A sword sheathed in ice. Metal submerged and distorted by water. A symbol of untapped power. This pillar, the Geng Zi (庚子), carries the gift of nonconformity.

Wait, you say… is nonconformity a gift? Of course! If you know how to use it.


The Geng Zi (庚子) combines the execution power of the Geng Metal with the shrewdness of the Gui Water Hurting Officer. Another way to look at this pillar is to visualize the Geng Metal as a sharp mind and a pragmatic approach to life and the Gui Water as a deep sense of curiosity. Either way, this combination of Ying and Yang in one pillar can result in a rather perplexing combination of traits – stubborn and irritable but also generous and soft-hearted. In other words, the Geng Zi personality is one that can be rather difficult to decode. Hence, the reputation as an eccentric nonconformist.


Geng Zi Bazi
  1. At the end of the day, a Geng Metal (庚) is still a Geng Metal. This is an element of toughness. You are naturally goal-oriented, ambitious and have the innate willpower to become energized in the face of roadblocks and setbacks. In other words, you are not easily deterred.
  2. But where does the nonconformity come in? According to psychologist Dr. David Weeks, these five traits are present in every eccentric person. Let’s see how these five traits stack up against the natural attributes of the Geng Zi… particularly your Gui Water (癸) Output star:
    • Non-conforming attitude – Check! Seated on your own Hurting Officer star, the Geng Zi will naturally be more vocal and rebellious against the norms
    • Highly motivated by curiosity – Check! Again, the Gui Water is nothing but infinitely curious
    • Creative – Check! The Hurting Officer, being an output star, brings street-smarts and creativity to this equation
    • Idealistic – Check! Idealism is the corner stone of the two output stars Eating God and Hurting Officer
    • Opinionated and outspoken – Check! Hurting Officer anybody? So, it’s now obvious that your Gui Water Hurting Officer is the one that brings a lot of the non-contrarian attitudes to the Geng Zi.


The Rat branch, being a restless and volatile body of energy, makes the Geng Zi a little more impatient than the rest. There are traits here that suggest you crave external validation and instant gratification. There is a constant need to feel appreciated, and when you don’t get that external validation, your self-confidence will start to falter. When that happens, you get all suspicious and defensive.

Here’s the problem. When you depend on others to build you up, you give them the power to break you down. Instead of waiting for others to appreciate you, learn to appreciate yourself! Easier said than done, I know. But try!


Larger than life! The Geng Zi naturally fears appearing weak and insecure to others. So you tend to mask those internal insecurities by doubling down on the external persona. The first impression you give others may be one of a diva-like personality with a touch of arrogance. I know this sounds negative, but, it is divas who accumulate fans! Therefore, learn to work this to your advantage!


There are, of course, pros and cons to nonconformity. First let’s examine the advantage. Psychiatric studies have found that eccentrics or nonconfirmists tend to be happier individuals. The logic is that, when you no longer march to the beat of other drums, when you don’t measure yourself against the yardstick of others, the person is naturally happier in himself or herself.

The price of nonconformity, however, will be the loss of security and social acceptance. If this price is too high for the Geng Zi Day Master, a good way to ‘unleash’ the power of the Geng Metal is to learn self-discipline and the willpower to take action. You see, the Hurting Officer can be a bit of an all-talk-no-action type of star. The Geng Zi is at its best when they are fired up with motivation as they commit to a goal. The basis of this suggestion is to use focus and direction to further hone the natural talents of the Geng Zi on their goals instead of wasting their potential on rectifying petty obstacles. In other words, learn to change what you can, let go of situations that you cannot alter.

But as I said earlier, this is merely a suggestion. It is to be deployed only if you, the Geng Zi Day Master, feel that there is a need to enhance your power. To me, there is no harm in being a nonconformist. As long as your eccentricity doesn’t hurt anyone else, a bit of nonconformity, when used deliberately, can signal a strong self-confidence and greater competence.

Remember when Mark Zuckerberg wore a hoodie to meet investors before Facebook’s first public offering? How’s that for positive nonconformity?

Of course, whenever a Day Master sits on its own Hurting Officer, the classic texts will have plenty to say about this scenario… most of them negative especially when it comes to the marital happiness of a female Geng Zi Day Master. But let’s not forget that these classics are written on the background of a society that is deeply infused by Confucianism. Today, society’s acceptance and admiration for eccentrics have changed for the better.

So you’re a tad bit eccentric. So what?

As always, a final caveat. Without the ability to see the full chart, I must stress that the suggestions in this article are broad recommendations based on a single pillar.

Are you a Geng Zi Day Master? Plot your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.


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Photo source: https://swishandslash.com/swords/frostmourne-the-lich-kings-sword/

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All Bazi terminologies and the Bazi Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.