The dynamic art of Qimendunjia is excellent for short-term tactics and strategies. While monthly Bazi strategies are great for activities aimed at the strongest energy of the month, Qimen brings a psychological layer into the picture. In short, my chart; my perspective. Read on for the July 2023 Qimen Strategies in the South palace.


  1. Plot your personal Qimen Destiny Chart here: https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx
  2. Take particular note of the labels inside your own chart and determine the sectors/palaces for each of your key palaces. For example: your Destiny Palace may be in the East palace. You will see a red box inside the East.
  3. I would highly recommend that you keep your focus strictly on just a few key palaces – the Destiny Palace, the Career Palace, the Wealth Palace, and perhaps the Relationship Palace.
  4. The following description is the likely opportunities or challenges that you may experience in those sectors of your life in July 2023.


July 2023 Qimen

If the South governs one of your key Qimen palaces, be mindful of the threat that instant gratification can pose to our resources and goals. In today’s fast-paced and instant gratification-oriented society, it’s easy to fall into the trap of overextending our current resources in pursuit of immediate satisfaction. Whether it’s our time, finances, or energy, the allure of instant gratification can lead us to make choices that strain our resources and have long-term consequences.

A good example of this would be the slew of new AI technology flooding the market every single day. Irresistible to the entrepreneur with their promises of better and faster ways of getting things done. But as we test and discard each new tool that appears on the horizon, the question to ask ourselves could be: do we even have the expertise to make these platforms work for us? Or should we be learning more about these tools before committing time and resource?

The Temptation of Immediate Pleasure: The Dragon Enters Prison formation can possibly represent the trap of instant gratification. It can manifest in various ways, such as impulsive spending, excessive commitments, or prioritizing short-term enjoyment over long-term goals. The allure of instant pleasure can blind us to the potential consequences of overextending our resources.

Exhaustion and Burnout: At the same time, overextending our time and energy in pursuit of immediate gratification can leave us physically and emotionally drained. Constantly saying yes to every request, taking on excessive responsibilities, or engaging in nonstop activities can lead to exhaustion, burnout, and a lack of fulfillment in the long run. The end result? Big beginnings that fizzle out like spent fireworks because you have simply run out of energy to sustain the momentum.

Strain on Finances: The arrival of the Delusion door together with the 9 Earth is asking us to take a good look at our current financial resources. Overextending our financial resources for instant gratification can lead to mounting debt, financial stress, and limited opportunities for future growth. Impulsive purchases, indulging in luxuries beyond our means, consistently living beyond our budget, or a wilful blindness to the actual state of our finances can create a cycle of financial instability and hinder our ability to build a secure future.

The July formations in the South is a timely reminder. The message from the Assistant star is super clear – find out more before you commit!


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July 2023 Qimen Chart courtesy of: https://chinesemetasoft.com/


The dynamic art of Qimendunjia is excellent for short-term tactics and strategies. While monthly Bazi strategies are great for activities aimed at the strongest energy of the month, Qimen brings a psychological layer into the picture. In short, my chart; my perspective. Read on for the July 2023 Qimen Strategies in the Southeast palace.


  1. Plot your personal Qimen Destiny Chart here: https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx
  2. Take particular note of the labels inside your own chart and determine the sectors/palaces for each of your key palaces. For example: your Destiny Palace may be in the East palace. You will see a red box inside the East.
  3. I would highly recommend that you keep your focus strictly on just a few key palaces – the Destiny Palace, the Career Palace, the Wealth Palace, and perhaps the Relationship Palace.
  4. The following description is the likely opportunities or challenges that you may experience in those sectors of your life in July 2023.


July 2023 Qimen

In our pursuit of success and personal growth, it’s crucial to periodically realign our goals and reassess how we view and utilize resources for the future. Sometimes, it’s not about how much effort we pour into our dreams. Sometimes, progress gets stunted due to a lack of support. At times like these, continuing forward without mindful consideration may not be the best idea. At best, we may waste even more time. At worst, we may even risk depleting our future resources.  

As circumstances change and new opportunities emerge, it becomes essential to adapt our mindset and strategies to ensure continued progress.

Reevaluating Goals: When the Destruction star and the Harm door comes together, it forms the Thunder hexagram, which can represent a need to reevaluate our goals. This involves critically evaluating our current objectives and determining if they still align with our values, aspirations, and evolving circumstances. It requires introspection and a willingness to let go of outdated or no longer relevant goals. By realigning our goals, we can ensure that our efforts are directed toward meaningful and purposeful pursuits.

Embracing Flexibility: In a dynamic world, rigidly clinging to a single path can hinder progress. Embracing flexibility allows us to adapt to changing circumstances and seize new opportunities. It means being open to adjusting our goals and strategies as needed, fostering a mindset that welcomes innovation, exploration, and growth.

Resource Optimization: Rebooting how we view resources involves reevaluating how we allocate and leverage our time, energy, skills, and connections. It requires a shift in perspective to identify untapped resources and explore creative ways to optimize their utilization. By adopting a resourceful mindset, we can maximize our productivity, create new opportunities, and overcome potential limitations.


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July 2023 Qimen Chart courtesy of: https://chinesemetasoft.com/


The dynamic art of Qimendunjia is excellent for short-term tactics and strategies. While monthly Bazi strategies are great for activities aimed at the strongest energy of the month, Qimen brings a psychological layer into the picture. In short, my chart; my perspective. Read on for the July 2023 Qimen Strategies in the East palace.


  1. Plot your personal Qimen Destiny Chart here: https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx
  2. Take particular note of the labels inside your own chart and determine the sectors/palaces for each of your key palaces. For example: your Destiny Palace may be in the East palace. You will see a red box inside the East.
  3. I would highly recommend that you keep your focus strictly on just a few key palaces – the Destiny Palace, the Career Palace, the Wealth Palace, and perhaps the Relationship Palace.
  4. The following description is the likely opportunities or challenges that you may experience in those sectors of your life in July 2023.


July 2023 Qimen

Leadership is often romanticized, portraying an image of strength, decisiveness, and success. However, behind the scenes, leaders often face a significant burden that can leave them feeling overextended and overwhelmed. Or is it unfulfilled and underwhelmed?

As leaders, we serve. We try to be everything for everybody. And in that process, are we being taken advantage of by inadvertently taking on other people’s responsibilities? The weight of responsibility, the constant demands, and the need to juggle multiple roles can take a toll on even the most capable leaders.

If you are feeling this burden right now, perhaps it’s time to:

Negotiate and compromise: With the Ambassador star, now is the right time to be open to negotiation and compromise with your supervisor or manager. They may have their own priorities and limitations to consider. Seek to find a middle ground that works for both parties, ensuring that your workload is manageable while still meeting the needs of the organization.

Delegate and Empower: Tired of dealing with weaponized incompetence? Recognize that you cannot do everything alone. Delegate tasks and responsibilities to capable team members, empowering them to take ownership and contribute their skills and expertise. Effective delegation not only lightens your workload but also fosters growth and development within your team.

Cultivate a Support Network: Build a strong support network of mentors, colleagues, or peers who understand the challenges of leadership. Seek their guidance, share experiences, and lean on them for support during times of stress or uncertainty. Having a trusted network can provide valuable insights and a sense of camaraderie.


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April 2023 Qimen Chart courtesy of: https://chinesemetasoft.com/


The dynamic art of Qimendunjia is excellent for short-term tactics and strategies. While monthly Bazi strategies are great for activities aimed at the strongest energy of the month, Qimen brings a psychological layer into the picture. In short, my chart; my perspective. Read on for the July 2023 Qimen Strategies in the Northeast palace.


  1. Plot your personal Qimen Destiny Chart here: https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx
  2. Take particular note of the labels inside your own chart and determine the sectors/palaces for each of your key palaces. For example: your Destiny Palace may be in the East palace. You will see a red box inside the East.
  3. I would highly recommend that you keep your focus strictly on just a few key palaces – the Destiny Palace, the Career Palace, the Wealth Palace, and perhaps the Relationship Palace.
  4. The following description is the likely opportunities or challenges that you may experience in those sectors of your life in July 2023.


July 2023 Qimen

When hope seems dim, trying something unfamiliar and gaining a new specialty can be a powerful way to fuel persistence and ignite a renewed sense of purpose.

Embrace curiosity and openness: With the Surging Snake, cultivate a mindset of curiosity and a willingness to explore new territories. Be open to the idea that trying something unfamiliar can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth. You never know! Something unfamiliar, no matter how small, could be the spark that takes you on a new adventure!

Research and learn: Dive into the unfamiliar territory by conducting thorough research. Read books, articles, and online resources. Take courses, attend workshops, or join communities related to the area you’re interested in. Gain knowledge and build a strong foundation to develop your new specialty. Alternatively, find mentors or experts who have experience in the field you’re exploring. Reach out to them for guidance, advice, and insights. Their expertise can provide valuable direction and support as you navigate unfamiliar territory.

Network and collaborate: Engage with others who share similar interests. Attend events, join communities, and connect with professionals in the field. Collaborating with others allows you to learn from their experiences, gain insights, and build a supportive network.

Embrace failure as growth: Understand that failure is a natural part of the learning process. Embrace it as an opportunity to learn, adapt, and improve. Shift your perspective to see failures as stepping stones toward success rather than indicators of defeat.


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April 2023 Qimen Chart courtesy of: https://chinesemetasoft.com/


The dynamic art of Qimendunjia is excellent for short-term tactics and strategies. While monthly Bazi strategies are great for activities aimed at the strongest energy of the month, Qimen brings a psychological layer into the picture. In short, my chart; my perspective. Read on for the July 2023 Qimen Strategies in the North palace.


  1. Plot your personal Qimen Destiny Chart here: https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx
  2. Take particular note of the labels inside your own chart and determine the sectors/palaces for each of your key palaces. For example: your Destiny Palace may be in the East palace. You will see a red box inside the East.
  3. I would highly recommend that you keep your focus strictly on just a few key palaces – the Destiny Palace, the Career Palace, the Wealth Palace, and perhaps the Relationship Palace.
  4. The following description is the likely opportunities or challenges that you may experience in those sectors of your life in July 2023.


July 2023 Qimen

Rising above pettiness and using a soft touch can help you turn bad situations into beneficial ones. However, a shift of mindset and a conscious effort to focus on positive outcomes is required. In other words, July 2023 is the month to look for the silver lining and actively work to maintain a positive attitude, especially if the North governs one of your key Qimen palaces.

Maintain perspective: The arrival of the Moon deity is an opportunity to step back and gain perspective on the situation. Recognize that pettiness often stems from trivial matters or personal differences. By keeping the bigger picture in mind, you can prioritize what truly matters and avoid getting caught up in petty conflicts.

Rise above personal ego: Let go of personal pride and the need to “win” or prove yourself right. Prioritize the greater good over personal ego. Seek collaborative solutions that benefit everyone involved, rather than getting entangled in a cycle of petty disagreements.

Practice empathy and understanding: While the Heart star is frequently associated with management, it can also be a sign to practice some understanding. Seek to understand the motivations and emotions of others involved. Cultivating empathy helps create a more compassionate and understanding environment, fostering better communication and conflict resolution.

Seek common ground and collaboration: The Bing and Xin stems form a combination which works well for any collaborative projects. Look for common goals and interests among those involved. Foster a sense of unity and collaboration by emphasizing shared values and working towards a common purpose. By finding common ground, you can foster a more positive and productive environment.


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April 2023 Qimen Chart courtesy of: https://chinesemetasoft.com/


The dynamic art of Qimendunjia is excellent for short-term tactics and strategies. While monthly Bazi strategies are great for activities aimed at the strongest energy of the month, Qimen brings a psychological layer into the picture. In short, my chart; my perspective. Read on for the July 2023 Qimen Strategies in the Northwest


  1. Plot your personal Qimen Destiny Chart here: https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx
  2. Take particular note of the labels inside your own chart and determine the sectors/palaces for each of your key palaces. For example: your Destiny Palace may be in the East palace. You will see a red box inside the East.
  3. I would highly recommend that you keep your focus strictly on just a few key palaces – the Destiny Palace, the Career Palace, the Wealth Palace, and perhaps the Relationship Palace.
  4. The following description is the likely opportunities or challenges that you may experience in those sectors of your life in July 2023.


July 2023 Qimen

If the Northwest governs one of your key Qimen palaces, the Sun Follows Moon Turn formation presents you with a month brimming with optimism. This formation is best for those seeking more achievements or even a promotion. But to get there, you need to put aside your trust issues, and bank on your leadership skills to bring a diverse group of people together and convince them to follow your dream. After all, success is given to us by others!

Vision: With the Sun Follows Moon Turn, clearly articulate your dream and the vision you have for the future. Paint a compelling picture of what could be achieved and the positive impact it can have. A strong vision inspires others and gives them something to rally behind.

Effective communication: Master the art of communication to effectively convey your vision and inspire others. Clearly articulate your ideas, actively listen to others, and adapt your message to different audiences. Use storytelling techniques to make your dream relatable and emotionally resonant. This is especially important when presented with the noisy Pillar Star. Your leadership skills are needed to cut through the noise, bring everyone back to the same page, and start taking action.

Build relationships: The 6 Harmony presents you with the opportunity to establish strong relationships with those around you. Cultivate a sense of trust, respect, and empathy. Take the time to understand others’ perspectives and align your dream with their values and aspirations. People are more likely to follow someone they feel connected to and understood by.

Foster collaboration and empowerment: Similarly with the 6 Harmony, encourage collaboration and involve others in shaping the dream. Create opportunities for input, feedback, and shared decision-making. Empower others to take ownership and contribute their skills and expertise. When people feel a sense of ownership, they are more likely to invest themselves in making the dream a reality.


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April 2023 Qimen Chart courtesy of: https://chinesemetasoft.com/


The dynamic art of Qimendunjia is excellent for short-term tactics and strategies. While monthly Bazi strategies are great for activities aimed at the strongest energy of the month, Qimen brings a psychological layer into the picture. In short, my chart; my perspective. Read on for the July 2023 Qimen Strategies for the West palace.


  1. Plot your personal Qimen Destiny Chart here: https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx
  2. Take particular note of the labels inside your own chart and determine the sectors/palaces for each of your key palaces. For example: your Destiny Palace may be in the East palace. You will see a red box inside the East.
  3. I would highly recommend that you keep your focus strictly on just a few key palaces – the Destiny Palace, the Career Palace, the Wealth Palace, and perhaps the Relationship Palace.
  4. The following description is the likely opportunities or challenges that you may experience in those sectors of your life in July 2023.


July 2023 Qimen

If the West governs one of your key palaces, July 2023 may find you in a situation where a final push is needed to reach the finish line. Some drastic actions may be called for to accelerate your progress and ensure success.

Increase your commitment: With the White Tiger visiting, going the extra mile is unavoidable. Remind yourself of the importance and significance of reaching the finish line. Reinforce your determination and deepen your commitment to the goal. Visualize the desired outcome and the satisfaction you will experience upon completion.

Sacrifice non-essential activities: Every time we the Death Door in a Qimen chart, something inevitably needs to end. Consider temporarily putting aside or reducing activities that are not directly aligned with reaching the finish line. Evaluate how you spend your time and energy, and make intentional choices to prioritize the tasks and actions that will have the most significant impact on your progress.

Make tough decisions: Also with the Death Door, evaluate your current strategies and approaches critically. Identify any areas where adjustments or changes may be necessary, even if they seem drastic. Be willing to let go of ineffective or inefficient methods and adopt new approaches that can expedite your progress.

Increase your resource allocation: The Grain star represents resource! If feasible, allocate additional resources such as time, money, or manpower to support your efforts. Consider investing in tools, technologies, or services that can enhance your productivity or streamline your workflow.

Prioritize self-care and well-being: Most importantly, using the White Tiger requires us to be in top physical condition. While it may seem counterintuitive, taking care of your physical and mental well-being is crucial during this final push. Ensure you get adequate rest, eat nutritious meals, exercise, and practice stress management techniques. Your overall well-being will support your ability to sustain high levels of performance.


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April 2023 Qimen Chart courtesy of: https://chinesemetasoft.com/


The dynamic art of Qimendunjia is excellent for short-term tactics and strategies. While monthly Bazi strategies are great for activities aimed at the strongest energy of the month, Qimen brings a psychological layer into the picture. In short, my chart; my perspective. Read on for the July 2023 Qimen Strategies for the Southwest palace.


  1. Plot your personal Qimen Destiny Chart here: https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx
  2. Take particular note of the labels inside your own chart and determine the sectors/palaces for each of your key palaces. For example: your Destiny Palace may be in the East palace. You will see a red box inside the East.
  3. I would highly recommend that you keep your focus strictly on just a few key palaces – the Destiny Palace, the Career Palace, the Wealth Palace, and perhaps the Relationship Palace.
  4. The following description is the likely opportunities or challenges that you may experience in those sectors of your life in July 2023.


July 2023 Qimen

If the Southwest holds one of your key palaces, learning the flexibility to react appropriately in different situations will be called for in July 2023. This requires self-awareness, empathy, and a focus on maintaining positive and constructive interactions rather than going on an ego trip.

Practice self-awareness: Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and body sensations when faced with different situations. Notice any signs of defensiveness, anger, or the urge to assert yourself. Being aware of your ego-driven tendencies is the first step towards managing them. Only through self-mastery can you then successfully influence other people.

Seek multiple perspectives: With the Scenery Door comes the opportunity to seek multiple perspectives instead of immediately asserting your own opinion or viewpoint. Actively listen to others and seek to understand their perspectives. Engage with people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and opinions. Recognize that there can be multiple valid viewpoints, and embracing this mindset helps you avoid ego-driven reactions.

Cultivate empathy: With the arrival of the Black Tortoise comes the opportunity to be more empathetic. Put yourself in the shoes of others and try to understand their feelings, needs, and concerns. Developing empathy allows you to respond with greater compassion and consideration, reducing the chances of ego-driven reactions.

Choose your battles: Not every situation requires a reaction or response from you. Sometimes it’s better to let go, avoid unnecessary conflicts, and focus on maintaining harmonious relationships. Learn to distinguish between situations where your ego is pushing for a reaction and those where it’s best to remain calm. The worst that could happen? You find yourself provoked into a trap!


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April 2023 Qimen Chart courtesy of: https://chinesemetasoft.com/


Life Gua 6 is a gua of authority. Much like the Geng Metal (Yang Metal), this gua represents someone in high authority, like a judge! Think Justice Bao! Gua 6 is all about prestige, power, decision-making and justice. After all, this is the Qian Gua – the Gua of Emperors!

Upright, diligent, and gifted with plenty of ambition, motivation, and drive, you have a natural inclination towards leadership roles. It’s easy for Gua 6 individuals to gain the trust and respect of others. You exude a palpable sense of sturdy dependability, rock-solid responsibility, and honest integrity.

Motivated by a clear sense of purpose, Gua 6 individuals tend to display a large streak of resilience and persistency when in pursuit of your goals. This is aided in large by your natural gift for strategic thinking and planning. You are very good at analysing situations and execute well-thought-out strategies to achieve your objectives.

Because Gua 6 individuals tend to be more results-oriented, you may find it a little harder to relate emotionally with other people. Connecting at an emotional level may leave you feeling vulnerable. Keeping up appearances is so very important. After all, this is the Qian Gua – the Gua of Emperors!


Gua 6 individuals have high standards of excellence and strive for quality in your work. You are driven to continually improve your skills and knowledge, seeking to excel in your chosen field.

The air of confidence and assertiveness that you exude is a boon in your professional endeavours. Given your penchant to colour within the lines, Gua 6 individuals will excel in environments where there are clear rules and protocols. In short, any environment where going ‘by-the-book’ is an advantage instead of a disadvantage.

Also, work environments that are too political in nature can also be detrimental to the Gua 6 individual. There are no curves to a Gua 6’s approach to life. You are straight talking and straight shooting. Gua 6 individuals believe that honesty really is the best policy. You rarely sugar coat. And forget about expecting you to flatter or curry favour!


Among the nine life stars, Gua 6 is one of the most loyal. When you commit, you’re in for life. However, romantic relationships or any relationships that are based on emotions can be a little challenging for the Gua 6 individual. Here, your level-headedness may not be able to help you. Unaccustomed to feeling strong emotions, Gua 6 individuals will usually need to learn how to express your feelings in a healthy manner.


These are generic personal facing directions, one of the easiest Feng Shui methods to apply. It’s just a matter of shifting your laptop to face the direction you want.

Sheng Qi (Life Generating): West

Use this direction for general advancement and growth in life. This direction works well for any business, career, or wealth-related pursuits.

Tian Yi (Heavenly Doctor): Northeast

This direction is good for enhancing your mentor luck. If this direction is to be used in the bedroom, this is a good boost for your general physical wellbeing. Face this direction if you are looking to enhance your personal branding. This direction amps up your persuasive skill and will have some impact on how you are perceived by others.

Yan Nian (Longevity): Southwest

Southwest is a great direction to build smooth interpersonal relationships whether at home or in the office. In short, it’s great for networking. If you are working in a career or business that requires multiple interactions with people from all walks of life, this direction will help you boost your career.

Fu Wei (Stability): Northwest

If it is deep focus and concentration you need, Northwest is the direction to face while planning, working, studying, researching, or creating. Anything that requires concentration, really. If you are into the art of meditation, facing Northwest while meditating can help you achieve calm and serenity much faster.


2023 Gua 6

Now that you understand the gifts of Gua 6 and how to use your personal favourable directions, here are some suggested sectors for Gua 6 to use in 2023.

Please note that these suggestions are based on ‘active usage’. To achieve the required result, go to the relevant sector and perform the related activities in line with the anticipated outcome. I am not recommending any form of energy activations. Just usage.

Southwest (recommended): Southwest in 2023 is a good sector to use if you are looking for a boost in reputation and stature. Using this sector creates a boost for your image of authority. It’s also a great area to improve on your financial intelligence. In 2023, it’s a good sector for work.

South (recommended): If Southwest is denied to you, you could also consider using the South sector in 2023 for career advancement. The South sector is best for those who are already in position to  break into the C-suite levels.

West: If you are not yet at the C-suite level, West is usable in 2023 for promotions or if you are looking for a raise. However, please be mindful that too much use of the West sector may have you facing some power struggle challenges. So please be mindful.

North: If you are a startup, or working on a project that is about to disrupt certain parts of your industry, North will be the sector to use in 2023. However, it will be stressful. Therefore, please use this only if you are looking to disrupt a certain pattern. Otherwise, you may be stressed for nothing.


Simply, stand in the middle of your house. Face the door. Use the compass app in your mobile device and turn to look for the relevant sector that you intend to use. Once identified, just do the activity related to the objective.


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After the fruitful meeting with her investors and team members, Ms. Jia has entered the rejuvenating phase of her journey. The Close Day signifies a temporary pause, allowing her to recharge before diving into the next phase of her plans. It’s a well-deserved break for Ms. Jia to reflect, rest, and prepare herself for what lies ahead.


Close Days in the 12 Day Officers represent periods of low and stagnant Qi. It is advisable to avoid engaging in significant activities during these days. Instead, Close Days provide an opportunity for rest and relaxation. Embracing the energy of stillness and tranquility can help recharge and rejuvenate oneself during these periods.


Close Days are not used for any activities of significance. However, Close Days can be good for:

  1. Self-reflection
  2. Rest and rejuvenation
  3. Stock taking
  4. Accounts closing


As mentioned, Close Days are not suitable for any activities where you expect an outcome.


Usage of the 12 Day Officers become even more targeted if you can layer in the Bazi 10 Gods into the energy imprint. Yes, you will need some rudimentary Bazi knowledge. At the very least, you must know if a day is a Companion, Output, Wealth, Influence or Resource Day based on your Day Master.

Here are some suggestions for the Close Day and the 10 Gods:

CLOSE DAY + COMPANION (Friend or Rob Wealth)

  1. Self-reflection

CLOSE DAY + OUTPUT (Eating God or Hurting Officer)

  1. Wrap up marketing campaigns

CLOSE DAY + WEALTH (Direct Wealth or Indirect Wealth)

  1. Closing accounts
  2. Stock taking
  3. Pay off debt (final payment)
  4. Review financial goals

CLOSE DAY + INFLUENCE (Direct Officer or 7 Killings)

  1. Report writing
  2. Dissolve agreements
  3. Declutter

CLOSE DAY + RESOURCE (Direct Resource or Indirect Resource)

  1. Self-care
  2. Relaxing
  3. Stock taking


The 12 Day Officers and the Bazi 10 Gods are but the first layer of date qualifiers. Within a Tong Shu are multiple layers of information still waiting to be harnessed so that you can make an impact every single day.

Join me for my Tong Shu Mastery webinar this coming July 7 and 8, 2023. Click here for more details.


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