For the Bing Fire Day Master, the 2024 Jia Chen makes this your Indirect Resource year, while April 2024’s Wu Chen represents your Eating God. Both the Indirect Resource and Eating God stars are connected to creativity. So when your Indirect Resource meets the Eating God on the Heavenly Stems, setting time aside to focus on unleashing your creative juices would be a great use of the month’s energy.

Creativity is a powerful force that resides within each of us, waiting to be unleashed and expressed in myriad ways. Whether you’re an artist, a writer, an entrepreneur, or simply someone looking to infuse more creativity into your life, tapping into your creative potential can lead to personal growth, innovation, and a deeper sense of fulfilment.

Create a Creative Environment (Direct Officer)

Your environment plays a significant role in fostering creativity. Create a space that inspires you, whether it’s a dedicated art studio, a cozy corner with a comfortable chair and good lighting, or a digital workspace with the tools you need. Surround yourself with things that fuel your creativity, such as books, art supplies, or inspirational quotes, and let your muses talk.

Embrace Curiosity and Open-Mindedness (Direct Resource)

Creativity thrives in an environment of curiosity and open-mindedness. Be willing to explore new ideas, perspectives, and experiences. Ask questions, challenge assumptions, and approach the world with a sense of wonder. By nurturing your curiosity, you’ll open yourself up to new possibilities and inspire your creative thinking.

Cultivate a Creative Mindset (Eating God)

Developing a creative mindset is essential for unleashing your creativity. This involves being open to experimentation, embracing failure as a learning opportunity, and being willing to take risks. Let go of perfectionism and judgment, and allow yourself the freedom to explore and create without constraints. In other words, feel free to go hog-wild! It’s often said in Bazi that with the Eating God in a Bazi chart, the Chart Owner will never go hungry. Because the Eating God represents the ability to create. Which means that the Chart Owner possesses the innate ability to create something new to help them reach their goals, whatever it may be. Supported by this ability, it’s more likely for the person to feel more optimistic about the future.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.

Author: Paulynne Cheng

A Business and Career Consultant-Coach who melds Chinese Metaphysics techniques with modern day Coaching to help you become the best that you can be. A lifelong reader who cannot imagine life without books; a 25-year Communications professional with an expertise in sports communications, sports marketing and broadcasting.

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