For the Jia Wood Day Master, January 2024’s Yi Chou month (乙丑) signifies the arrival of your Rob Wealth sitting on Direct Wealth. Hey, big spender! 😊But there are many ways to make positive use of the Rob Wealth energy. Interested? Read on!


Of the many Bazi formations, this could possibly be one of the most extravagant! Some spending seems to be in order. Keeping a budget is a must! But instead of reciting “keep me from temptation” daily, there is another way to make use of this particular energy. Instead of spending, why not investing? Either way, money’s going out. But in the latter scenario, there is a possibility of money coming back in!

But what can you be investing towards? Let’s start by taking a slightly longer view. The entire 2024 Wood Dragon year is a year of personal breakthrough for the Jia Wood Day Master. So in the final month before we officially we officially enter the year of the Wood Dragon, a strategy that comes immediately to mind, is to invest in yourself. Upskill, upgrade your knowledge, take a look at what your competitors are doing, and keep up?


In Bazi analogies, the month of the Ox (January) represents the end of winter. The final freeze before the spring thaw. This is typically a time when trees and plants are at their most dormant. The leaves have been shed. The tree is conserving resources for the months ahead.

But as the thaw approaches, the ice melts and the resulting water becomes precious resource for the trees. Come spring, the tree that had best conserved resource, will probably be the first to throw out young leaves to catch the rays of the sun.

Playing out on that analogy, the Jia Wood Day Master could also consider investing in resources to ensure that you gain the first mover’s advantage over your competitors. In other words, you want to be the first tree to cloak your bare branches with pretty leaves.

In this scenario, perhaps you could invest some resources to improve on the quality of your product or service? Alternatively, consider investing resources to improve your speed to market? If the first two suggestions are too difficult to achieve for a one-month period, why not invest some money into buying market research?

You would be asking, why is this necessary? The suggestions above are calculated to help you make better decisions while navigating a month where your Rob Wealth is sitting on Direct Wealth. Depending on the stability of the chart, Rob Wealth on Direct Wealth creates a possible compulsion to speculate. So the suggestions are in the nature of ‘speed bumps’ to help you make better decisions without slowing you down too much.

But what if you don’t intend to use this energy for your career or business? In that case, you could be spending money to invest in your family’s health, education or even well-being. As long as there is a purpose behind the spending that could reap benefits for you in the future. After all, a healthy financial strategy often involves a balance between spending and investing.

Let’s sum it up this way. Rob Wealth represents spending. Direct Wealth represents income. When the two come together, it spells ‘spending your hard-earned money’. Therefore, if you are going to spend anyway, might as well invest. But of course, you could just be hell-bent on spending. In that case… 😊


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


One of the beauties of ice is its ephemeral nature. There is always a certain poignancy when viewing a beautiful ice sculpture. At the back of our minds, we all know that while we can keep a photographic memory of the sculpture, the object itself, may soon disappear.

For the Gui Water Day Master, January 2024’s Yi Chou month (乙丑) represents that time of transformation – when your ideas meet impetus.


We have many ideas throughout the day. Well, at least, I do! Sometimes, we have more ideas than we have time for! And very often, those ideas remain nothing more than ideas. We talk about them, ruminate about them, doodle them on our notebooks, sometimes even dream about them. But without the impetus for action, ideas remain ideas until that first step is taken.

But here’s the thing about ideas. I’m sure you have experienced it as well. Once an idea pops into existence, it becomes a form of energy. Which means, that it may not belong exclusively to you. How many times have we heard someone (or maybe even ourselves) say, “I’ve thought of that idea long ago, but…”

Hence, ideas are nothing without impetus. And in January 2024’s Yi Chou month (乙丑), the Gui Water has both ideas and impetus on your side.


During the winter months, Gui Water is often seen as snow or ice – frozen in place, locked in with other snowflakes to form a beautiful but impermanent structure. And you know, that in order for you to grow, you cannot stay in stasis forever.

Perhaps, you have been toying with an idea for quite some time, and in January 2024, the urge to do something about it is getting stronger. Or perhaps, a certain lingering obstacle, one which had bothered you for quite some time, is really beginning to annoy you. Either way, when ideas meet impetus, it’s time to move.

For the Gui Water Day Master, this may require a willingness to end something old to start something new. If we were to liken the situation to the AI-generated art that I have used as illustration, you may need to dismantle that existing structure, to free yourself for the process of transformation to come.

But since this is just a month’s energy, let’s not burn down the house, ok? It’s just asking for small steps to start turning ideas into reality. And since we need to ‘end’ something for something new to start, how about we end the distractions, diversions, interruptions, and excuses? After all, if we’re going to end something, we might as well end the negative. Why on earth would anyone end the positive, right?

For example, if you have always aspired to be an artist, perhaps January is the right time to block uninterrupted time for art, instead of Netflix? Something… some small baby step that puts you in gear towards the realization or even the fruition of your idea.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


Ren Water Day Masters may be feeling the first stirrings of restlessness in January 2024’s month of the Wood Ox (乙丑). Let’s dissect that feeling right here.

In Chinese Metaphysics, February, the month of the Tiger (寅) heralds the coming of spring when the snow starts to melt. January, or the month of the Ox (丑), represents the final month of winter. While it is still cold in January, imperceptibly, the temperature starts to increase before it dips back down again. This phenomenon is called the January Thaw. A temporary warming that can lead to a partial or temporary thawing of ice and snow.

But what does this mean for the Ren Water Day Master? Very likely, you feel the first ripples of unsettledness. How you respond to this feeling, is how we can make the most of January 2024’s energy for you, the Ren Water Day Master.


While a Hurting Officer month on the surface, the energy of the Yi Chou (乙丑) begins with your Ji Earth (己) Direct Officer star. Of the 5 Yang Day Masters, the Ren Water alone has an interesting reaction to your Direct Officer star. Ren Water, meeting its Ji Earth Direct Officer, has the capacity to erode the Ji Earth. Think of how powerful bodies of water can change coastal lines. At the surface level, this is the Ren Water Day Master’s reputation for being adventurous and free-spirited. Look a little deeper, and we can appreciate that this is the Ren Water Day Master’s ability to change systems and break down barriers.

But the Hurting Officer sitting on Direct Officer is a negative formation! In the classic texts, that is. It’s considered a negative because the Hurting Officer tends to be argumentative by nature. This argumentative streak causes problems when you run up against direct authority. But again, this assumes that we have no control over our own behaviour.

Hence, in January 2024, the need to channel that Hurting Officer energy into street-smart resourcefulness instead of being a rebel who disrupts just for the sake of disruptions. Street-smart individuals are able to navigate changes within existing systems. This is a smart use of the Hurting Officer energy. Rebels, on the other hand, are just resisting for no reason. That would be a silly use of the Hurting Officer.


We all face different types of barriers in our everyday lives – income, time, health, psychological, gender, race, language, resources, and more! Granted, some barriers are easier to overcome than others.

You see, referring to the analogy earlier in this post about the January thaw, this phenomenon carries a lot of power. It can break up the ice and frozen ground, allowing the water to run free. So how can the Ren Water Day Master use this effectively? With a month’s energy, let’s try to overcome the smaller barriers first.

And since it is a Hurting Officer month, which also represents sales, why not spend some time focusing on honing your sales pitch to overcome sales objections? That’s a very literal interpretation of the Yi Chou energy. There are many courses online designed to give you an answer to every possible form of sales objection. These are frequently quick workshops that don’t cost a lot of money nor time.

But what if you are not working in sales? At the end of the day, we are all selling something, aren’t we? Again, the goal is to identify that small step which can help you start to break down certain barriers that are standing in your way. Who knows? This one small step could lead to another opportunity, and then another, and yet another as 2024 progresses.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


For the Xin Metal Day Master, January 2024’s Yi Chou month (乙丑), is a time for the germination of ideas. To prepare the grounds and nurture your internal self in such a way that you recognize the seeds of new opportunities popping up on the landscape.


Back in the day, the Indirect Wealth star was viewed as a negative. In that feudal society thousands of years ago, the noble, military and scholastic classes were considered the cream of the crop. The merchant class? Frequently seen as a necessary evil.

Today, that view has been completely turned around. Entrepreneurs are now being treated like royalty, and there is a general acceptance that the Indirect Wealth is a very useful star. But still, there are some lingering prejudices surrounding that opportunistic streak that is imbued by the Indirect Wealth star. In January 2024, the time is ripe for the Xin Metal Day Master to work past that prejudice and train yourself to spot the gaps.

After all, the term ‘opportunistic’ is merely a human label. We are the ones who give positive or negative connotations to a term. If you are giving back value in return, are you really being opportunistic?

The ability to spot opportunities is very important for business owners. It’s doubly important for the career professional. Why? Because many career professionals (hopefully not you), are often so consumed by the tasks that they have been hired for, that it leaves little time to think of your career as a business. Sometimes, we all could do with a little reminder.


A monthly Bazi forecast is always about the small, little things we can do with a month’s energy to keep propelling ourselves forward. It’s not about a complete change of strategy every month. Our daily tasks of our businesses or careers must still be completed.

But for the Xin Metal Day Master, in January 2024, while we have the energy of the Yi Chou (乙丑), remind yourself to make time to stay informed and updated on industry trends, market changes, and emerging technologies. Expose yourself to different perspectives and ideas. In short, stay curious!

Curiosity is often a prerequisite for recognizing opportunities. Amongst other benefits, it drives you to explore and investigate. But sometimes, curiosity can lead us up a dead-end road. Be okay with that! You’ve just found another way that doesn’t work, that’s all.

Somewhere along the way, we’ve all somehow learned that every tiny effort must yield results by a thousand times. Probably because we’ve all been exposed to too many overnight success stories. It doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes, explorations do lead us to a dead-end. The trick is to have the curiosity to keep pursuing.

So for the Xin Metal Day Master, January 2024 is a month to stay curious and challenge yourself to constantly find the opportunities in any given situation. This is how we train our abilities. And don’t worry, curiosity did not really kill the cat.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


In the study of Bazi, January or the month of the Ox (丑) represents the end of Winter. A time before the great thaw. When the world is still encased in ice. In the hands of a Geng Metal Day Master, January 2024’s Yi Chou month (乙丑) represents a chance to get a head start on your winter ploughing.


To be honest, the Direct Wealth has never been one my favourites among the 10 Gods. Yes, it’s a wealth star. But this is wealth that commensurates to the level of your hard work. In other words, the harder you work, the better you earn. And as a weak Day Master, I’m allergic to hard work. 😊

But even within the connotation of hard work, there is a difference in perception. Do we view this as diligence? Or just plain slog? Slogging implies work that is tedious, monotonous, purposeless, and conveys a sense of weariness.

Meanwhile, diligence is more purposeful in nature. It implies consistent and steady application of effort over time, in pursuit of a particular goal.

So how then, can a Geng Metal Day Master use January 2024’s energy in a more diligent and purposeful manner?


If we were to visualize the Yi Chou as the frozen winter soil, then metaphorically, the actions taken by the Geng Metal Day Master in January 2024 is literally akin to winter ploughing. The intention of winter ploughing is to loosen the soil, making it more porous so that rainwater can seep in or infiltrate instead of flowing away as runoff without being accessible to roots of the plants or crops.

Winter ploughing is really hard work. Imagine trying to dig into frozen earth with a spade! This is where intentional diligence comes in for the Geng Metal Day Master – approaching your projects with mindset of a farmer, where each deliberate furrow symbolizes not just effort, but the cultivation of fertile ground for the seeds of success to flourish in the seasons to come.

Therefore, for the Geng Metal Day Master, January 2024 can be a time where you are literally preparing the foundations. This goes beyond surface-level completion of tasks. It involves the thoughtful preparation of the ‘soil’ in your professional and personal life.

The surface-level tasks will always be there. They still need to be dealt with. Frequently, these are tasks equated to our workaday. But expanding on this idea of winter ploughing for the Geng Metal Day Master, January 2024 requires you to be intentional about where you expand your energy towards beyond the surface-level, check-in-the-box tasks. Because where we direct energy, is where we receive the benefits.

Let’s hang this metaphor around an example. Let’s say you are a career professional looking to expand your career path. The winter ploughing metaphor is you finding pockets of time to complete the tasks directly related to your goal of expanding your career path.  Because in our busy and overwhelming lives, it is these important yet non-urgent tasks that often get relegated to the bottom of the to-do list.

So let’s use the month of January 2024 to put those important future-related tasks to the forefront of your priority. And this is how you plough the ground to prepare for future success to come.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


This is it. The final month before we officially welcome Period 9 and the 2024 Year of the Wood Dragon. Almost feels like being a runner at the starting line, doesn’t it? But actually, that’s not quite true. Energy doesn’t work that way. It’s a continuous flow. What we sow today, we reap tomorrow. What’s so special about January 2024 and the month of the Wood Ox (乙丑)? It’s a continuation of December and the bridge to February. For the Ji Earth Day Master, it represents your 7 Killings month.


In traditional Bazi readings, the 7 Killings is often equated with problems, danger, stress, disasters, hardship, and fear. Yet, in the principle of the Yin and Yang, the 7 Killings also has its positive attributes such as opportunities, power, growth, excitement, adventure, and courage. Which side of the equation presents itself typically depends on whether a 7 Killings is favourable or unfavourable your Bazi Chart.

But wait a minute! At the end of the day, what is favourable or unfavourable? It basically means whether you like something or you dislike something. In other words, our mindsets and perceptions are the ones that label the 7 Killings as either problems or opportunities.

To truly understand the 7 Killings, we need to think back to the days when this art was first created. Back then, the world was a wilder and much more dangerous place. At that time, a 7 Killings means that you are walking up the mountain and you come face to face with a tiger. Avoidance tactics don’t really work then, does it? You’d better be running for your life. Instant, knee-jerk action is required. But what are your odds of meeting a tiger tomorrow? It’d be a 100% if you’d visit the zoo!

So in the modern world, the 7 Killings has become synonymous with stress. Stress adds up when we persist on regarding the obstacles as insurmountable. To cope, those of us living in today’s modern world have created a plethora of avoidance tactics. Some will use distractions like social media. Others happily engage in denial.

For the Ji Earth Day Master, the most likely avoidance tactic is procrastination. Because this 7 Killings is akin to having many people, issues or obstacles, digging into you. Not pleasant. Hence, procrastination. As in, “It’s not like I’m not going to take action! I’m just taking action… tomorrow!” And then tomorrow never comes.

One of the most effective and empowering ways to alleviate stress is literally what the 7 Killings is built for – taking action. All my Bazi readings are centred around creating strategies to encourage my clients to take some action, no matter how small. Like seriously, don’t snub the small actions. They snowball into bigger effects.

And for the Ji Earth Day Master that loves playing within a group dynamics…


Grab a bunch of likeminded friends or contacts, people who share a similar goal or objective, and create an Innovation Café. This is where the group meets monthly in a casual setting to discuss ideas over coffee.

This is not necessarily about working together. The idea of the innovation café is to create an environment where you, the Ji Earth Day Master, is surrounded by people who are on the same path as you are.

Let’s take a common example. Hypothetically, let’s say you are a full-time parent looking to start a home business that can fit into your home schedule. Seek out a group of similar parents (moms or dads), and propose a regular meet-up. Perhaps at the coffee shop located conveniently close to the school? Here, you meet, talk, discuss ideas, find solutions to common problems, support each other, act as accountability coaches to each other. Like a group of adventurers embarking on their own individual adventures, but still supported.

How long should these meet-ups go for? As long as you still enjoy it? This is, after all, a month’s energy. So the January 2024 Ji Chou month is a good time to initiate this idea. Because we are always more likely to start something new or scary when we see others do the same.

Isn’t that a great way to start the New Year? Oh, and in that vein, here’s me wishing you a very Happy New Year in 2024.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


With each passing month, we inch closer to 2024, the year of the Wood Dragon, and the official start of Period 9. Given that this is such an important year, I thought that I should start my annual forecasts a little earlier than usual, so that everyone will have more time to prepare. So let’s start by examining what the 2024 Year of the Wood Dragon presents, at a broad level, to the Wu Earth Day Master.


Each of the 10 Day Masters react to their 7 Killings very differently. But now, thanks to AI-generated art, I can try to illustrate the pictorial side of Bazi. Please bear in mind that this is one possible interpretation of the Wu Earth facing the Jia Chen (Wood Dragon). When it comes to the pictorial side of Bazi, different practitioners will see different pictures.

Think of a tree growing on a mountain. As the tree grows, it sends its roots deep into the soil, through the crevices, seeking the nutrients hidden deep inside.

Now when this picture is presented to you, the first thing that may come to mind could be a feeling of pressure. Perhaps even a feeling of impending additional burdens, responsibilities or even added mental weight. This feeling of pressure may bring about a compulsion to move.

Additionally, as the tree sends its roots into the ground, it dislodges little pebbles that will roll down the hill. These little pebbles represent small actions that the Wu Earth Day Master can take, strategically, throughout 2024. But what type of actions? The Bazi holds a clue!


One possible strategy for the Wu Earth Day Master is to create small, consistent and sustainable actions that are designed to eventually snowball into a bigger effect. Why action? Because 7 Killings is action-oriented. And to what effect? Depends on your objective or goal or strategy for the year. Like playing a game of chess. A pawn here, a piece there, to eventually dominate the board.

In which areas could you be looking to for action-taking?  Well, can I take small actions to maximize on my existing network and systems? Can I take small actions to expand on my professional network? Are my friends just for gossip and brunch, or is there any way we can build the friendship into a mutually beneficial relationship? Or are there dormant networks that you may have neglected recently? Perhaps it’s time to reconnect?

At a very broad level, this is the opportunity that the 2024 Year of the Wood Dragon is presenting to you, the Wu Earth Day Master. Will there be feelings of pressure? High possibility. How well you work this, will depend on how open you are to tap into your own hidden resources. Hence, grace under pressure. Because in 2024, the Wu Earth Day Master will be required to dig deep.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the blog.


After a season as the Year Breaker, the Rooster’s rebuild begins in 2024 year of the Wood Dragon or Jia Chen.

2024 Rooster Zodiac


2023 was the Year Breaker for you. A year of change. There wasn’t much support for you. For some Roosters, it was a particularly painful year. I’m really sorry you had to experience that and I hope that by the time you are reading this post, you have gotten back on your feet again.

2024, hands down, is a year for relationship building. Because of the Grand Duke Combination. This is wealth through partnerships, it’s the opportunity to cooperate and more importantly, leverage on other people’s resources. How to use the Grand Duke Combination? By creating new contacts and partnerships.

Supporting this Grand Duke Combination is the Peach Blossom star. Likability is about to increase! This is a given, if you want access to other people’s resources, at the very least they must like you, right? Also, good news on the romance department as this star brings romance luck as well.

There is also access to nobleman, in the form of a minor nobleman star called the Advisor. It’s a minor star, why nitpick? Let’s take it anyway.


What could possibly halt this relationship building and likability? The Cascading Cloud and Flying Blade stars.

The Cascading Cloud represents resentment. Apparently, you may still be holding a grudge from the challenges of the previous year. And from this resentment and grudge, out comes the Flying Blade which represents disputes and arguments.

These two together means, ‘I’m resentful and I’m picking fights’. Which will make it hard for the Peach Blossom to work for you.

Awareness is the key here. When we become aware of something, we gain control.


At the same time, you also have the support of two problem-dissolving stars – Earth Relief and Monthly Virtue. Both of these stars dissipate negative energy. How can we help them along? Firstly, by being positive, and secondly by being pro-active about nipping problems in the bud instead of allowing them to fester.


What other negative stars do we need to be aware of? When you are the Year Breaker, it comes with the Great Consumer. The following year always follows with the Lesser Consumer. This is small money going out. Budgeting issues.

Budgeting issues caused by the Death Charm which represent being blindsided by unexpected events that may cost you some money, and Salty Pool which is the star of instant gratification.

If you are a business owner, you can use this bunch to do market testing or A/B testing. If you are not a business owner, be extra disciplined about your budget, and stay away from those annual sales.


Ultimately, we want to head towards the Sky Fortune which promotes a harmonious relationship with the people around you. It promotes having great relationships where you support and are supported in turn. That’s the goal for 2024. And where are we heading towards? 2025 where there is promotion luck to be had.


But please remember, this is not prophetic in nature. Also, this way of presenting the Zodiac stars is just one possible permutation of how things can flow. It can happen in any way. The goal of these annual posts is not to scare you. The goal is to show you what you want to avoid. These are neither promises nor threats! They’re just here to show you possible outcomes. So I hope, that in reading this, you learn to accentuate the positives and sidestep the negatives.


With the Peach Blossom supporting the Grand Duke Combination, you’d better be networking and building relationships. The Year Pillar governs our industry, market, social networks, and social media. Show yourself. Tell people what you do. Talk about your talents. Don’t be shy. The stronger and more valuable your network, the better! For the Rooster, 2024 is all about building relationships. And who knows? Maybe you net yourself a mentor?

In fact, you actually have two Peach Blossom stars. Because the Sky Fortune can also create a similar effect in the sense that it promotes harmonious relationships. These two working together can help enhance your reputation. Because you are super likable. What we want is to have people in the industry or in the market talking about you.

Same goes for the romance department, with the Peach Blossom in the Year, you’d better be out there.


The theme of building relationships carries across the board, regardless of where the Rooster is in your Chart.

For the business owners, if the Rooster governs your career and business pillar, there are possibilities of gaining access or creating new partnerships where you get to leverage on the strengths of your partners. Also, with the budget-related stars, you can use the Lesser Consumer in a positive way by investing in test marketing. Or small advertising campaigns that are calculated to generate quick conversion – like one-off sale.

For career professionals, how about we use the Grand Duke Combo to align ourselves with the boss? Find out what are the company’s plans for the near future. How can we contribute? Conversations like these are important. It can be a great year if you are willing to contribute. Don’t be calculative. This is a year to go above and beyond.

Alternatively, we build great relationships with our colleagues and the people involved in our work. Some money might be spent. Lunches cost money!


The Day pillar represents ourselves and our close intimate relationships.

If you are single and looking, with the Peach Blossom and Lesser Consumer together, maybe we invest some money to improve on our external packaging? Of course, only if you can afford to do so, ok? The Lesser Consumer doesn’t require you to splurge. There is romance luck, if you are looking. There’s a higher chance that the romance luck could be triggered through the match-making efforts of your close circle of friends and family.

If partnered and in a committed relationship, it’s time to inject an element of spice, zest and surprise back into your relationship. Here, I draw your attention to the Cascading Cloud. Find a way to release any resentments over any ongoing issues or arguments. Either we use the Monthly Virtue to quickly resolve any misunderstandings, or we use the Earth Relief to dissolve the lingering anger, resentment and negative emotions. Peace in the household is the goal here.


The Hour Pillar  represents a whole mixed bag of stuff. This is the legacy pillar. So it covers our investments, children, staff, ideas, aspirations, dreams.

In this instance, where investment is concerned, the Earth Relief is very good for buying and selling property. So you may want to keep your eyes peeled for a sweet investment deal because there is some investment and asset accumulation luck. But again, the caution, please – just because there is some investment luck is not reason to get reckless. You still need to do your part by learning and strategizing. Eyes wide open, guys!

With the Rooster in the hour, you could also see a scenario where your ideas are finally finding traction. People are liking your ideas, and therefore, creating a possibility of working together with you.


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2024 for the Monkey zodiac brings possible growth, but there is no nobleman support. Means, you gotta do it yourself. In 2024, it’s all about being pro-active and taking independent action for the Monkey.

2024 Monkey Zodiac


2023 was a year of new directions for the Monkey. There were opportunities to explore and expand into unfamiliar territory. There were challenges, but I hope that most Monkeys found them surmountable.

Granted, it’s not a whole lot of stars in 2024, but in this case, less is more!

Having grown, contributed and proven your worth in 2023, there might come opportunities to be a part of even larger projects and collaboration. That’s the effect of the Three Harmony. The Three Harmony is very powerful. It connects your Chart to the external environment. For one year, you are energetically linked to the external environment. With this, you can better understand what your market wants and you are able to deliver exactly what the market needs.

This Three Harmony can also give you access to powerful noble people. Yes, even though there are no nobleman stars in 2024! Mentors, decision-makers, industry leaders – somehow, it’s easier for them to notice you in 2024.


The Three Stages is a career star pure and simple. Translation: climbing the corporate ladder, increase in your ranking, good reputation and promotion luck. Traditionally, it’s used for career professionals as it represents moving up the bureaucracy.

For business owners, this can represent increasing the value of your brand. How to increase? By collaborating or getting into bigger projects with other visible players.

Now the effect of the Three Harmony and Three Stages can be interchangeable. You might get in on a big project that leads to a promotion. Or, you could get promoted which then gives you access to the bigger projects.

But what could make the year unpleasant? Two groups of challenges – legal matters and people matters.


Both the Officer Charm and Year Charm signify legal problems. All of us, regardless of business owners or career professionals, need to sign off on documents in our daily work. These two are saying, ‘read before you sign’. These are hassles caused by documentation. Maybe a form filled wrongly, missing important documents, and some such.

The Flying Charm is about fines. These are penalties, taxes, speeding or parking tickets, court summons. With this in the Chart, be extra careful when you are filing your tax returns. Keep your documentations in pristine order. Make sure you pay your permits or speeding tickets on time.

These legal stars require our meticulous attention. Because apparently, the Monkey, is plenty distracted with bigger things in 2024.


The next bunch, people matters. You are climbing the ladder. Of course, you may incite Envy, Jealousy, Haters! That’s the Back Poking star. People talking about you behind your back. Gossip, slander, rumour-mongers.

The Earth Sha represents obstacles at work. Basically, passive aggression. Lack of cooperation. If you have the Monkey in the hour, maybe even insubordination.

This relentless daily assault from people matters can be very draining. So comes the Five Ghost. You feel suspicion and fear. Basically, you feel like you are not secured in your position yet. Because of that, you become extra jumpy, anxious, stressed!

Ironically, the answer to this people matters lies in the other group of negative stars. Documentation. When staff or colleagues are being uncooperative, in a corporate setting, the only thing you can do is make sure that everything is written in black and white. Had a discussion with someone? Follow up with an email. Need someone to do something? Create a paper trail – send an email. No verbal instructions. Everything in black and white.

Because wouldn’t it be such a waste to allow these petty people to get in the way of your growth when there is such a clear opportunity? Yes, it can be lonely. You might lose your lunch buddies. But if they cannot be happy for you when your career grows, are they friends to begin with?


But please remember, this is not prophetic in nature. Also, this way of presenting the Zodiac stars is just one possible permutation of how things can flow. It can happen in any way. The goal of these annual posts is not to scare you. The goal is to show you what you want to avoid. These are neither promises nor threats! They’re just here to show you possible outcomes. So I hope, that in reading this, you learn to accentuate the positives and sidestep the negatives.


Remember that elevator pitch? Start working on it. The Year Pillar represents our industry, market, social and professional networks, acquaintances, social media, etc.

There are collaboration opportunities in this area of your life. Your job, is to be pro-active about seeking out these opportunities. These could be actual projects, or even chances to get featured on someone else’s platform. Example, you are an upcoming lawyer who got featured with a popular LawTuber. Something like that. In 2024? Look for someone with the Snake.

Where social media is concerned, there will be some risks of drawing the attention of trolls, haters and cyber bullying. But the impact may not be so big unless you are a bona fide celebrity. Ironically, being controversial can enhance someone’s reputation. We’ve all seen that happen time and time again where the person’s career took off because he or she were infamous instead of merely famous. Because in Period 9, indifference is worse than hate.


Promotion luck is the strongest when the Monkey is in the Month. Because this is literally the career and business pillar.

Again, there are opportunities for collaboration that could lead to increasing the value of your brand. As your star ascends, of course you might attract the envy of others. In this case, the highest chance would come from your competitors.

This is nothing new. Even in 2023, you faced the Robbery Sha where people have been trying to steal your leads, ideas, copy your methods, etc. The answer for this is to keep innovating. People can steal ideas. They cannot steal your execution.

Also, look for opportunities to network with the bosses. I will admit, this set of stars can be quite hellish if you are in the middle management position. Pressure from the top, and resistance from your peers. No support. So when you get in on the big projects, you need to ensure that you are able to contribute independently. Which means you don’t rely on anyone else to complete your part of the projects.


If the Monkey governs your Day Pillar, the collaboration opportunities here may not be professional in nature. They might not be necessarily directly connected with your work. Instead, they could be personal projects for something that you are crazy passionate about. Because the Day Pillar governs our personhood, our physical wellbeing. It used to just govern our spouse. But today, especially in Period 9, the Day Pillar is increasingly becoming the personal pillar.

A great example of this would be volunteer work or charitable projects. On the one hand, you are contributing to society, and on the other, you increase your personal value as well. The easy way out, of course, is just to donate money. You can still do that. But taking this one step further, when we donate our time and talents, you may find access to network with other sponsors of the charitable organization. So while you are doing good, you are also benefitting. Win-win!

In this case, being extra careful with your personal documentation like tax, insurance, banking documentations, is a must. Make sure you pay all your statutory payments like tax on time. Income tax, road tax, driving permits, licenses.

And no speeding on the road. Because the likelihood of getting fined is higher.


Monkey in the Hour is interesting. This pillar represents a whole bunch of stuff – your ideas, aspirations, mindset, thinking pattern, investment, children and staff.

Let’s go with staff first. ‘Someone’ is being sulky because ‘someone’ thinks they are ready for a promotion. Someone in your staff. Your job is to assess and see if they can be promoted. Otherwise, the risk of insubordination is pretty high here.

In terms of mindset, your own fear of what other people will say, may stop you from going for the bigger opportunities. Find a way to negate that self-talk.


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From the perspective of the Wu Earth Day Master, December 2023’s Jia Zi month represents your 7 Killings star sitting on your Direct Wealth. Therefore, this Christmas, let’s embrace the spirit of courage.

December 2023 Bazi
December 2023 Bazi Chart. Plotted on: www.joeyyap.com/bzchart

In a world that often demands resilience and strength, let this season be a call to boldness, a reminder to step into the unknown with open hearts and unwavering bravery.

Amidst the festive decorations and familiar traditions, let us be courageous in forging new connections, mending strained relationships, and extending forgiveness. Sometimes, the most profound transformations occur when we confront challenges with courage and vulnerability.

Take a moment to reflect on the past year and, with courage, acknowledge the lessons learned, the growth experienced, and the resilience that carried you through. As you gather with loved ones, be courageous in sharing your authentic self, knowing that vulnerability fosters genuine connections.

This Christmas, let’s also be courageous in extending compassion to those in need, reaching out to the marginalized, and standing up for justice. The true magic of the season lies in our ability to make a positive impact, and that often requires courage to challenge the status quo and strive for a more inclusive and compassionate world.

May this Christmas be a celebration of courage – a reminder that within each of us lies the strength to make a difference, to inspire change, and to create a brighter, more compassionate future for all.


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