The first rule of SEO is that the first paragraph must always contain the title or keyword of the post. In this case, that would be – Wu Yin (戊寅), the gift of trust.

Now that I’ve adhered to that rule, allow me a paragraph or two to introduce you to a little-known gem in Japan.

Of all the race tracks that I have ever been to (of which there has been many), one stands out as unique from the others. Located south of Japan, three hours from Fukuoka City, high up on the Aso mountain range, lies the Autopolis International Racing Course. Built on the edge of a dead volcano, it rises high above the cloud-line, ringed by tall mountains made lush with trees and evergreens.

For me, the Wu Yin pillar will always call to mind those romantic forest-covered mountains, stretching high above the cloud line.


I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. Trust is the fundamental cornerstone that keeps our civilization functioning. When a customer trusts a supplier, business is conducted. When a employer trusts an employee, business growth happens. When a couple gets married, trust is the glue that makes the marriage work. Hell, even when driving, we need to trust that the drivers around us know what they are doing.

Confident and powerful, yet sensitive and vulnerable, the Wu Yin is constantly in search of fulfilment and balance. Ironically, it is this search for a stable foundation that bequeaths a precious gift – the gift of trust-building.

Additionally, the Wu Yin (戊寅) or Earth Tiger pillar sits on the prosperous position in the 12 Growth Stages. This indicates a stable and prosperous pillar where the Qi is extremely strong. Because of that, your potential for growth is virtually limitless.


  1. As a Wu Yin (戊寅) or Earth Tiger Day Master, earning the trust of the people around you is an ability that comes naturally. Seated on your own Jia Wood (甲) Killings Star gives you the drive to see things through, a key hallmark of a trustworthy person. Growing high on the mountain, this Jia Wood is your desire for fame and power. It is the reason you strive for excellence. This is what makes you such a competitive individual.
  2. Your quest for excellence is further enhanced by your Bing Fire (丙) Resource Star. This element makes you incredibly perceptive. It also helps you create your own inspiration. Supported by this Bing Fire (丙) Resource Star, you are born with the gift for words that inspires everyone around you.
  3. Your Wu Yin (戊寅) Day Pillar is anchored on your Wu Earth (戊) Companion Star. This rooting brings a naturally appealing self-confidence as well as an enduring nature. You can literally outlast your peers on the slow and steady route to success. You are the strong, solid, dependable, and predictable presence in the room.


Externally, you always come across as someone who is super powerful and confident. You stand tall and majestic, just like the mountain you represent.

But inside, there is a vulnerable and sensitive core which I will explain in the next segment.


The three hidden stems in the Yin (寅) or Tiger Branch brings a lot of gifts to the Wu Yin (戊寅) Day Master. They also come with their own unique set of vulnerabilities.

Your Wu Earth (戊) Companion Star that provides you with that all-important stability is constantly being challenged by your Jia Wood (甲) Killings Star. Translated to plain human speak? Your eternal quest for excellence, if not managed properly, will cause you to think that you are never good enough. This causes self-doubt and self-confidence issues, your biggest barriers to success. It is also the reason why you are easily discouraged by even the mildest of critiques.

When your self-confidence is in crisis, the Wu Yin (戊寅) or Earth Tiger Day Master will self-isolate for some much-needed reflection. This behaviour pattern comes from your Bing Fire (丙) Resource Star. While some self-reflection and learning is good, do be aware of the Bing Fire element’s biggest strength/vulnerability – its constant and persistent nature. Be mindful that you are not dwelling on the same issue over and over again. Learn to identify the pattern and how to break it so that the self-reflective tendencies serve to help you instead of derail you.


Money for its own sake will not be the driver for this pillar. Instead, it is security, foundation, a safety net that is of prime importance. To be Wu Yin But Better is to fulfil your deep need for family support.

I’d like to remind you that family need not be confined to those who are related to you by blood. It can be family that you choose. Trusted and close friends whom you have allowed into your inner circle who provide you with the love and support you need to grow to your maximum potential.

As always, a final caveat. Without the ability to see the full chart, I must stress that the suggestions in this article are broad recommendations based on a single pillar.

Are you a Wu Yin Day Master? Plot your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.


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Photo Credit: Nicolas Dura on Twitter

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All Bazi terminologies and the Bazi Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.