poor quality of sleep, which could lead to long-term health issues. There are, however, exceptions to the case whereby the activation is only supposed to be there for only a couple of weeks.  

Bedroom Logic #6: I should not be sleeping with my legs pointing towards the door.  

Actually, this is more related to culture and superstition than Feng Shui. In the olden days, when funerals were still conducted from the person’s house, the coffin would be placed in the main living room with the feet pointing towards the door. That’s the basis for this ‘rule’. If you find that the room configuration forces you to sleep with your feet pointing towards the bedroom door, simply close the door to solve the problem.  

Bedroom Logic #7: My bed must not be pointing to the toilet.  

Again, in apartment living, we often have limited choices. If this is the case in your home, just keep the toilet door closed at all times. The concern about the toilet is a leftover rule from ancient times when the toilet was located outside of the house. Think about the plumbing system in the olden days – there was none! So, the toilet area in ancient times was a place full of bacteria, viruses, and stench. Sleeping with the bed in proximity to such an outdoor toilet would not be pleasant at all. But with modern plumbing, simply keep the toilet door closed.  

Bedroom Logic #8: A mirror reflecting the bed is inauspicious.  

Partially true, but it’s not inauspicious. Let’s imagine this together. You wake up in the middle of the night. It’s dark. You sit up on your bed and see a figure in front of you. In that sleep-befuddled state, that might give you a scare! The mirror has no implications in Feng Shui. So, if you are into that kind of thing… well, then!  

Bedroom Logic #9: There must not be any sharp edges pointing towards the bed.  

Absolutely true! Many times, we find that the layout of the room results in the edge of a wardrobe pointing towards the bed. This internal ‘sha qi’ situation leads to a feeling of “same bed, different dreams.” While it may not directly lead to quarrels, it creates a sense of the couple leading separate lives. The connection between the two intertwined lives slowly weakens. The remedy for this is simple – use a curtain to soften the edge of the wardrobe and keep the curtain closed when you are asleep.  

Bedroom Logic #10: The bed must not be placed under an exposed beam.  

Certainly. We’re back to our favorite topic of exposed beams again. Exposed beams represent cutting Qi flowing down from the beam and may eventually cause pain and illness in the affected body parts. The easiest remedy, of course, is to avoid placing the bed under exposed ceiling beams. If that is not possible, consider installing a false ceiling or plaster ceiling to address the issue.  

To summarize, the main point here is to ensure that you sleep well.  


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Gone are the days when Feng Shui audits overlooked the significance of the home office. In this brave new world of remote work, hybrid schedules, and post-Covid realities, the home office has emerged as a crucial element. For professionals, it is the very arena that shapes their career trajectory, while for students, the study area becomes the gateway to academic success.  

Ideally, the creation of a dedicated space for your home office or study brings a multitude of benefits, both psychological and Feng Shui-oriented. Of course, space constraints may dictate our choices, but when possible, carving out a distinct zone for work within your home fosters a clear boundary between professional and personal life. Not only does this enhance focus and concentration, but it also paves the way for improved work-life balance, allowing you to mentally detach from work when stepping out of your office haven.  

Regardless of whether you have the luxury of a dedicated home office, the ultimate goal remains constant—to craft a comfortable sanctuary that propels your career or business forward. It’s a matter of pure logic; we thrive when we feel at ease. If the office space is uncomfortable, stuffy, or lacking proper ventilation, the mere thought of occupying that space can send shivers down your spine, turning each workday into a gruelling battle of willpower.  

At its core, the application of Feng Shui principles aims to simplify our lives. The ultimate objective is to foster a harmonious environment that fuels productivity, nurtures creativity, and paves the path to success.  

Now, let’s unravel the wisdom and logic behind some Feng Shui practices for home offices:  

Home Office Logic #1: The home office must be located in a positive sector  

Ideally, Feng Shui audits strive to identify positive sectors in your home, adorned with auspicious flying stars that foster career growth and wealth opportunities. However, in the era of compact apartments, maximizing available space takes precedence. Fear not, for there’s a simple solution even if your home office falls within a negative sector—it could be as straightforward as tilting the direction of your laptop or computer screen.  

Home Office Logic #2: Desks facing the wall promotes concentration  

True to its essence, this principle holds true for children and full-time students. Facing a wall acts as a shield against unnecessary distractions, facilitating heightened focus and concentration.  

Home Office Logic #3: The Power of Backing 

Indeed, adult working desks benefit from a supportive wall behind them. This backing symbolizes the presence of nobleman support, instilling a sense of strength and control. Imagine yourself as a revered general, with subordinates marching towards you, stopping with a crisp, sharp salute—a position of authority and command.   But what truly constitutes a wall? Can a window serve the purpose? Any floor-to-ceiling glass panel or closed window acts as a wall in this context.  

Home Office Logic #4: Windows and Energizing Qi  

Partially true, as the answer lies in the external landform beyond the windowpane. A delightful view ushers in positive Qi. However, if your window gazes upon another building, it’s best to keep it closed while working, opening it only for occasional ventilation.  

Home Office Logic #5: Window-Desk Positioning and Qi Flow  

Ideally, if space allows, create some distance between your desk and the window. Many individuals relish the refreshing breeze that accompanies an open window while they work. If you’re one of them, try positioning your desk so that the open window resides on your right side. The right-hand side, governed by the White Tiger, encourages the movement of Qi, even accelerating wealth creation.  

Home Office Logic #6: Positioning the desk to face an open window is good  

The answer to whether your desk should face an open window hinges on the quality of the view. If the scenery outside is pleasing and uplifting, by all means, embrace it. However, always ensure there’s some space between your desk and the window.  

Home Office Logic #7: The desk must not be facing the toilet  

Partially true. The rationale behind avoiding a desk facing the toilet is to steer clear of bathroom-related bacteria. The solution is simple—keep the bathroom door closed while you work.  

Home Office Logic #8: The desk must not be facing the door  

Contrary to popular belief, facing or backing the door is not an inflexible rule. The distractions arise from the intensity and frequency of people passing through the door. The key lies in closing the door when uninterrupted deep focus is essential.  

Home Office Logic #9: Tackling Insecurity – sitting with my back to the door causes backstabbing and gossiping  

Untrue. The issue lies in the discomfort caused by people frequently passing behind you, triggering a sense of insecurity. The remedy is simple—keep the door closed!  

Home Office Logic #10: Beams Above the Desk  

Partially true. Exposed ceiling beams directly above your head or hands while you work can pose a challenge. However, beams positioned above the furniture itself are not problematic. Should you detect this issue in your home office, a simple solution is to shift the desk slightly, ensuring the beam no longer looms directly above your head or hands.  

On that note, please try to avoid placing your work desks underneath the staircase. That’s a big no-no! The supressing energy causes a lot of stress.  

Revitalize your home office and unlock the potential for a thriving career with the guiding principles of Feng Shui. Discover the harmony and productivity that await you in your revamped workspace.  


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