The Pig definitely ranks as the best Zodiac Sign of 2022. If you have the Pig in your Bazi Chart, start getting excited because you can look forward to a great year ahead!


The Pig in 2021 was pretty much so-so. You didn’t have a mile-long list of positive stars, but at the same time, there weren’t a whole lot of negative ones hanging about either. So let’s say that it was a pretty average year. The key to note, however, is the Sky Horse. This brings the opportunity to connect with people outside of your immediate physical locality or to connect with a different market segment. I hope you have activated your Sky Horse by using today’s technology to enhance your reach, because that will set the stage to all the good stuff that 2022 is looking to bring you.


2022 Pig


If you recall that I had described the Clash/Year Breaker for the Monkey, the 2022 Year of the Water Tiger brings a Combination to the Pig. This is called the Grand Duke Combination. Easily explained? You become the boss’s best friend!

The Grand Duke Combination specifically denotes wealth opportunities from business partnerships. How to activate this? You need to be visible, of course! You need to be talking to people! And most of all, you must learn the art of negotiating! If partnerships are the order of the day, then we must ensure that you get the best deal possible.


The Thriving star represents wealth opportunity from your friends. With this star in your sector, you must ensure that you stay in contact with friends new and old. 2022 is the year for you to seize opportunities and responsibilities.


As you re-activate your contacts or make new friends, some spendings will be natural. Of course, meeting up for dinner and drinks cost money! That’s what the Robbery Sha means – the possibility of losing money because of friends. But hey! How do you ensure you don’t lose too much? Learn to filter the invitations! You don’t need to accept every single one! And yes, we’re back to the key theme of 2022 for the Pig – learn to negotiate.


But no worries, the Heavenly Virtue and the Fortune Virtue comes to the Pig in 2022. With these two stars, the happy-go-lucky Pig becomes luckier! They are basically stars of blessings. With the Heavenly Virtue, obstacles in your way are removed, and you basically get lucky! The Fortune Virtue, on the other hand, enhances the effects of the other wealth stars.


The Prosperity star is also a blessings star. As its name denotes, it ushers in prosperity! Again, to use this star, you need to get yourself out there and networking. The Prosperity star will not be able to find you if you are sitting at home behind closed doors. Even if you don’t want to leave your home, make sure you continue to talk to people online.

While everything is looking great so far, there is a small tenuous link to the negative stars. To sidestep the following negative elements, there are only two things to keep in mind. Firstly, don’t get big-headed and secondly, train yourself to quickly evaluate options!


When things are going well, it’s natural for us to become impatient for more. This is the warning of the Goat Blade. You may find yourself feeling stubborn and intractable. Like the world is filled with idiots! Watch out! This is the time to re-set your energy level back to the happy-go-lucky Pig that you know you can be. Chill!


I’m going to deal with the Curled Tongue and Crossing Sha together. Both indicates problems with your relationship with others. In the case of the Curled Tongue, it basically indicates arguments brought about by petty gossip.

The Crossing Sha can be a bit more serious as it could possibly (and I stress, possibly) denote legal problems. So with the Crossing Sha hanging about, train yourself to be more precise and decisive.


Drapes is a star that could potentially cause emotional issues. If we look at the negative stars in sequence, if you are feeling intractable and irascible (Goat Blade), you end up having arguments with people (Curled Tongue and Crossing Sha), and then you feel depressed.

“Nobody understands me!” you wail.

These emotional stars are for us to manage. If we are conscious of our actions and we understand that we control our emotions instead of the other way around, there is no reason why these negative stars should trip us up.


Final warning! If we allow our emotions to get the best of us, not only could you lose the effects of the positive stars, there is the Cascading Cloud which puts us in a fog of anger and revenge. The effects of the Cascading Cloud is like being lost in the fog. You lose sense of direction. It’s not a pleasant feeling.

Which leads us to…


With so many Wealth stars coming to the Pig in 2022, surely learning to manage your emotions is but a small price to pay!

  1. With the Grand Duke Combination and Thriving star, you really must learn to negotiate and be decisive about the opportunities that come your way.
  2. This is the time to take on more responsibilities.
  3. 2022 will be a great year for the Pig to focus on your investments.


The Pig Zodiac Sign could potentially fall in your Year, Month, Day, or Hour Pillar. To plot your Bazi chart, please your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.

Year Pillar

The Year pillar governs your interaction with the world – your industry, social networks, friends, and personal branding. One word summary: social media! If the Pig falls in your Year Pillar, all the more reason you must be out there talking to people! Exchange ideas. Offer solutions or suggestions.

The Year Pillar is our biggest pillar. And when opportunity comes in from the outside… you have to put yourself out there.

Month Pillar

The Month pillar governs your career and work – your bosses, colleagues, and partners. If the Pig falls in your Month, then look out for opportunities to collaborate with different parties where your career is concerned. While the positive stars are not exactly promotion stars, more hands means less work. More people involved means bigger impact! So start collaborating!

With other talents involved, suddenly, you may find that the obstacles in your way are easily removed. Things go smoother for you.

Day Pillar

The Day pillar governs your self and your spouse. If the Pig falls in your Day, your spouse will find a lot of opportunities to partner with people. Go for networking events together! Don’t just stay home. Go out there together, meet up with friends, enjoy each other’s company! Who knows where the conversation might lead you?

If you are single, and the Pig falls in your Day. You want to use these stars for yourself. In this case, the Grand Duke Combination can mean that people are attracted to work with you because of who you are. These collaborations may happen outside of your work or career. In other words, these partnerships could be side-gig opportunities. But here’s the thing, you must filter the invitations. Not every offer will be beneficial. So how to filter? Understand the value of your personal expertise and time. With so many wealth stars in 2022, you should be charging for your time and solutions.

Hour Pillar

The Hour pillar governs your thoughts, ideas, ideals and investments. This pillar also represents your children and subordinates.  

If you are a business owner, your staff could have some valuable contacts that they can bring to you. Alternatively, they could be the parents of your kids’ friends. In other words, the PTA (Parent Teacher Association). This could be one way to look at it.

If you are a career professional, this would be a good time to study your investment portfolio and search for new opportunities.


Now, remember! The Annual Auxiliary Stars make up only 12% to 15% of your Year. It’s just one layer of reading. To understand and create strategies for a successful year ahead, hit me up for a personal consult. Let’s co-create your strategy together and make 2022 your best year yet!


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The author and publisher, Paulynne Cheng, has made her best efforts to produce this 2022 guide. The information contained in this blog has been verified from various sources, websites and public medias. However, she makes no warranties of any kind with regards to the contents of this blog and accept no liability of any kind for any losses and damages caused from using the information in this blog.