Pictured as flowering aquatic plants, think lotus, water lillies or even those magnificent underwater kelp forests, the Yi Hai (乙亥) or Wood Pig pillar is undoubtedly one of the more attractive of the 60 pillars. If there is to be one word to sum up the Yi Hai, it would be the gift of Grace.

Stripping away all spiritual or religious connotations off the word, the verb grace very simply means to have a certain finesse or poise or an attractive manner of behaving. So… physically attractive, intelligent, daring and possessing of an almost incurable wanderlust… what can we do with this pillar?


The hidden roots of the aquatic plant, buried deep underwater, represents a person who is unaware of the talents and potential hidden beneath the surface. It’s not uncommon for many Yi Hai (乙亥) Day Masters to spend a lifetime in search of themselves.

Well, search no more. Let me lay it out right here for you.


  1. The Yi Hai (乙亥) or Wood Pig Day Master exhibits all the graces of the Yi Wood (乙) Day Element – kindly, unassuming, and unaffected. Most of all, you possess the flexibility and versatility that is the core of the Yi Wood. They say that only dead fishes go with the flow. Not so with the Yi Hai who naturally knows how to thrive in uncertain waters. You are the ultimate survivalist whose soft approach to life gives you a high level of adaptability and the knack for making the most of any situation. This in-born humility of the Yi Hai is a key factor in your success. Unlike other harder and prouder pillars, you are able to gracefully accept help from all quarters.  
  2. The humility of the Yi Hai (乙亥) or Wood Pig Day Master is genuine. As is the deep intelligence hidden below represented by your Ren Water (壬) Resource Star. Sustained by this intelligence star, absorbing new skills should be as easy as breathing for you. If you ever find yourself in a sink-or-swim sitch, I have no doubt that the Yi Hai will quickly learn to swim.
  3. Finally, your Jia Wood (甲) Companion star is the hidden anchor that props you up in life. This is the root of your ambition and ability to quickly grasp opportunities that float your way. This Jia Wood Companion star also offers tenacity. However, you will need to make conscious use of this ability. Which leads us to your biggest vulnerability…


The versatility of the Yi Hai or Wood Pig pillar may manifest as a certain type of wanderlust. Impulsive and impatient, the Yi Hai is always eager to be on the move, constantly searching for new environments where it can thrive.

You find those who stay rooted in one place almost incomprehensible. Because to you, letting go and moving on is so very easy. But, wait! Before you uproot again… ask yourself this – are you moving impulsively out of boredom, frustration, or disappointments?

There is a need here, to develop a persevering attitude, an anchor if you will, to conquer such impulsive behaviour long enough to achieve your goals. That’s where the rooting provided by your Jia Wood (甲) Companion star comes in.


The Yi Hai (乙亥) or Wood Pig Day Master is loaded with physical attractiveness, especially the women. This pillar has a magnetizing effect on others. Fun loving and creative, you have the ability to float in and out of diverse social environments and still thrive with grace, poise and finesse. People will tend to find you just a tad emotional and a bit of an oddball. But that’s just a part of the allure of the Yi Hai pillar!


The Yi Hai (乙亥) or Wood Pig is a pillar of untapped potential. Remember how I said earlier that many Yi Hai Day Masters spend a lifetime trying to find themselves? Well, find yourself through education, exploration and new experiences. Tap into the immense intellectual potential of this pillar either through formal or informal education.

As always, a final caveat. Without the ability to see the full chart, I must stress that the suggestions in this article are broad recommendations based on a single pillar.

Are you a Yi Hai Day Master? Plot your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.


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Photo by Kumiko SHIMIZU on Unsplash

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All Bazi terminologies and the Bazi Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

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