The Bing Shen (丙申) pillar is literally seen as sunlight reflected. Extraordinarily ambitious, creative, visionary and witty, this pillar is a force to be reckoned with.


In the old texts, the Bing Shen pillar is likened to the sun reflecting off the Kun Lun mountain where its light is reflected off the lake at the base of the mountain. In today’s context, we could see this pillar as the sun shining off the smooth glassy surface of a skyscraper. Double the sun, double the brilliance, double the enthusiasm, double the purpose!

And side note, Albert Einstein was a Bing Shen (丙申). Did you know that?


Bing Shen Bazi
  1. The first thing I want you to know is, this is a Day Master that sits on its own Intelligence Star. Of course, this is not exactly unique. There are other day masters that also sit on their own intelligence star – the Ding You 丁酉, Wu Shen 戊申, Ji You 己酉, Ren Yin 壬寅, and Gui Mao 癸卯. However, in the Bing Shen, this intelligence is more pronounced, completely due to the fact that the sunlight is being reflected. So it’s almost akin to having two suns shining in unison, so bright you need to wear shades. In other words, you can’t help but notice the sheer brilliance of this pillar.

When we have our own Intelligence Stars in our natal charts, what it basically means is that the Day Master is able to quickly grasp concepts and turn them into workable solutions. When a Day Master sits on its own Intelligence Star, this results in a highly intelligent, creative, visionary and witty individual.

2. The Bing Shen pillar is one that is infused with purpose. From their perspective, time must not be squandered and a life lived without intent and purpose is a life wasted. This self-sustaining and far-sighted Bing Fire literally burns with an inner vitality that brings out its inner creativity.

3. Idealistic as this creativity may be, the Bing Shen sits on its Geng Metal Indirect Wealth, which brings a strong degree of control and practicality into the picture. This Day Master is literally sitting or controlling its wealth.

4. Combined, this towering creativity and tough practicality ends with an action-taker who is able to overcome all odds. Yes, you’ve got it right. The Bing Shen is literally, a force to be reckoned with. With all these tools at your disposal, you already know that you are extraordinarily ambitious, multi-talented and determined.


While every pillar comes with a gift, so does it come with a weakness. In the case of the Bing Shen, so overwhelming is the fear of failure that sometimes, it can result in a Day Master who fears taking chances. This fear of failure stems from taking themselves and the world too seriously. Remember? For the Bing Shen, life must be lived with purpose. The solution to this is quite simple, really. Getting wound so tight all the time is not a particularly healthy thing to do. So learn to relax! Things don’t always have to go your way.

Another vulnerability? Bing Fire Day Masters in general, are usually advised not to lie! Because your Day Master is so visible, your lies tend to be found out! This caution is doubled for the Bing Shen. Because of your reflected sunlight, all the more your lies will be exposed.


The Bing Fire, by itself, is already a cheerful and passionate element. With the sunlight reflected in the Bing Shen, this leads to enthusiasm overload. You can use this extraordinary enthusiasm and go-getter energy of the Bing Shen to inspire others and literally change lives.

People are inspired by someone who can point out possibilities they may not have considered or thought unattainable. People are also inspired by someone who conveys an optimistic vision of the future that makes sense to them. Of the 10 Heavenly Stems, only the Bing has the pre-requisite to fulfil those requirements.


Because the Shen (申) is a travelling animal as well as your intelligent star, imagine being so smart that learning comes too easy for you. Little wonder that you are always driven to explore new directions.

So being Bing Shen, But Better calls for crafting a life where you have the freedom to explore many avenues before finally landing on the right path. The sooner you go through this process, the better. Because while this process is on-going, there is a strong chance that you may scatter your energies too wide, resulting in a lack of focus. Developing a greater sense of self-discipline will be the key to bringing the Bing Shen pillar the achievement it craves.

Another important factor is to learn how to filter your friends. Who we hang out with can absolutely affect our achievements. This is particularly true for Bing Shen.

Also, given the intelligence of this pillar, it would also be useful if you can become an outstanding subject-matter expert in a particular topic. So pick one skill, and get so good at it, that the skill literally defines you.

As always, a final caveat. Without the ability to see the full chart, I must stress that the suggestions in this article are broad recommendations based on a single pillar.

Are you a Bing Shen Day Master? Plot your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.


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Image by Michael Gaida from Pixabay

Permission Statement:

All Bazi terminologies and the Bazi Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


A plant growing on dry earth. No, not merely growing, but thriving! That’s the image conveyed by the energies of the Yi Wei (乙未) pillar. Yes, something like a cactus. Hey! Cacti can be pretty too, you know. Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it!


Let’s take a closer look at this unique plant that thrives in the harshest of environments. While all Yi Wood are survivors by nature, the Yi Wei manifests that trait most of all. Its roots run deep, able to tap into and make full use of every ounce of resource. This is where the shrewdness of the Yi Wei comes from. It reflects a person who can dig deep and make the most of any situation.


Yi Wei Bazi
  1. Like all Yi Wood Day Masters, the Yi Wei is instinctively a good networker. But the harsh environment in which the cactus grows has taught it to grow thorns as a self-defense mechanism. What this means is that you, the Yi Wei Day Master, will have the tendency to pick and choose your friends. The Yi Wei is already a natural quick judge of character. Basically, unlike other Yi Wood Day Masters, you’re just not that into needless entanglements and competition. Every person you bring into your personal space, is someone you already deem worthy and capable of helping you attain your goals.
  2. This Ding Fire Output Star brings you a taste for luxury living as well as the willingness to work for that ideal lifestyle. You like refinement and charm, don’t you? Another gift of this Ding Fire is spirituality. The Yi Wei day master tends to be spiritually gifted and will have an interest in non-conventional wisdom. In most circumstances, you prefer to develop your own mind and intuition independently from others. Unique to the Yi Wei is an innate understanding or acceptance that you are solely responsible for your own self-development.
  3. Lastly, your Ji Earth Wealth Star represents your perseverance, resilience and persistence that gives you a tenacious mindset that will drive you to extraordinary heights. But note, the key word is tenacity, not stubbornness. There is a big difference between the two. Stubbornness is about not wanting to change your position or mind about something. Tenacity is driven by the determination to achieve your goal.


One of the biggest vulnerabilities of the Yi Wei is your tendency to be a bit of a control freak. Again, this Yi Wood is growing in a harsh environment. This amps up your survival instincts which makes you at once demanding and critical of others.

Additionally, the Yi Wei needs to learn to control your responses to external circumstances that are out of your control. In other words, learn to tell the difference between what you can and cannot change. You see, for all its stillness, the Yi Wei pillar has a bit of an emotional roller coaster deep inside. Unseen by others, you could easily go from the heights of ecstasy to the depths of despair. The biggest challenge to the Yi Wei is to learn to control this tendency for self-torment.


The Yi Wei Day Master can come off as a bit of a loner, someone who prefers independence and solitude. Remember those sharp thorns?

Most Yi Wei Day Masters will tend to have a large group of acquaintances but few close friends. Generous and compassionate as you may be, the Yi Wei tends to like being the dominant person in any relationship. Could this be a handicap for you? Depends!

But like a cactus in the desert, your network of acquaintances are often myriad, varied but hidden from view.


To trigger a Yi Wei’s strengths is to cultivate a sense of purpose. This is when you truly become unstoppable. Because this sense of purpose, whatever it may be, is what will activate your willingness to work hard for an ideal, your resourcefulness and sheer will. What should this purpose be? You decide!

Additionally, be aware of the Yi Wei’s unquenchable thirst for knowledge. This dry Yi Wei pillar will suck up any and all knowledge. To maximize this gift, learn not only to store knowledge, but also to share knowledge.

As always, a final caveat. Without the ability to see the full chart, I must stress that the suggestions in this article are broad recommendations based on a single pillar.

Are you a Jia Wu Day Master? Plot your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.


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Permission Statement:

All Bazi terminologies and the Bazi Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


A tall, sturdy tree at the height of summer, planted on hot dry ground. A single spark could potentially set off a catastrophic forest fire. The Jia Wu (甲午) is the very picture of an all-consuming ambition.


Once again, it’s time to talk about another Jia Wood (甲) pillar. Shall we take another stroll through the woods, together? This time, it’s summer. The ground is dry, pleasant to walk on. We are surrounded by towering trees, their shade offering relief from the burning sun. Sunlight filters through the branches in shafts of gold and green.

But hang on a second… I can hear you asking now – what’s all this bird song got to do with the gift of ambition? Let’s talk about your strengths.


  1. Like all Jias, the Jia Wu is also supportive, protective and benevolent. As all Jias, this too has a deep-rooted instinct to reach for the skies. An independent pillar, there is a very strong sense of dignity and self-respect that is inherent within the Jia Wu.
  2. However, this Jia sits on a flammable Ding Fire (丁) which represents your Hurting Officer star. In essence, this makes the Jia Wu a maverick among the Jia Pillars. This Ding Fire Hurting Officer lends brilliance and communication skills to the Jia Wu, endowing the usually stoic Jia Wood Day Master with originality, progressiveness and showmanship. This is one of the biggest gifts of the Jia Wu – the ability to pull together knowledge and information from a myriad of sources, and communicate those ideas in a unique and fresh manner.
  3. But the Jia Wu is not all show and no substance. This Jia is grounded in its Ji Earth (己) Direct Wealth star, giving the Jia Wu the industrious perseverance, you need to handle the hard work and execute your plans.

So let’s take the ambition of the Jia Wood, pair it with the showmanship and willingness to challenge the status quo of the Ding Fire Hurting Officer, along with the resourcefulness and hard working nature of the Ji Earth, and we end up with the picture of an all-consuming ambition that drives the Jia Wu Day Master to accomplish great things.

This is someone who will never bow down to life’s challenges. There is a strong willpower and determination here to take charge of their destiny. Always, there is this drive to be more, know more, do more, give more.  

Which is a good thing. Because well-aimed ambition, grounded by strong values will create an individual who vibrates at a higher level and gives you the motivation to keep running around and past the obstacles that come your way.

But beware of the burnout.


Of all the pillars, the Jia Wu is the most susceptible to burnout. Think of a raging forest fire and the scorched earth it leaves behind. That might very well happen to the Jia Wu. When the Fire gets too strong, the Jia Wu Day Master will try to take on too much, spread itself too thin, and end up disillusioned and exhausted.

And when that happens, the dark side of the Jia Wu shows up – rebellious and overbearing. Along with the strength of being able to re-brand information (as mentioned in the Strengths), comes a willingness to burn the house down just to prove you are right. This is next level, self-sabotage type of stubborn, we are talking about.

More on the solutions in the final segment, Jia Wu But Better.


The maverick Jia Wu carries with it a strong sense of individualism. Its brilliance makes this a difficult pillar to ignore. However, because this Jia sits on the Death Position in the 12 Growth Phases, there may be an indication of emotional instability especially when a self-punishment formation is formed. Therefore, you need to be aware of the Jia Wu pillar’s propensity to come off as having a dual personality, sometimes compassionate, sometimes domineering.

But in general, the Jia Wu Day Master tends to be socially active. You have a preference for those who can match your level of ambition and industriousness. And for those whom the Jia Wu considers friends and allies? The benevolent Jia Wu will do anything for them.


The challenge for the Jia Wu Day Master, is to learn to direct this passion and ambition and strike a balance that is aimed at sustainability. Be very aware of your proclivity to burn out.

In this pillar’s energy flow, the Day Master continually exerts strength. Nothing is supporting the Day Master. Which means that you must do it yourself. How? Learn! Open yourself to different thoughts, ideas, philosophies of others. Make your learning as wide-ranging as possible. Remember your unique strength? The ability to re-brand information? The more wide-ranging your knowledge, the more interesting your ideas become. So be the Google!

As always, a final caveat. Without the ability to see the full chart, I must stress that the suggestions in this article are broad recommendations based on a single pillar.

Are you a Jia Wu Day Master? Plot your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.


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Photo by Alexander Henke on Unsplash

Permission Statement:

All Bazi terminologies and the Bazi Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


What happens when you place water into an iron receptacle, put a big fire underneath and then channel the resulting vapour? You get to harness the power of steam! That, my friend, is exactly what the Gui Si (癸巳) pillar is all about – the power of steam.


The Gui Si is perhaps the most driven, hardworking and noble among the six Gui pillars. Seated on its own Direct Wealth, Direct Officer, and Direct Resource stars, the Gui Si can easily tap on the Wealth-Officer-Seal structure that brings blessings of nobility and success.

The key to making the Gui Si pillar work is to give it direction and purpose. Like the steam in our example, when harnessed properly, it can move a train! But without that direction, the steam scatters into the air and disperses into nothing. This means that, when inspired and committed to a strong purpose, the Gui Si pillar can literally move mountains.

But how does the weak Gui water move a mountain? The answer lies in the crux of the Gui Si pillar, which is the gift of collaboration.

Allow me to elaborate.


In the study of Bazi, the Gui Water is deemed as the weakest of the 10 stems. They abhor tough situations. When things get too hot, the Gui Water has been known to scatter, returning only when things cool down. Some may say that the Gui Water is lazy.

I beg to differ.

But before I delve into the individual strengths of each element, I would like to share that the Gui Si pillar by itself sits on a Taiji and Tianyi Nobleman star. This makes the Gui Si, one of the top spiritual pillars, representing not only an interest, but also a talent for spirituality and metaphysics.

Now, let’s talk about your strengths:

Gui Si Bazi
  1. Seated on your own Bing Fire (丙) Direct Wealth, the Gui Si, will certainly put in its fair share of work. But being the smartest worker of them all, why bother doing something yourself when you can get others to do it for you?
  2. Your Wu Earth (戊) Direct Officer star comes in to give the Gui Si its much-needed direction to move mountains. Here is courage. Here is leadership. This Gui Water Day Master does not crumble under pressure. Instead, you excel in situations where leadership and collaboration is called for. Being a highly noble pillar, the Gui Si is not triggered by mere financial achievements alone. In fact, the Gui Si will always worry about money, even when they have plenty of money in the bank. What really drives a Gui Si, is recognition.
  3. You, the Gui Si Day Master, is also seated on your own Geng Metal (庚) Resource star. This means that you are innately intelligent, perceptive and a great strategic thinker. But more than that, this represents the ability to apply critical thinking to any situation. And that is how you are able to master the topics that interest you, by stripping away blind faith and superstition.

Given the three factors above – the ability to work hard, the presence of Noble People, and a thirst for recognition – we circle back to the gift of collaboration that comes automatically to the Gui Si pillar. It’s the gift of not only connecting with people from all walks of life, but to take it one step further by working collaboratively with them. Therefore, the Gui Si’s contact list can be worth its weight in gold.


The Snake branch is considered as an active star. As a result, the Gui Si Day Master typically will have a stronger need for financial stability than most other people. Basically, this is a case of money never enough.

Now, there is a fun dichotomy in the Gui Si. While this Day Master has awesome organizational skills, it can also be inherently lazy. What this means is that, productivity tend to happen in bursts of activity. There will be periods of intense work, followed by a period of inertia.

For this reason, it’s usually best for the Gui Si to own a business so that others can continue the work while you ‘slack off’.


The Gui Si Day Master can be a bit shy when you first meet people. But once the ice is broken, most people will find the Gui Si to be very original and outgoing. As mentioned, the Snake is an active star, and anyone with this influence will likely enjoy an active social life.


Here are three easy ways to maximize the gift of collaboration in the Gui Si pillar:

  1. Be open to meeting new people constantly. The Si (巳) by itself is a very active, travelling star. Forcing the Si (巳) pillar to stay still will result in strong inertia that can prove to be quite difficult to overcome. Therefore, put yourself in situations where it is easy and appropriate to introduce yourself to new contacts. Let’s be realistic about friends. Not all friends stay in our lives forever. Not everyone we meet will become our friends. So that contact list must constantly be topped-up.
  2. Commit to a community. Committing yourself, and establishing yourself within a community is a great way for the Gui Si to find new collaborators. As more people are drawn into the community, so does your contact list grow.
  3. Establish yourself as a giver. Be willing to share knowledge, tips and value on a regular basis. Something as simple as sharing a funny story, or a motivational quote via text messaging is enough to let people know that they are in your thoughts. When you do that, you will indirectly position yourself as a subject matter expert which will not only draw more people into your circle, but more importantly, keep them there.

 On a personal note, I have a good friend who happens to be a Gui Si Day Master. She does the above three so naturally, that there are days where I truly envy her for her ability. In our connected world, the ability to bring many people together to work on one objective is a truly powerful talent.

As always, a final caveat. Without the ability to see the full chart, I must stress that the suggestions in this article are broad recommendations based on a single pillar.

Are you a Gui Si Day Master? Plot your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.


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Photo by Adam Bignell on Unsplash

Permission Statement:

All Bazi terminologies and the Bazi Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd. For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


The first rule of SEO is that the first paragraph must always contain the title or keyword of the post. In this case, that would be – Wu Yin (戊寅), the gift of trust.

Now that I’ve adhered to that rule, allow me a paragraph or two to introduce you to a little-known gem in Japan.

Of all the race tracks that I have ever been to (of which there has been many), one stands out as unique from the others. Located south of Japan, three hours from Fukuoka City, high up on the Aso mountain range, lies the Autopolis International Racing Course. Built on the edge of a dead volcano, it rises high above the cloud-line, ringed by tall mountains made lush with trees and evergreens.

For me, the Wu Yin pillar will always call to mind those romantic forest-covered mountains, stretching high above the cloud line.


I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. Trust is the fundamental cornerstone that keeps our civilization functioning. When a customer trusts a supplier, business is conducted. When a employer trusts an employee, business growth happens. When a couple gets married, trust is the glue that makes the marriage work. Hell, even when driving, we need to trust that the drivers around us know what they are doing.

Confident and powerful, yet sensitive and vulnerable, the Wu Yin is constantly in search of fulfilment and balance. Ironically, it is this search for a stable foundation that bequeaths a precious gift – the gift of trust-building.

Additionally, the Wu Yin (戊寅) or Earth Tiger pillar sits on the prosperous position in the 12 Growth Stages. This indicates a stable and prosperous pillar where the Qi is extremely strong. Because of that, your potential for growth is virtually limitless.


  1. As a Wu Yin (戊寅) or Earth Tiger Day Master, earning the trust of the people around you is an ability that comes naturally. Seated on your own Jia Wood (甲) Killings Star gives you the drive to see things through, a key hallmark of a trustworthy person. Growing high on the mountain, this Jia Wood is your desire for fame and power. It is the reason you strive for excellence. This is what makes you such a competitive individual.
  2. Your quest for excellence is further enhanced by your Bing Fire (丙) Resource Star. This element makes you incredibly perceptive. It also helps you create your own inspiration. Supported by this Bing Fire (丙) Resource Star, you are born with the gift for words that inspires everyone around you.
  3. Your Wu Yin (戊寅) Day Pillar is anchored on your Wu Earth (戊) Companion Star. This rooting brings a naturally appealing self-confidence as well as an enduring nature. You can literally outlast your peers on the slow and steady route to success. You are the strong, solid, dependable, and predictable presence in the room.


Externally, you always come across as someone who is super powerful and confident. You stand tall and majestic, just like the mountain you represent.

But inside, there is a vulnerable and sensitive core which I will explain in the next segment.


The three hidden stems in the Yin (寅) or Tiger Branch brings a lot of gifts to the Wu Yin (戊寅) Day Master. They also come with their own unique set of vulnerabilities.

Your Wu Earth (戊) Companion Star that provides you with that all-important stability is constantly being challenged by your Jia Wood (甲) Killings Star. Translated to plain human speak? Your eternal quest for excellence, if not managed properly, will cause you to think that you are never good enough. This causes self-doubt and self-confidence issues, your biggest barriers to success. It is also the reason why you are easily discouraged by even the mildest of critiques.

When your self-confidence is in crisis, the Wu Yin (戊寅) or Earth Tiger Day Master will self-isolate for some much-needed reflection. This behaviour pattern comes from your Bing Fire (丙) Resource Star. While some self-reflection and learning is good, do be aware of the Bing Fire element’s biggest strength/vulnerability – its constant and persistent nature. Be mindful that you are not dwelling on the same issue over and over again. Learn to identify the pattern and how to break it so that the self-reflective tendencies serve to help you instead of derail you.


Money for its own sake will not be the driver for this pillar. Instead, it is security, foundation, a safety net that is of prime importance. To be Wu Yin But Better is to fulfil your deep need for family support.

I’d like to remind you that family need not be confined to those who are related to you by blood. It can be family that you choose. Trusted and close friends whom you have allowed into your inner circle who provide you with the love and support you need to grow to your maximum potential.

As always, a final caveat. Without the ability to see the full chart, I must stress that the suggestions in this article are broad recommendations based on a single pillar.

Are you a Wu Yin Day Master? Plot your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.


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Photo Credit: Nicolas Dura on Twitter

Permission Statement:

All Bazi terminologies and the Bazi Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.