The influence of the Earth Snake (Ji Si) pillar is particularly strong in May 2024. With three Ji Si duplicating themselves in the May 2024 Bazi Chart, the energy of the month talks about having the confidence to persevere, even when productivity is on the downtrend.


May 2024 Bazi

With the Snake month comes the following Auxiliary Stars:

Positive Stars

  • Sun
  • Sky Happiness
  • Intelligence
  • Heavenly Chef

Negative Stars

  • Sky Emptiness
  • Bad Qi
  • Robbery Sha
  • Solitary


Let’s delve into the month’s energy with a glance at the Bazi Chart for May 2024.

May 2024 Bazi

At first glance, this is also an earth-bound chart, but without any conflict or interactions with the Dragon year.

The April 2024 Bazi Chart was akin to an avalanche blocking a mountain pass. Innovation was required to get through the obstacles. But having successfully navigated our way past the rubble of boulders, we find ourselves in a vast, semi-arid land. To cross this land, endurance is required.

In the traditional interpretation of Bazi, the Ji Si is indeed visualized as raw jade formed from the slow movement of the earth. I like to see the Ji Si as a diamond in the raw – carbon particles compacted until something rare and precious is created. Indeed, the Ji Si is all about endurance.


May 2024 Bazi

The Monkey

The Monkey goes through a mini Combination, Punishment and Destruction. But again, be mindful that it’s just a month’s energy, so the impact won’t be large. Opportunities may be coming to you which may cause a change of plans. As a result, you may not be feeling too happy about it.

The Pig

Change up something, or create more variety. Depends on where the Pig is in your Chart.

The Tiger

You might be feeling a little restless in May. Good time for a short break to acquire new experiences?

The Ox and the Rooster

Offers of collaboration might be coming to you in May. Your job, is to sieve through the offers, and pick wisely.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


When your Direct Resource year meets with your Hurting Officer month, it’s time for the Ding Fire Day Master to stand out. In a month such as April 2024’s Wu Chen energy, a little self-promotion couldn’t hurt!

Here are some ideas:

Define Your Personal Brand (7 Killings)

Before you can effectively promote yourself, you need to define your personal brand. What are your strengths, values, and unique selling points? What sets you apart from others in your field? Take some time to reflect on these questions and craft a compelling personal brand statement that encapsulates who you are and what you have to offer.

Share Your Expertise (Indirect Resource)

One of the most effective ways to promote yourself is by sharing your expertise with others. Write blog posts, articles, or whitepapers on topics relevant to your industry. Offer to speak at conferences or webinars. By positioning yourself as a thought leader in your field, you’ll attract attention and build credibility

Update Your Online Presence (Hurting Officer)

Your online presence is often the first impression people have of you, so it’s important to make it count. Update your LinkedIn profile, personal website, and social media accounts to reflect your personal brand. Use professional photos, compelling headlines, and engaging content to showcase your skills and expertise.

However, I just want you to know that a month where visibility is so high does bring some risks. Because you are so visible, the possibilities of becoming a scapegoat is also increased. But we can’t let other people’s potential actions detract us from making the best of the coming month, can we? Unless, of course, you work in a politically-charged environment? Perhaps being scapegoated is just another hidden opportunity for transformation that may require the burning away of the old to make way for the new?


For the Bing Fire Day Master, the 2024 Jia Chen makes this your Indirect Resource year, while April 2024’s Wu Chen represents your Eating God. Both the Indirect Resource and Eating God stars are connected to creativity. So when your Indirect Resource meets the Eating God on the Heavenly Stems, setting time aside to focus on unleashing your creative juices would be a great use of the month’s energy.

Creativity is a powerful force that resides within each of us, waiting to be unleashed and expressed in myriad ways. Whether you’re an artist, a writer, an entrepreneur, or simply someone looking to infuse more creativity into your life, tapping into your creative potential can lead to personal growth, innovation, and a deeper sense of fulfilment.

Create a Creative Environment (Direct Officer)

Your environment plays a significant role in fostering creativity. Create a space that inspires you, whether it’s a dedicated art studio, a cozy corner with a comfortable chair and good lighting, or a digital workspace with the tools you need. Surround yourself with things that fuel your creativity, such as books, art supplies, or inspirational quotes, and let your muses talk.

Embrace Curiosity and Open-Mindedness (Direct Resource)

Creativity thrives in an environment of curiosity and open-mindedness. Be willing to explore new ideas, perspectives, and experiences. Ask questions, challenge assumptions, and approach the world with a sense of wonder. By nurturing your curiosity, you’ll open yourself up to new possibilities and inspire your creative thinking.

Cultivate a Creative Mindset (Eating God)

Developing a creative mindset is essential for unleashing your creativity. This involves being open to experimentation, embracing failure as a learning opportunity, and being willing to take risks. Let go of perfectionism and judgment, and allow yourself the freedom to explore and create without constraints. In other words, feel free to go hog-wild! It’s often said in Bazi that with the Eating God in a Bazi chart, the Chart Owner will never go hungry. Because the Eating God represents the ability to create. Which means that the Chart Owner possesses the innate ability to create something new to help them reach their goals, whatever it may be. Supported by this ability, it’s more likely for the person to feel more optimistic about the future.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


For the Yi Wood Day Master, April 2024 is the month to hunker down, dig deep, and plod onwards with some good old-fashioned hard work. The hidden Yi Wood in the Dragon anchors you. The hidden Gui Water in the Dragon provides resource and some incidental noble people as well. With these two supporting you, it’s time to make the most of your Direct Wealth month.

Below are all the actions connected to the Direct Wealth:

Setting Clear Goals

The first step to making things happen is to set clear, achievable goals. These goals should be specific, measurable, and time-bound. Whether you want to start a new project, learn a new skill, or improve your health, having a clear goal will give you direction and motivation.

Planning and Preparation

Once you have your goals in mind, it’s time to create a plan of action. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks, and create a timeline for completing them. Consider what resources you’ll need and how you can best prepare yourself for success.

Taking Action Every Day

The key to making things happen is consistent action. Commit to taking at least one small step towards your goals every day, no matter how busy you are. This could be as simple as reading a chapter of a book, practicing a new skill for 30 minutes, or making a phone call to someone who can help you.

Overcoming Obstacles

As you work towards your goals, you’re likely to encounter obstacles and setbacks. Instead of letting these challenges derail you, see them as opportunities to learn and grow. Stay flexible and be willing to adjust your plan if necessary.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


The Jia Wood Day Master sees a Friend star in the year. Suddenly, the forest feels mighty congested. The only way for a tree to stand out among a forest of trees is to either branch out or grow taller. In human terms, we define this as acquiring more talents. In that case, April 2024 which represents your Indirect Wealth month, becomes a perfect time to perfect your Unique Value Proposition.


In today’s competitive job market, professional landscape and business world, it’s more important than ever to define and articulate your unique value proposition. Your unique value proposition (UVP) is what sets you apart from others in your field and helps you stand out to potential employers, clients, or collaborators.

Your unique value proposition is a combination of your skills, experiences, and qualities (Direct Resource) that make you uniquely valuable to others. It’s about identifying what makes you different from others in your field and how you can leverage that uniqueness to achieve your goals. Your UVP should be authentic and based on your true strengths and passions.

To define your UVP, start by identifying your strengths and passions. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Reflect on your past experiences and accomplishments to identify patterns and themes. Consider seeking feedback from others, such as mentors, colleagues, or friends, to gain a different perspective on your strengths and areas for improvement.

Your UVP should align with your professional goals and aspirations (Indirect Wealth). Consider what you want to achieve in your career and how your unique value proposition can help you get there. For example, if you’re passionate about using technology to solve complex problems, your UVP might be your ability to simplify technical concepts for non-technical audiences.

Once you’ve defined your UVP, it’s important to communicate it effectively to others (Rob Wealth). This can be done through your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, or personal website. Use specific examples and stories to illustrate your unique value proposition and demonstrate how it has contributed to your past successes.

Your unique value proposition is not static; it can evolve over time as you gain new experiences and skills. It’s important to regularly revisit and refine your UVP to ensure that it remains relevant and compelling. Seek out new opportunities for growth and development that align with your unique value proposition.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


For the Gui Water Day Master, April 2024 sees your Direct Officer sitting on another Direct Officer. One Direct Officer is great. Too many becomes rigid and stubborn. This formation can sometimes (and I stress, sometimes), bring about a power struggle. If you find yourself stuck in this type of situation, let integrity, honesty and trust be your guiding light. With your Hurting Officer in the Year countering the Direct Officer in the Month, a little diplomacy may be in order.


Power struggles can be challenging and often result in negative outcomes for all involved. However, by leveraging the values of integrity, honesty, and trust, it is possible to navigate these situations with grace and achieve positive resolutions.

Integrity is crucial in a power struggle because it demonstrates a commitment to doing what is right, regardless of the circumstances. When faced with a power struggle, it’s important to stay true to your principles and values. This means being honest about your intentions and motivations, and acting in a way that is consistent with your beliefs. By demonstrating integrity, you can earn the respect and trust of others, which is essential for resolving conflicts and building consensus.

Honesty is another key value that can help overcome a power struggle. In a power struggle, it can be tempting to bend the truth or withhold information to gain an advantage. However, honesty is always the best policy. By being honest about your intentions, concerns, and needs, you can build trust with the other party and create a foundation for open and constructive communication. Trust is perhaps the most important value when it comes to overcoming a power struggle. Trust is built over time through consistent behavior and honest communication. In a power struggle, it’s important to demonstrate trustworthiness by following through on your commitments and respecting the perspectives of others. By building trust, you can create a more collaborative and mutually beneficial outcome.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


The Ren Water Day Master has an interesting relationship with your Wu Earth 7 Killings star. While yes, we don’t like the 7 Killings because it may mean problems, but for the Ren Water Day Master, your Wu Earth 7 Killings brings an added benefit in the form of guidance. In a month where you see Eating God in the Year and 7 Killings in the Month, expect to feel your creativity being channelled into a specific direction.


Creativity is a powerful force that drives innovation, fosters personal growth, and fuels passion. However, the process of creativity can sometimes feel elusive or overwhelming. This is where the concept of guided creativity comes into play, offering a structured approach to unleashing your creative potential.

Guided creativity provides a framework or set of guidelines to help channel your creative energy in a productive and focused manner. It’s about balancing freedom and structure, allowing you to explore new ideas while staying grounded in a clear direction. This approach can be particularly useful when facing creative block or when working on complex projects that require innovative solutions.

One of the key benefits of guided creativity is that it helps you stay on track and maintain momentum. By providing a roadmap for your creative journey, guided creativity ensures that you don’t get lost in the process or lose sight of your goals. It also helps you stay organized and efficient, maximizing your creative output.

Guided creativity can also help you overcome fear and self-doubt. When you have a clear framework to guide you, it’s easier to take risks and experiment with new ideas. This can lead to breakthroughs and discoveries that might not have been possible otherwise.

Another benefit of guided creativity is that it can enhance collaboration and teamwork. By providing a common framework for creative exploration, guided creativity can help team members align their efforts and work towards a shared vision. This can lead to more cohesive and innovative outcomes.

So, how can you harness the power of guided creativity in your own life? Start by defining clear goals and objectives for your creative endeavors. This will provide a roadmap for your creative journey and help you stay focused and motivated. Next, explore different techniques and tools for guided creativity, such as brainstorming exercises, mind mapping, or creative prompts. These can help stimulate your imagination and guide your creative process in new and exciting directions.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


Experience is a valuable asset that can open doors and create opportunities. However, it’s not just about the quantity of experience but also the creative ways in which we leverage it. In this blog post, we’ll explore how the Xin Metal Day Master can creatively leverage experience to unlock new possibilities and achieve greater success by using the energies of April 2024.


One of the key aspects of creative leveraging (Indirect Wealth) is the ability to identify transferable skills and knowledge (Eating God). Take stock of your past experiences (Indirect Resource) – both professional and personal – and look for common themes, skills, and lessons learned. These can form the foundation for new opportunities and endeavours.

For example, if you have a background in marketing but are interested in transitioning to a different field, such as event planning, you can leverage your marketing experience to highlight your skills in communication, project management, and budgeting, which are all relevant to event planning.

Another way to creatively leverage experience is to think outside the box and explore unconventional opportunities (Indirect Resource). Look for ways to apply your skills and knowledge in new and innovative ways. For instance, if you have a background in finance, you could explore opportunities to use your analytical skills to improve processes in a non-profit organization.

Networking is also a powerful tool for creative leveraging. Connect with people from diverse backgrounds and industries, and explore how your experience can complement theirs. You never know where a new connection might lead or what opportunities it might uncover.

Furthermore, don’t underestimate the value of continuous learning and personal development. As you gain new experiences and skills, look for ways to incorporate them into your existing knowledge base. This can not only enhance your expertise but also open up new avenues for creative leveraging.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


Let’s look again at what happens during a landslide or an avalanche. While on the surface, it seems like there is a big mess. But what was previously hidden inside the mountain, any gold veins or previous metals, is now visible. For the Geng Metal Day Master, April 2024 is like a month where you discover hidden talents or aspects of yourselves that you never knew.


We all possess hidden talents waiting to be uncovered, talents that can enrich our lives and those around us. However, the process of uncovering these talents comes with a caveat: the risk of becoming over-confident. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to uncover hidden talents while maintaining humility and balance.

The journey of uncovering hidden talents often begins with self-reflection and exploration. It’s about being open to new experiences and stepping out of your comfort zone. Try new things, explore different interests, and pay attention to activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. These can be clues to your hidden talents waiting to be discovered.

Once you’ve identified a potential talent, it’s important to nurture and develop it. This may involve seeking out mentors, taking classes, or practicing regularly. Embrace the learning process and be patient with yourself as you progress. Remember, talent is not just about innate ability; it’s also about effort and dedication.

As you begin to see progress in your chosen talent, it’s natural to feel a sense of accomplishment. However, it’s important to guard against becoming over-confident. Over-confidence can blind us to our weaknesses and prevent us from continuing to grow and improve.

One way to guard against over-confidence is to stay humble. Recognize that there is always more to learn and room for improvement. Surround yourself with people who will challenge you and provide honest feedback. Stay curious and open-minded, and be willing to accept constructive criticism.

Another way to prevent over-confidence is to maintain a sense of perspective. Remember that talent is just one aspect of who you are. Focus on developing a well-rounded personality and continue to pursue a variety of interests. This will not only keep you grounded but also make you a more interesting and dynamic individual.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.


For the Ji Earth Day Master, your role in April 2024 is to find the short cuts. In the fast-paced world of leadership, finding shortcuts (Indirect Wealth) to problems (7 Killings) can be a game-changer. While the idea of shortcuts may conjure up images of cutting corners or sacrificing quality, when used wisely, they can actually enhance leadership by increasing efficiency, boosting productivity, and fostering innovation.


One key aspect of effective leadership is the ability to navigate complex challenges and find solutions quickly and efficiently. This requires a keen understanding of the problem at hand, as well as the creativity and resourcefulness to identify alternative approaches. By finding shortcuts – alternative paths that lead to the same or similar outcomes – leaders can streamline processes, save time and resources, and ultimately achieve better results (Indirect Wealth).

One way to find shortcuts is by leveraging technology and automation. By identifying repetitive tasks or processes that can be automated, leaders can free up time for themselves and their teams to focus on more strategic activities. For example, using project management software to streamline workflow or implementing AI-powered tools to analyze data can help leaders make more informed decisions in less time. Alternatively, when facing a time crunch, a Bazi practitioner happily leverages on ChatGPT to save time.

However, it’s important for leaders to exercise caution when seeking shortcuts. Not all shortcuts are beneficial, and some may lead to unintended consequences if not carefully considered. Leaders should always weigh the potential risks and rewards of any shortcut and ensure that it aligns with their overall goals and values.


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Disclaimer: Paulynne is NOT a Medical, Legal, Financial advisor or Councilor. She is a Bazi and Feng Shui Consultant who utilises her knowledge of Bazi, Qimendunjia and Feng Shui to look at the energy imprint surrounding events, situations or people. These readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and should NOT BE TAKEN as absolute proof or concrete evidence or advice. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel.