Unassuming, unruffled and infinitely curious, in this post, we are going to explore the real ‘Google’ of the universe – the Great Moon.

Before We Go Any Further, I Am Talking About Your Subconscious

For the benefit of those who may not have been exposed to QMDJ, allow me a couple of sentences to explain. Qi Men Dun Jia is the Art of War. It is a tool designed for strategy and tactics (forecasting and execution). However, there is a spiritual side to Qi Men Dun Jia which believes that we are, each of us, naturally connected to one of ten universal energies.

The ten QMDJ deities are basically ten different manifestations of the universal energy. They are neither demons nor angels. Like all energy forms, they are neutral. Think of your personal deity as your subconscious. It is yours to command. It doesn’t rule you.

How To Know Which Of The 10 Represents Your Subconscious

First: Plot your Bazi Chart here: https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/

Next: At the top of your Chart, on the right (see diagram), there is a box containing your QMDJ destiny information.

Lastly: Look at the information under ‘Guardian Deity’

The Gifts Of The Great Moon: Affinity With Knowledge

In the study of Qimen, the Great Moon is a deity of blessings. Those born with the Great Moon as their ‘Guardian Deity’ are blessed with the capacity to tap into infinite knowledge and wisdom.

However, beyond just the storage of information lies a much more important skill. If you are born with the Great Moon as your Guardian Deity, you have the capacity to use said information, or better yet, monetize it. How many of us know someone who is extremely intelligent, someone who knows a lot about many topics, a veritable walking encyclopedia, yet can’t seem to use the information they have?

A couple of months back, I went on a research spree by plotting the charts of top athletes in the fighting arena and endurance sports like marathons. I was hunting for the White Tiger. Instead, to my surprise, I found a lot of top athletes who are born with the Great Moon as their Guardian Deity.

The conclusion of that research spree was this: people born with the Great Moon can easily replicate processes and with that skill, increase their success rate exponentially. This is your unfair advantage.

Because of your affinity with knowledge, people with the Great Moon as their Guardian Deity tend to be powerful strategic thinkers who can objectively see the facts as they are, without bias or pre-conceived judgement. This is the reason why your strategies work so well in yielding the results you want.

The Weaknesses of the Great Moon: Over-analysis Paralysis

The influence of the Great Moon lends a certain aura of detachment to your personality. Despite being extremely articulate, you tend to struggle to get past the small talk. Of course you love sharing your opinions with others, however, sharing your emotions is a whole other matter.

At the same time, infinite knowledge can be both a blessing and a curse. Over-analysis paralysis is a real thing for people born under the influence of the Great Moon. And don’t forget, all that over-thinking carries an emotional price as well.

Which leads us to a very important question: with infinite knowledge at your disposal, are you ready for the information? Sometimes, ignorance really can be bliss.

How To Awaken Your Great Moon Powers?

Practice mindfulness to help you regain your perspective. With so much data swirling around your head, it is easy to get bogged down by the nitty-gritty to the point that you can no longer see the forest for the trees.

Therefore, one of the best ways to use the Great Moon is to command for clarity of information. Command for the wisdom to separate the chaff from the wheat. To discard what is unusable, and focus only on data that you can use.

Tongue (Not Quite) Firmly In Cheek…

What happens if your Great Moon gets out of control? Be prepared to be woken up at around 3am in the morning. This is a real phenomenon. Use the Great Moon too often, and you will find yourself wide awake at that ‘witching’ hour. Don’t worry, no spirits are coming for you. Instead, that is the hour where the Moon is at its strongest. And therefore, when you ask for information, guess what time it’s going to come knocking at the edges of your consciousness? At the time when your sub-conscious is at its most powerful, of course!

Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart

Does the Great Moon rule your subconscious mind? Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx


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Photo Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/feimo/art/Moon-647370222

Permission Statement:

All QiMenDunJia terminologies and the Qimen Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


Typically joyful, warm, a bit of a chatterbox, and certainly a social butterfly, meet the community builder of the universe – the Six Harmony.

Before We Go Any Further, I Am Talking About Your Subconscious

For the benefit of those who may not have been exposed to QMDJ, allow me a couple of sentences to explain. Qi Men Dun Jia is the Art of War. It is a tool designed for strategy and tactics (forecasting and execution). However, there is a spiritual side to Qi Men Dun Jia which believes that we are, each of us, naturally connected to one of ten universal energies.

The ten QMDJ deities are basically ten different manifestations of the universal energy. They are neither demons nor angels. Like all energy forms, they are neutral. Think of your personal deity as your subconscious. It is yours to command. It doesn’t rule you.

How To Know Which Of The 10 Represents Your Subconscious

First: Plot your Bazi Chart here: https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/

Next: At the top of your Chart, on the right (see diagram), there is a box containing your QMDJ destiny information.

Lastly: Look at the information under ‘Guardian Deity’

The Gifts Of The Six Harmony: The Ties That Bind

In the study of Qimen, the Six Harmony is literally equated as a joyous energy form that brings people together and fosters the ties that bind. It’s a little tiny bit like the Black Tortoise and Red Phoenix in the sense that it brings the gifts of influence. But in the case of the Six Harmony, this influence tends to be more emotional in nature and has a more pacifying and calming effect. In other words, a Six Harmony individual knows how to touch people’s hearts.

Those born with the Six Harmony as their ‘Guardian Deity’ tend to be very warm and approachable by nature. It will be super rare to find the Six Harmony alone. You are typically to be found right smack in the heart of a vivacious group.

This very sociability of the Six Harmony is also the reason why you are blessed with impeccable manners. Courtesy and kindness are very important to you.

The Six Harmony’s primary concern is the well-being of everyone you meet. You love to build flourishing communities and you love nothing more than to organize social events where you can bring diverse people to sit together at the same table. Social butterfly, much?

The Weaknesses of the Six Harmony: Wishy-washy

Along with the Six Harmony’s abilities to build communities come a very agreeable, versatile and flexible personality. Because of that, there is always a possibility that others view you as somewhat wishy-washy.

Due to your penchant and passion for creating a harmonious environment for everyone, you tend to be extremely concerned about the opinions of others. Any strong community (be it a physical or online community) will only thrive when it adheres to its shared sense of purpose.

You, on the other hand, believe that the group is only as strong as its weakest link. Because of that belief, you as the group leader or founder, may spend too much time bolstering up those whom you think are in need of your help. When this happens, the purpose may disintegrate, and the community that you have spent so much effort building, disperses.

How To Awaken Your Six Harmony Powers?

Network. Network. And more network! The more diverse your network, the more effective your Six Harmony powers become. Command the universe to bring more useful people into your orbit and focus your efforts on building meaningful relationships with each and every one of them. Yes, it’s that simple.

Tongue Firmly In Cheek…

What happens if your Six Harmony gets out of control? A second career awaits…

Traditional Chinese weddings typically have a female ’emcee’ known as the 大妗姐. Her job is to guide the ceremony and well, say nice things.

Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart

Does the Six Harmony rule your subconscious mind? Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx


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Photo Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/hiliuyun/art/Three-lives-three-times-a-peach-blossom-687767448

Permission Statement:

All QiMenDunJia terminologies and the Qimen Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


I know I’ve spent the last five weeks posting about the Qimen ‘Dark’ deities. Complete with cool pictures to boot! So, before I move on to the Yang deities, I thought I could share a case study when the ‘Dark’ Deities were used to get out of trouble. This is a real case study. ‘Coz it happened to me.


Some of you may not know, but my main gig is actually in motorsports. Motorcycle racing to be precise. Before Covid-19 came and disrupted our lives, I spent half my life travelling from one circuit to another.

August 2019, we organized the FIM Asia Road Racing Championship at the Zhuhai International Circuit in southern China. That was during the height of the Hong Kong protest movement. However, due to the proximity of Zhuhai to Hong Kong, most of us flew in via HKIA. In hindsight (which, of course is perfect), we should have flown in through a different Chinese city. But we were so damned sure that the airport would not be involved!

So we had an awesome event. Everyone was in a great mood as we crossed the Zhuhai-Hong Kong-Macau Bridge on August 12, 2019. That euphoria was short-lived. We got to the airport and was greeted by this:

All flights were cancelled. The airport train was inaccessible. No transport available to go to Macau. We couldn’t turn back to Zhuhai because our visa had lapsed the moment we left. There were approximately 44 of us in the crew.

Staying in the airport was out of the question. Now at this point, I must stress – at no time did the protesters ever made us feel worried about our safety. Our main concern was, if and when the police got to the airport, they would not bother to distinguish between visitors and protesters.


The only option we had was the public bus. Just get onto a public bus, all 44 of us. Don’t care where it’s heading. Getting out of the airport was the first priority.

The next challenge was to find enough hotel rooms to house 44 people. Luckily, we had contacts, so we managed to sort all that out.

At this point, no Qimen charts were involved yet. I was too busy solving immediate problems to even plot a chart. The priority then, was to get everyone to the safety of a hotel room.

We went to bed happy that night. All of us had received new boarding passes for our return flight the next day. So it was just to be a one-night stay in Hong Kong.


Waking up the next morning was a different story. The phone was binging non-stop. Everyone received new emails informing us that the boarding pass had been cancelled.

Time to plot a chart. At first glance, my heart sank to my knees. This was what I got:

This is a Fu Yin chart. Basically, all the elements are stagnant. The energy is completely stuck. But after I managed to pick my heart up from my knees and put it back where it belonged, it struck me. My question was not ‘Will we get out today?’ Instead, my question was, ‘How will we get out?’

This narrows the field down to the North West palace where the Open Door is. And then I remembered something from the JY Mastery Academy Course – almost a throwaway comment, really, but something I remembered: Deities are never Fu Yin, never stagnant.


So it seems the answer is to use the power of the deities. Now, I note that the chart showed 9 Heavens in the North West palace. However, out of 44 of us, there were only 5 with enough seniority to make decisions on the fly.

Out of these 5, I had one 9 Earth, one 6 Harmony, 2 Black Tortoise, and one Red Phoenix. Not a single 9 Heavens in sight. No matter. We work with what we’ve got.

So when we got to the airport with luggage in tow, I told the team that only 3 of us should go to the counter and negotiate. Basically, the two Black Tortoise and Red Phoenix with the inborn ability to influence people.

But of course, nobody listens (lol)!

Off went 9 Earth to make the first attempt. Here came 9 Earth with his tail between his legs. There goes the 6 Harmony to give it a shot. Oh hello, 6 Harmony, are you back already?

Then we sent the Red Phoenix. To the same counter. Meeting the same counter staff. Red Phoenix managed to get about 25 seats on a flight to Penang instead of Kuala Lumpur. So that effectively cuts down the group by half!

Next up was the Black Tortoise. Same counter, same counter staff. She confirmed another 14 for a late-night flight back to Kuala Lumpur.

Oh! And here’s a tip. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, get yourself into the departure lounge as soon as possible. Doesn’t matter if your flight is 10 or 12 hours away. Just go into the departure area. Because, as soon as you enter that area, it is the airline’s responsibility to get you out!

Back to the story. So that phenomenal success has whittled the group down to a very manageable five persons. So, off went the other Black Tortoise who managed to secure five seats on a flight to Singapore.


I think it’s important to stress. All those negotiations by the Red Phoenix and the two Black Tortoise did not involve any arguments. Just firm, polite negotiations.

As I’ve taken pains to explain in my posts. These are not some external deities (despite their misleading labels). These are latent abilities within us. The dark deities may seem scary. But at the end of the day, it’s about intent.

And that was how, with the help of the ‘Dark’ Deities, we overcame a FuYin chart.


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Permission Statement:

All QiMenDunJia terminologies and the Qimen Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


Students of the JY Mastery Academy would be familiar of the depiction of the Black Tortoise as Darth Vader from the Star Wars trilogy. I’ve often wondered why. I watched Star Wars so many decades ago, I can no longer remember Darth Vader’s super power. All I remember is weird and hollow breathing!

In general, the Black Tortoise is likened to a magician. For those of you who are familiar with the Dragonlance Chronicles, this deity reminds me of the mage, Raistlin (or to be more contemporary, perhaps Loki is better). It is unconventional. It is the most intuitive of the 10. And, it is the master of illusions.

Before We Go Any Further, I Am Talking About Your Subconscious

For the benefit of those who may not have been exposed to QMDJ, allow me a couple of sentences to explain. Qi Men Dun Jia is the Art of War. It is a tool designed for strategy and tactics (forecasting and execution). However, there is a spiritual side to Qi Men Dun Jia which believes that we are, each of us, naturally connected to one of ten universal energies.

The ten QMDJ deities are basically ten different manifestations of the universal energy. They are neither demons nor angels. Like all energy forms, they are neutral. Think of your personal deity as your subconscious. It is yours to command. It doesn’t rule you.

How To Know Which Of The 10 Represents Your Subconscious

First: Plot your Bazi Chart here: https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/

Next: At the top of your Chart, on the right (see diagram), there is a box containing your QMDJ destiny information.

Lastly: Look at the information under ‘Guardian Deity’

The Gifts Of The Black Tortoise: The Power of Persuasion

Black Tortoise individuals tend to be very adaptable, extremely intelligent, and very good at hiding that intelligence from the world. There is always a chameleon-like sense of fluidity about the Black Tortoise personality. In essence, your personality can change depending on who you hang out with. You become who you need to be, in that moment in time. With that in mind, for heaven’s sake, don’t hang out with addicts!

In this, the Black Tortoise and the Red Phoenix individuals share the same trait – the ability to adopt other people’s vernacular and vocabular. You are able to change your vocal tones, sentence structures, syntax and semantics to mirror the person you are talking to.

But before you label this skill as bad, most Black Tortoise and Red Phoenix individuals do not mirror with bad intentions. This is a skill that comes automatically and stems from a desire to enhance understanding. If you ‘speak’ their language, it will be easier to reach an accord.

And because of this, your ability to persuade and influence increases exponentially.

Additionally, the Black Tortoise also comes with the gift of empathy. Black Tortoise individuals can easily pick up non-verbal cues beyond the words that are pouring into your ears. You can sense feelings, emotions, and thoughts. It is very common for a strong Black Tortoise to provide the answer to a yet-unspoken question.

The Weaknesses of the Black Tortoise: Hello Schizo?

The world can be a very noisy place for a strong and connected Black Tortoise. Being the empath that you are, there is always a danger of absorbing too much and therefore, easily affected by other people. Try walking down the corridor of an airport. You feel simultaneously – excitement, anxiety, anticipation, boredom, and many more – all external of you.

Does this sound a little schizo? Maybe… but please do not slap a schizophrenia label on all Black Tortoise individuals. They are empaths. They can pick up on emotions and energy levels. But they’re not delusional!

The only way around this weakness is to mentally create an ‘off’ switch. This is a skill that needs to be practiced. For example, tell yourself – when I pull on my earlobes (just an example), I will stop picking up on these external cues.

How To Awaken Your Black Tortoise Powers?

First – programme yourself. As I’ve said before, the control of all the Qimen Deities require positive thinking. Because, again, they are neutral. They are neither good nor bad. They just are. If your thoughts and emotions are constantly negative, that becomes your reality. When you succeed in changing your thought patterns and get on the upward spiral, that too becomes your reality.

This requires practice. Because it is easier and more convenient to be negative than positive. Changing ourselves is how we change our destiny. And nobody ever said it was easy.

A great way to use the Black Tortoise powers is to have some knowledge or training in NLP. At the very minimum, get interested in learning body language skills. Not only will this help you with your own programming, but will also give you a deeper understanding of human behaviour.

Tongue Firmly In Cheek…

What happens if your Black Tortoise gets out of control? Oops…

Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart

Does the Black Tortoise rule your subconscious mind? Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx


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Photo Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/alternam/art/Raistlin-Magere-646840741

Permission Statement:

All QiMenDunJia terminologies and the Qimen Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


The Red Phoenix, the Qi Men Dun Jia, is literally the power of speech in all its forms. It’s the potency of self-expression and because of that, governs anything related to speech. On the positive spectrum, it symbolizes the arts, the spoken and written word, civilization itself, information, and intellectual property. On the flip side, it can also represent the negative side of words – arguments, rumours, and disagreements.

In a nutshell, when you have the Red Phoenix in your subconscious, your words have power!

Before We Go Any Further, I Am Talking About Your Subconscious

For the benefit of those who may not have been exposed to QMDJ, allow me a couple of sentences to explain. Qi Men Dun Jia is the Art of War. It is a tool designed for strategy and tactics (forecasting and execution). However, there is a spiritual side to Qi Men Dun Jia which believes that we are, each of us, naturally connected to one of ten universal energies.

The ten QMDJ deities are basically ten different manifestations of the universal energy. They are neither demons nor angels. Like all energy forms, they are neutral. Think of your personal deity as your subconscious. It is yours to command. It doesn’t rule you.

How To Know Which Of The 10 Represents Your Subconscious

First: Plot your Bazi Chart here: https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/

Next: At the top of your Chart, on the right (see diagram), there is a box containing your QMDJ destiny information.

Lastly: Look at the information under ‘Guardian Deity’

The Gifts Of The Red Phoenix: When Words Have Power

I’m sure you’re figured out by now that communications would be the primary skill for anyone with the Red Phoenix in their Destiny Palace. Animated, very persuasive and supremely articulate, the Red Phoenix individual has the capacity to influence others with nothing more than words.

Somehow, an individual with the Red Phoenix will always know the right words to use to the right person under the right circumstances. Your success lies in this key factor. Yours is the latent power to mesmerize, inspire, enthrall, charm and influence others to do your bidding.

You can use this gift to either spread hope or hate – it’s really up to you. As I’ve said earlier, the energy vibration is neutral. In the ancient days, people with strong Red Phoenix powers are typically the ones who are tasked with either articulating blessings or hurling curses. True fact!

The Weaknesses of the Red Phoenix: The Foot-In-Mouth Syndrome

Trouble comes when your mouth rules your brain instead of vice versa. Red Phoenix individuals tend to be a bit of a babble-mouth, frequently speaking out of turn and ending up in hot soup.

When this power is uncontrolled, the argumentative side of you surfaces. That sharp tongue of yours can easily sever the strongest bridges, especially when you get riled up.

How To Awaken Your Red Phoenix Powers?

Understand that words have power. Internalize it. Deepen your knowledge about languages. Have an intimate understanding of syntax and semantics. They matter!

Learn to speak from your core – your diaphragm. Most of us tend to be shallow breathers and we speak from our throats. When you learn to breathe into your diaphragm and speak with the voice of your diaphragm, that is your true voice of authority and power. 

And most of all, or perhaps easiest of all, change the way you speak to yourself and others. If you are someone who tends to talk in a negative parlance, then guess what… all those negative things you say come into actualization. So stop saying problems, call them opportunities instead. Stop saying ‘I can’t’, change it to ‘I will’.

Easier said than done? I agree – it takes practice. But just consider the ramifications – change your words, change your life!

Tongue Firmly In Cheek…

What happens if your Red Phoenix gets out of control? Oops… (I’m not condoning violence in any way, OK? Just that this was a very Red Phoenix moment).

Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart

Does the Red Phoenix rule your subconscious mind? Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx


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Photo Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/genzoman/art/Phoenix-Firebird-816437220

Permission Statement:

All QiMenDunJia terminologies and the Qimen Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


While the White Tiger is one of the easiest Qimen Deities to connect with, the Surging Snake – the Master of the Environment – is one of the more straightforward powers for Qimen newcomers to use. Because its effect is almost immediate. Want parking? Find parking! The problem is, for most people, their use of the Surging Snake powers does not expand beyond that simplistic usage. In other words, your Surging Snake may be trained only at the ‘find parking’ level.

Before We Go Any Further, I Am Talking About Your Subconscious

For the benefit of those who may not have been exposed to QMDJ, allow me a couple of sentences to explain. Qi Men Dun Jia is the Art of War. It is a tool designed for strategy and tactics (forecasting and execution). However, there is a spiritual side to Qi Men Dun Jia which believes that we are, each of us, naturally connected to one of ten universal energies.

The ten QMDJ deities are basically ten different manifestations of the universal energy. They are neither demons nor angels. Like all energy forms, they are neutral. Think of your personal deity as your subconscious. It is yours to command. It doesn’t rule you.

How To Know Which Of The 10 Represents Your Subconscious

First: Plot your Bazi Chart here: https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/

Next: At the top of your Chart, on the right (see diagram), there is a box containing your QMDJ destiny information.

Lastly: Look at the information under ‘Guardian Deity’

The Gifts Of The Surging Snake: The Gift of Observation

Also known as the God of Fire or the God of Deception, the Surging Snake also has a rather bad reputation. In Qimen forecasting, the presence of the Surging Snake indicates lies, misdirection and deceit.

But in the context of a Qimen destiny reading however, people born with the Surging Snake as their Guardian of Destiny are gifted with very strong survival instincts. The Surging Snake works by detecting anomalies in the energy field. It’s especially effective at detecting changes in energy vibrations. Because of this, people with strong Surging Snake connections are often gifted with sharp insight into what makes people tick.

Meet someone for the first time, and you will immediately figure out the energy pattern of the person. This process is so automatic that you probably don’t even know you are doing it. But once aware, you can use the power of the Surging Snake to enlighten. You can also use its powers to effect a change of emotions in the people near you.

This makes the Surging Snake a master at marketing to the masses. Just by radiating joy, you can influence others to feel the same. And vice versa, if you radiate fear, then Fear Marketing may be your natural selling style. By the way, Fear Marketing is something that the Surging Snake excels in – by triggering the survival instinct of everyone around you.

The Weaknesses of the Surging Snake: The Master of Lies?

Because of this ability, the unfortunate Surging Snake has been labelled as the Master of Lies. I guess it is easier to manifest the Yin instead of the Yang?  From the Surging Snake’s perspective, you are only telling people what they want to hear.

But beware the cost of this tangle of white lies and fudged truths. Because if you do it too often, you will start to assume that others around you are also engaging in deceit and untruths. This will frequently lead to relationship breakdowns due to trust issues.

How To Awaken Your Surging Snake Powers?

Most of us walk around in our daily lives with figurative ‘blinders’ on. So engrossed are we with our own lives (and mobile devices), that we often miss the physical clues around us. Training your Surging Snake powers require you to train your powers of observation. Put that mobile phone away. Walk with your head up, eyes open, constantly scanning the environment. Note what you observe. Is this a familiar route? Then in that case, what’s different about it today?

Try using a different route. Build up that courage to try something new. The survival instincts of the Surging Snake are honed.

Tongue Firmly In Cheek…

What happens if the Surging Snake gets out of control? Move to Asia and start a new career as ‘Rain Busters.’

True fact: those of us in Asian motorsports know that the Asian circuits (Sepang, Chang, and Mandalika) frequently hire ‘Rain Busters’ or known locally as Bomoh Hujan/Pawang Hujan. These practitioners are typically engaged for major international events. Their function? To keep the torrential tropical rain away.

This is a fact that I’ve always known. But it wasn’t until I studied QiMenDunJia that I figured out how they do it. Does it work? Like you wouldn’t believe!

Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart

Does the Surging Snake rule your subconscious mind? Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx


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Photo Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/almanegra/art/Stitcher-705322241

Permission Statement:

All QiMenDunJia terminologies and the Qimen Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


One of the easiest Qimen Deities to connect with, the White Tiger is the Guardian of Energy – all forms of energies. We’re talking about your physical energy, vitality and life force. With the power of the White Tiger lurking in your subconscious mind, White Tiger individuals are typically energetic, focused and very strong-willed. These are the people who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

Before We Go Any Further, I Am Talking About Your Subconscious

For the benefit of those who may not have been exposed to QMDJ, allow me a couple of sentences to explain. Qi Men Dun Jia is the Art of War. It is a tool designed for strategy and tactics (forecasting and execution). However, there is a spiritual side to Qi Men Dun Jia which believes that we are, each of us, naturally connected to one of ten universal energies.

The ten QMDJ deities are basically ten different manifestations of the universal energy. They are neither demons nor angels. Like all energy forms, they are neutral. Think of your personal deity as your subconscious. It is yours to command. It doesn’t rule you.

How To Know The White Tiger Represents Your Subconscious

1. Plot your Bazi Chart here: https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/

2. At the top of your Chart, on the right (see diagram), there is a box containing your QMDJ destiny information.

3. Look at the information under ‘Guardian Deity’

The Gifts Of The White Tiger: Physical Resilience

Physical resilience and endurance are the biggest strengths of the White Tiger. Ever heard of this saying: the mind is willing, but the body is not? No matter how grand our plans, regardless of how smart we may be, nothing can come into fruition without the will to take physical action.

People with the White Tiger as their Guardian of Destiny have great physical endurance. You can take a lot of pain. Basically, you advance by working harder and longer than your rivals. White Tiger individuals tend to be very prolific and productive. Somehow, you are able to find that extra ounce of ‘push’ to power your way through any obstacles or situations.

The Weaknesses of the White Tiger: Relationships

The White Tiger individual tends to experience stormy relationships with a number of people. Due to the aggressive and impulsive nature of this sub-conscious, White Tiger individuals are likely to be more abrasive.

There is certainly nothing wrong with being obsessed about your goals. In fact, it is a very laudable trait to have. However, know that disregard for the feelings of others may cost you a lot of opportunities and support.

How To Awaken Your White Tiger Powers?

This one’s easy. To use your White Tiger powers, you must first be physically fit. It’s time to hit the gym! The fitter you are, the better you will be able to control the White Tiger and command it to help you push the limits of your physical abilities. Command to have unlimited motivation, life force, and energy!

Tongue Firmly In Cheek…

What happens if the White Tiger gets out of control?

Sorry, that was just me being snarky! Haha! Until the next article… hope you enjoyed this.

Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart

Does the White Tiger rule your subconscious mind? Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx


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Photo Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/feimo/art/Full-Picture-682168894

Permission Statement:

All QiMenDunJia terminologies and the Qimen Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


In the practice of Qi Men Dun Jia, the Grappling Hook deity has a bad rep. Like a really, really bad rep! So bad, in fact, that most practitioners would shy away from using the Grappling Hook (me included!) It’s mysterious. And enigmatic. Worse, it has a number of very visible character flaws.

Before We Go Any Further, I Am Talking About Your Subconscious

For the benefit of those who may not have been exposed to QMDJ, allow me a couple of sentences to explain. Qi Men Dun Jia is the Art of War. It is a tool designed for strategy and tactics (forecasting and execution). However, there is a spiritual side to Qi Men Dun Jia which believes that we are, each of us, naturally connected to one of ten universal energies.

The ten QMDJ deities are basically ten different manifestations of the universal energy. They are neither demons nor angels. Like all energy forms, they are neutral. Think of your personal deity as your subconscious. It is yours to command. It doesn’t rule you.

So, expect a series of 10 articles around the 10 QMDJ deities. Since I am a sucker for self-punishment, I start with the hardest – the Grappling Hook.

How To Know Which Of The 10 Represents Your Subconscious

1. Plot your Bazi Chart here: https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/

2 At the top of your Chart, on the right (see diagram), there is a box containing your QMDJ destiny information.

3. Look at the information under ‘Guardian Deity’

What’s So Bad About The Grappling Hook?

Since the Grappling Hook has a bad rep, let’s get the negative stuff out of the way. The easiest way to visualize a powerful Grappling Hook behaving at his or her worst is to look at how this guy operates:

Narcissistic, ostentatious, and enamored with power, an uncontrolled Grappling Hook excels at causing confusion. Forget about the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing! When it comes to an uncontrolled Grappling Hook, the right hand doesn’t even know about the existence of the left hand. This is a master of disinformation and panic.

But notice, I stressed on the adjective ‘uncontrolled’. The negative traits manifest when the person succumbs to the sweet allure of power.

The Gifts Of The Grappling Hook

One of the biggest gifts of the Grappling Hook is an exploratory mind and mental resilience. For all the Grappling Hook’s stubborn insistence of doing things their way (and only their way), the Grappling Hook individual is curiously open-minded about alternative solutions.

In a way, this power is like the mixologist of the universe. It has the ability to bring techniques from different fields, mix them together, and come up with a brand new cocktail of solutions. This one has out-of-the-box thinking down pat!

The Grappling Hook also comes with a strong precognition about what works and what doesn’t. You just ‘know’!

Given the relentless grit gifted to the Grappling Hook individual, when you bend the powers of the Grappling Hook to your will, you become endowed with one of the most important universal gifts of all – mental resilience! The trick to using this gift is to stay in control. Never allow yourself to be trapped in the past.

The Grappling Hook also has the strongest affinity with nature, medicine, food, herbs, land, property and agriculture. What if you were to contribute this ability to find alternative solutions to the medical world or to environmental issues? Under such circumstances, when the lust for power is no longer self-serving, but serving a greater good instead, somehow it doesn’t seem so bad, does it? Although, I admit, this description is sounding a bit like Thanos!

How To Awaken Your Grappling Hook Powers?

The easiest way to awaken your Grappling Hook powers is to cultivate its biggest gift – your exploratory mind. Consciously widen your knowledge base. Get curious about… well, everything! Research!

Another way would be to use the journaling technique. Journal every experiment – what you did, the outcome and learnings. This journal is for keeps. When stumped by a seemingly unsolvable problem, flip through the journal. You’d be amazed at the solutions that suddenly seem ‘obvious’.

Lastly, the intent of using this subconscious power is the most important. Use it for the greater good or with the right intentions!

Tongue Firmly In Cheek…

And for those who are curious about what happens if you use it for the wrong cause…

Sorry, that was just me being snarky! Haha! Until the next article… hope you enjoyed this.

Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart

Does the Grappling Hook rule your subconscious mind? Plot your Qimen Destiny Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx


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Photo Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/genzoman

Permission Statement:

All QiMenDunJia terminologies and the Qimen Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


Gui Water (癸)  Day Masters, when your Companion element produces your Output star in the 2022 Ren Yin year, it’s time to party it up! But since life is not about all-play-and-no-work (I wish it was), let’s put the jokes aside and get down to it.


Gui Water 2022

Much like the Xin Metal (辛) Day Masters, the energies of 2022 also presents the Gui Water (癸) Day Masters with outward-facing opportunities.

  1. Granted, the Gui Water (癸) Day Master is already adept at social circumstances. You are able to meld with people of all backgrounds and lifestyle. Basically, you may be a bit mysterious, but you certainly know how to get around! With your Ren Water (壬) Rob Wealth star taking up prime spot on the Heavenly Stems, 2022 is your chance to increase your fan base and your tribe.
  2. Your Jia Wood (甲) Output star increases in strength with the advent of 2022. How do you then increase your fan base and tribe? By upskilling your verbal persuasive skills, of course.
  3. But it’s not all hot air, of course! Your Bing Fire (丙) Wealth star is reminding you that your ability to attracts fans must be anchored on solid responsibility and accountability.
  4. Much like Instagram influencers who gather fans for their actual achievements instead of personality, your Wu Earth (戊) Officer star is just waiting to confer social acceptance and status to you.

The energies of the 2022 Ren Yin year represent external opportunities that are being given to you. It’s up to you to take the plunge. An alternative way to use the energies of the 2022 Ren Yin? It’s a great year to learn from and model the success strategies of your competitors. Much of what they do will now be public. Lean from them!

As always, a final caveat. Without the ability to see the full chart, I must stress that the suggestions in this article are broad recommendations based on a single Day Master.

Are you a Gui Water Master? Plot your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.


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Photo by Yurii Khimanin on Unsplash

Permission Statement:

All Bazi terminologies and the Bazi Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.


If you are a Ren Water Day Master, the 2022 Ren Yin could possibly pan out in two different ways. It could either be a year where you expand your horizons, or it could also turn out to be a year of self-discovery. Since your Bazi chart belongs to you, you get to decide which one it’s going to be. Why not a little bit of both?


Most Ren Water Day Masters are renowned for their ability to get along with… well, pretty much everybody.

2022 Ren Yin
  1. With the overflow of your Friend Star in the 2022 Bazi chart, you can certainly look forward to plenty of networking opportunities. At the surface level, 2022 could be the year of new friends, new contacts, and perhaps even a new social circle! Like the river flowing inexorably to the sea, these new friends will play a critical role in expanding your horizons.
  2. With your Jia Wood (甲) Output star featuring prominently in 2022, you can certainly expect to meet new friends who share your lifestyle, ideals, dreams and aspirations. This will be a great time to explore new ideas together.
  3. With your Bing Fire (丙) Wealth Star and (4) Wu Earth (戊) Influence Star in play, you don’t need to worry about things being ‘all talk and no action’. The new ideas could lead to new collaborations which will require targeted action on your part. It’s time to enhance your ability to corral talents and leverage on your network.

The energies of the 2022 Ren Yin year represents external opportunities that are being given to you. It’s up to you to take the plunge. If nothing else, 2022 is also a great year to enhance your self-confidence and self-esteem by taking action towards realizing your dreams.

As always, a final caveat. Without the ability to see the full chart, I must stress that the suggestions in this article are broad recommendations based on a single Day Master.

Are you a Ren Water Master? Plot your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.


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Photo by Ivars Utināns on Unsplash

Permission Statement:

All Bazi terminologies and the Bazi Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.