This one is so easy to write. With a formation that sits on its own Growth and Nobleman star, along with the Artistic Eating God Formation, what else could the Gui Mao (癸卯) have but the gift of creativity?


Have you ever wandered out into your garden or to a park at sunrise? That magical hour between complete darkness and full sunlight, when the sky is tinged a rosy pink from the early rays of the sun. Look down! See the morning dew glistening on the leaves and flowers? That little drop of water resting gently on the petals is what the Gui Mao pillar represents.

Isn’t it a beautiful image? Just like the morning dew, the Gui Mao Day Master is gentle and just a tiny bit ethereal.

But what lurks beneath this conservative, compassionate and kind persona is what we are really interested in. Because this Artistic Eating God Formation indicates an acute intelligence, extreme clarity of thought, and a Day Master who is unabashedly creative.

But before we talk about making this better, let’s explore the strengths of the Gui Mao pillar.


Gui Water () Day Master

Let’s start with your Gui Water (癸) Day Master. Ethereal, changeable, and mysterious, most Gui Water Day Masters tend to be easy to know, but difficult to comprehend. Think of Gui Water as the clouds – pretty, puffy, white clouds one minute, looming thunderstorms the next! And we have not even met the most mysterious of the Gui Water yet!

This changeability of the Gui Water makes it easy for you to work well with others. But even more importantly, lies a hidden talent that most Gui Water may not be aware of – the ability to subtly change the ideas, beliefs, and emotions of others. This makes the Gui Mao a very astute people-observer.

Yi Wood () Output Star

Your Gui Water Day Master produces your Yi Wood (乙) Output star. In your case, this star represents your eternal quest for knowledge, your active imagination, as well as your idealistic and highly individualistic approach to life.

In fact, one of the stand out characteristics of the Gui Mao Day Master is your openness to knowledge from any source. Constantly exploring, the more you learn, the more creative you become. But more than that, your Gui Water represents emotions and ideas. Your Eating God represents effective thinking.

Put the whole picture together, and you get a Day Master who excels at coming up with fast, effective, spur-of-the-moment, and out-of-the-box solutions. This means, that you are not the type to absorb and regurgitate information. Instead, the more knowledgeable you are, the better you become at creating new ideas or solutions.

Mao () or Rabbit Branch

And then we have your Mao (卯) or Rabbit branch. This is your personal nobleman star. Technically, it is called the Day Noble. When there is nobility in the chart, it typically means that you have access to support from other people. But if you want to take it to the next level, think of it this way – you have the capacity to help others.

But what or how does this nobility pan out? Specifically, in your case as a Gui Mao Day Master, it typically pans out as access to information. Multiple sources of information. The larger your network of information, the easier it is for your Artistic Eating God Formation to create new lines of thinking and solution. Nothing delights the Gui Mao more than the ability to come up with new ideas and new approaches.


Like all Gui Day Masters, the first impression you give is as someone who is friendly and able to get along with anyone. Likability factor is high, given that this Gui Water Day Master sits on the Mao (卯) Branch which is also a Peach Blossom star.

However, the Gui Mao can seem to be just a little cold or detached. Some might even go as far as to label you a ‘diva’. Here’s why: while the Gui Mao Day Master is friendly, you are also extremely discerning. The Gui Mao pillar does not deal with blind acceptance. In other words, it will not tolerate fools!


Beware the negative thoughts. This will tend to happen when Water energies are particularly strong. In this case, it is a matter of tweaking your internal conversations to turn the negative into the positive.

The morning dew needs something to rest upon – usually, it’s the leaves and petals. This scenario denotes the sense of belonging that is always sought by the Gui Mao. You demand perfection in your relationships. But there is no such thing as a perfect relationship! As a result, please be aware that this elusive sense of belonging may inadvertently translate into an excessive attachment to the material world. When your sense of self-happiness and self-satisfaction is driven by what you have instead of what you create, it’s time to pull the hand-brakes!


Even though the Gui Mao sits only on a single hidden stem, it seems to be already loaded with gifts. So how to make it better?

This Yi (乙)Wood Eating God must be protected at all costs. In this case, one recommendation is for you to learn better management skills. It could be time management, or people management, or let’s just put it under a single umbrella and call it resource management.

I know this sounds counter-intuitive. Why am I proposing a recommendation that seems to constrain creativity instead of unleashing it? On the contrary, better time management helps you free up more hours for creativity and helps you stay focused. Better resource management helps you prioritize and improve your creative output.

As always, a final caveat. Without the ability to see the full chart, I must stress that the suggestions in this article are broad recommendations based on a single pillar.

Want to find out if you have the Gui Mao pillar somewhere in your chart? Plot your Bazi Chart with this free resource (registration required) https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/.


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Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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All Bazi terminologies and the Bazi Chart referred here are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd. For more information on services and courses offered by Dato Joey Yap and/or Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd, please visit www.joeyyap.com.