2022 Chinese Zodiac Goat

As 2022 rolls in for the Goat, relief is in sight! After what may have been a rather turbulent year in 2021, finally, you get to drop your Year Breaker status and move on.


As the Year Breaker for 2021, many Goats may have experienced some level of change and perhaps even some obstacles that you had to circumvent. Sure, there were some relief stars in the plus column. But in general, 2021 may have seen you going two steps forward, one step back?

The good news is, 2022 brings very positive energy for the Goat. Here’s the question, though, are you an A-player or B-player?



The Month Virtue is a problem-dissolving star. Perhaps there may be some lingering obstacles left from 2021. If you take pro-active action to resolve them (as opposed to sweeping them under the proverbial rug), the Month Virtue provides that extra little boost to help you along.

To activate the Month Virtue, you need to be pro-active. You need to contribute value. The more you contribute, the better your luck becomes.


As you gain a reputation of being a pro-active problem-solver and someone who contributes real value, you start making a name for yourself. The National Treasure brings authority, position, and status.

Career professionals would love to have the National Treasure. It means that your talents have been recognized and represents the possibility of a promotion. Business owners can also use this star to become a market leader.


However, nothing comes without a cost. Along with your promotion, comes increased workload. That’s what the Death Charm represent – a workload so heavy, you may temporarily neglect your family.

When this star shows up, it’s time to practice some time management. As absorbing and fulfilling as your work may be, please do not neglect the health and wellbeing of your family.


The Sky Happiness is a star of happy events. This can be considered as a peach blossom star. It basically signals that there are plenty of happy events in the offing. Weddings, parties, baby showers, office gatherings. You know what I hear? I hear opportunity to network! Meeting people in social settings is a great way to build long-lasting relationships.


Since you can expect to be attending quite a few social events in 2022, some spending would logically, be in order. After two years of working from home, perhaps you need a new wardrobe! That’s what the Lesser Consumer signifies. Smaller amount of expenses, but expenses nonetheless.


Again we’re back to the choice between an A-player and a B-player.

If you are an A-player, then make sure you get yourself out there, network, talk to people, and contribute. The more you do that, the more opportunities to be recognized for your talents will come your way.

Utilizing your positive stars require pro-active action. It calls for you to step up to the plate.

Now before you think I am writing hustle porn, I just want to say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a B-player. However, I just want you to be aware that choosing to lay low in 2022 may lead to stagnation in the foreseeable future.


The Goat Zodiac Sign could potentially fall in your Year, Month, Day, or Hour Pillar. To plot your Bazi chart, please your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.

Year Pillar

The Year pillar governs your interaction with the world – your industry, social networks, friends, and personal branding. If the Goat falls in your Year Pillar, expect to receive a lot of invitations for social events in 2022. This is your opportunity to enhance and expand your social network beyond the scope of your work.

Month Pillar

The Month pillar governs your career and work – your bosses, colleagues, and partners. If the Goat falls in your Month, there is a strong chance of a promotion. But before you get it, you really must prove yourself to be a valuable and indispensable contributor.

Day Pillar

The Day pillar governs your self and your spouse. If the Goat falls in your Day, you can use the Sky Happiness star to create many memorable moments with your spouse. The Month Virtue is also present, which is a good chance to resolve any outstanding issues that may linger on in your marriage. This is a chance to make your marriage stronger.

If you are single, however, you can use the Sky Happiness as a Peach Blossom star. To do that, you need to get out of your shell and make a conscious effort to attend more social gatherings.

Hour Pillar

The Hour pillar governs your thoughts, ideas, ideals and investments. If the Goat falls in your Hour, you can use the Lesser Consumer in a positive way by investing in knowledge and upskill.

For the career professional, the Hour Pillar also represents your contribution. With the National Treasure in your sector in 2022, this is the best time for you to be more vocal about sharing your ideas within your organization.


With the Goat in your chart, this is a year where you get to choose. There are not many stars hanging around. To activate or not, is up to you.


Now, remember! The Annual Auxiliary Stars make up only 12% to 15% of your Year. It’s just one layer of reading. To understand and create strategies for a successful year ahead, hit me up for a personal consult. Let’s co-create your strategy together and make 2022 your best year yet!


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The author and publisher, Paulynne Cheng, has made her best efforts to produce this 2022 guide. The information contained in this blog has been verified from various sources, websites and public medias. However, she makes no warranties of any kind with regards to the contents of this blog and accept no liability of any kind for any losses and damages caused from using the information in this blog.

Author: Paulynne Cheng

A Business and Career Consultant-Coach who melds Chinese Metaphysics techniques with modern day Coaching to help you become the best that you can be. A lifelong reader who cannot imagine life without books; a 25-year Communications professional with an expertise in sports communications, sports marketing and broadcasting.

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